Can you read this ABCDEFG kldsfssdf ABSCDEF oupwoulz jklmnopqr well long sincei posted a useloss post on spam topic so here it is.
who doesnt like wolves,tigers,lions,ligers,monkeys,puppies,kitties =D
dont ask for attention please. PS:im naturally dont take it personally.
get out if your not gonna back mouse =D anyways its been a while since i cnc one of your tags. V.1 has to be the fowl best bro.the placement of the girl,the lighting,the effects. you really did a good job on this.i dont really have anything bad to say about it. good job =D.and keep on working on tags for me since i retired.
TBH i think she just made that little letter to make us (the adm)feel sorry about banning her.i mean brining up that roxas was unbanned many times deeply states that it isnt fair she got banned and isnt unbanned.she was annyong and thats the end of the story.
im the same your not the only one.
what you mean 2nd version?what FW you got?
you need custom firmware to play the ps1 games.
ya know,all these things can be explained scientificly.there are no ghosts people.when things dturn on automaticaly it can possibly be a short circuit.power went out and than it went back so the things turn happens fast so you think it was some supernatural behavior doing for seeing stuff.that happens because of your own makes you imagine stuff in the can make noises that arent even there.and make you see stuff.this mostly happens in the dark because most people are afraid of the dark even though they dont like admitting as i said.all of this can be explained schientificaly.
a girl i loved =P,was a partial mod on the old forum.and now is fulltime mod.made a userbar for her along time ago.nice girl to talk to.loves rise against lol. [for misty lol]
well have a nice and safe trip bro.btw where is it that your going?vegas?lol
dont know you really.i think you RP with some people.i dont bother going here as much anymore.
can i have the 2 sephiroths code bored and gonna try the fight with them.
no idea darky.well im gone now.sleepy time for old clipsey.laters
since according to some people spamzone is boring now.i make a stupid topic. ALICE may i have a baby sandwich please. that will be all. kthnxbai
lol i havent been in it,well only once for like 30 secs.but im starting to like the chat channel.its really bringing out the most pathetic people in these forums.complaining about being kicked out of it.i find this quite funny.why would you want to be in the chat channel.use aim or any other messanger if you really want to talk to friends.get kicked accept it.anyways not gonna be posting much anymore on the arts thread or any other thread at that.since im quite busy now.nothing more to say so yea..
hmmm...tag is fairly simple to accomplish.the little blocks is an old style lots of people used to do to make the text more stylish. clipping masks look good. a little more depth could have been good. its a good tag though. add a border next time.cause the top right corner isnt looking good with that bit of line.
sheesh..i wonder what all you kids would do if the site really was never back on.prob cry.its just a site.its good that ds is trying to uncover the attackers.but come on people.theres a WHOLE lot other things you can do besides waiting for this site to come back on when its not.most of you just act like kids when it comes to this stuff.
Well i finally got my copy of the game,and am enjoying online with my hacked characters lol.i just had to get my own.anyways if anyone here has the game and is able to play online please write down your player names.and maybe we can play sometime. mines: Tigerheart or how the game puts it TIGERHEART