meh,i got long hair too.i never had problems.LA is the best prejudice against long haired men xD
atleast some remembers me =P KH-vids buddies- jordier Cinny Darky Fayth OneWingedAngel DJ prob forgetting some.
isnt this kind of stuff against the rules?
belongs in shop/request section.i dont make tags no i cant do it.
pspfanboy doesnt give the direct link to get the only announces it.
lol,that already can be done.and you dont need cfw to do so. BTW heres the link to download the FW. OFW 3.70(3.7) - to update just connect your psp to your pc and move the update.eboot PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT THEMES: Cookies: ClassyPink: To Install the themes simply drop the files to PSP/THEME/...... thats all with 3.7 right now.
been a while but the stock doesnt go very good with this type of style maybe if ya made the stock ka bit lighter the text really sucks and is hard to read a bit too bright on the left side use a b-w gradient map to darken it a bit that is all.good luck with future tags.
thanks for posting this on a kh forum kid.*walks away*
lol,i remember when i did this back in middle school.the prizes are usually cool but underated.there was that big prize though like a large t.v. or a sorround sound time i actually participated in this.only reached to like the 5 prize lol.good luck if ya going for it.
not impressed.looks kinda meh.
its good,but im not really liking the outcome that much.its detailed though.and readable.
there really isnt anything to comment about these.ipod people are the easiest things to do in the graphic world.even the nobbiest noob can make one.and there all pretty much the same.
dont spam the request.they make and edit their last post with the need for "thank yous" or "yays" and so forth. PS:chibis are the easiest things to drawn in the whole world.
Darky and Cinny said most of my part,but one thing that drives me is the venom sprite,i really think you should have used a softer color toned go with the colors.thats just me though.
yea man.i was fooling around with my c4ds ya know.just throwing some and turning and out came out this dragon.=)
lol this has to be one of your best works cinny.the purple border works well.since it goes with the king.and i love this tag,it really brings out the katamari out of the colors,and effects you added on this one.
Well not alot of people see it,but if you look close enough you can see a dragon.the wings are spread out,and the face is in the buttom middle blowing fire stuff.this is psp size so yea.
yes.anyone can use them.if there posted for using rights though.
you move the downloaded brushes to adobe>ps>presets>brushes. than open photoshop or load them.and thats it.