lol i already got out of school like 2 weeks a senior so that means im done forever thank god.btw congrats in grad in 4 days.
its really about time they made the metroied franchise like that.although im still hoping they remake the classic scroller but with 3d polygons like they did with a few other games.
well im Eclipse,i been here since the first khvids site,and now im coming back.a lot of people on this site know me pretty good.which im thankful for.i been away for certain reasons of which i will not say.well nothing else besides being glad to be back on this site.oh and i cant wait for the psp version of KH =P
i like them.there some gradient maps and some soft brushes which are lovely,you did an excellent job.
i have to agree with my friend
thanks for the help.... good to hear everyone remembered me.anyways im really in need for the alias splatter brush packs and all her other brushes which i cant find on deviant anymore. turns out my whole comp got a virus(dont know how).so all my PS brushes are gone.and i need all you graphic designers to upload your brushes in packs.especially Darky,Split,Spit,giiiiiiiiiiiirlz,and everyone else.sorry forgot ya please do me this big favor and upload all your brushes in packs.i really want to get back to GFX design.but i got no more brushes.or renders.i need to be redirected to places where i can get renders again.
lol chaser CnCed lol.yea one of my first.
lol who here remembers GREEN THUMB?only the old members prob might.
lol.@ KIIIIIIIIITTY :D 's post.
lol here for like a few mins.been in the psp scene ever since i left.modding and all that good stuff. fooling.just dropping by to see how its going with all you guys.shoot i dont even know how long i been gone from here.I see more noob graphic designers are comming along lol.Well as you might know.i quit graphic design.just waiting for KHpsp cant wait to download it.thats all i guess.well wonder if any of you remember me still.
ill judge.
lol MGS text.its pretty basic.
Its Ping,its obviously a Mulan refrence.
Get it over your little heads already.Fayth is a tired of seeing people accusing a close friend of being a girl.I dont even know what makes you think he's female.The name could be the problem.but for god sakes hes a guy not female.and hes been inactive cause hes really busy with his life.he doesnt spend everyday 24/7 on the kh boards.
he did this for me,right cinny?
ok........ offence NRA but thats really cheap and easy to do.and for all those people that think its awesome than your just noobs are photoshop or whatever programs you use.than again NRA your using the clipping masks in a good fashion.i did this long time ago on the first forum i been.good to see someone is bringing it back.
did ya draw it?cause in the buttom it says illustration by cetriya.if you didnt draw it,than its a rip.