Basically talk to your friends and assure them that you don't want to spread rumors ( Just in case they want to 'play' around with you. ) Like how CtR says, don't worry about that stuffs! =3
If only I saw this video last year... Anyway! Luvs all the way!
Byes then!! I'll add you tommorrow then! X3 Sorry for making you emo! Lmao!
XP I ish older and smarterer! =3 Do you have MSN? O3O
Yeah. I'm 15... Born on March 16! I'm older than you! XD
Concentrate on your homework!!!! XD I shouldn't be talking since I'm doing the same! XD
X3 Thank you! I just need to finish up with it... XP So yeah, what's up?
O rly? Well here a link for ya! =3
Go ahead a take your time... *cough* You mean stalk, right? X3
Don't worry about me! I had enough from friday ue to my sister's party. XP Yeah... XD Mines is without the underline... underscore... Whatever...
*Gives you a cake* Hope that will make you feel better!! =3 And yeah, guess the name... *laughs nervously*
Awww.... If only I saw it... I want some KFC but not that KFC. It's not the famous KFC either. Just plain ol' KFC! =3
Umm... Nope I don't remeber you... XD Just Joking! Of course I do! *hugs* Hows it going with life? =3
Don't ask about his nobody, attack him for his shirt! X3 I would do that! Anyway, in my school, people you don't expect to have a PS2 plays KH. One example is this girl that everyone ADORES due to her being one of the popular people. She told me about how much she loved Riku when she saw a drawing I did of Roxas... O.O
In neopets, when I was 12, my favorite neopet was the Gelert. While typing it, I made a mistake and put a 'r' in between the 'e' and 'l'. 2005 was when I made it, so now everything that I have is gerlertfav2005... ...Except for MSN, which I changed for Hypernesh.
Hence your username.... Why are we gonna catch you? You stole a cookie from someone? O3O
I don't even know how I got into this mix. *laughs nervously*
I only clicked the link to hear the music. Besides, it's been a while since I've been Rick Roll'd.
*claps* Great fix! XP And shouldn't this stop now... All I see in every message is: Porn, PORN, porn, pOrN, pOrN... >.<
Basically it's going to be the great depression again. My family is part of the lower class, so if the bailout does happen, we won't even have enough money to pay the rent of our apartment. I'm just happy with my live now that I can have food on the plate and a computer with internet.