... Polygamist.
I've never had braces. :3
So how many of them have you played, tried, finished, etc.? [x]]Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney/ Gyakuten Saiban [ ]Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All/ Gyakuten Saiban 2 [x]Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations/ Gyakuten Saiban 3 [x]Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney/ Gyakuten Saiban 4
The men in the white coats? o.o
He makes me happy. :D
The truth being the matter... I have yet to obtain Final Form. XD
Har. Har. Har.
Keep it up. ^_^
English: My second language, although now it's become my best language. >_> Vietnamese: My first language. I can only speak basic level and I can understand some of it.
Har. Har.
As convienent as it would be for teenagers at that age and for families who are busy---no. Conviency isn't better than safety. EVER. As much as many of us hate the wait until 15 to at least get a permit-which I'm doing this year-and 16 to drive, it's safer that way. You don't honestly want some crazy 15-year-old kid driving on the streets, would you? Most sane parents and adults would object to something like that. I don't think they would want to put their kids on the streets at an early only to possibly be killed even more easily than usual. Automobile accidents are bad enough already with 16 year olds and I highly doubt it would get any better with 15 year olds.
It's easy to piss off an anime fan by doing two things at least: 1. Saying that anime sucks bluntly. 2. Anime isn't the best/most important thing in the world. Gets 'em everytime.
What's with the Starbucks? Are you honestly saying that the Americans should only stay in Iraq for their oil? What are we, golddiggers? So the lady sets some stations on fire. What's the gonna do? Sure she's showing that she despises high gas prices but that's all she's doing. Burning gas stations because of prices isn't going to help anybody and I highly doubt that the government can do anything about it. She is brave for doing something that radical, I'll give her that, but as Repliku has stated, that's most definitely not the best way to convey her message. It may seem like petitions and protests aren't working out so well, but resorting to destroying foundations isn't any better.
I see nothing. D:
Lvl 37 Proud Mode Oathkeeper I had to use all 6 of my Elixirs since I was playing my cousin's underleveled file and he didn't get Aerial Dodge. ^_^;
If he's following the game, whenever you say something stupid, you lose an exclamation point.
Are you a pyromaniac? =D
Your long posts make me feel smart inside since I can understand them. =D
You can answer the phone now. =D
Fad is blasphemy.