What was, in your opinion, the best Sonic game ever? (The 2D ones count too) Personally my favorites were ( and still are) : The original Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Adventure.
^I think so too. Crapy story, lazy graphics and mostly boring missions.. the only thing nice was that you personalize the guns..
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Spartan : Total Warrior and Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix are 2 of the most awsome games I have ever played. They easily surpass Sly 3 and Rachet and Clank.
Always thought that Sephiroth was more of a action guy, than a thinking guy... Just never had many proofs of it... But now, I have.... although it's not the best one... XD
I didn't do anything!!! :sweat:* hides massive nuclear weapons; guns; and swords*:sweat: