That or he was dragged there by his invisible wall with legs. Good riddance!
Oh! You're the guy my sister threw the thing at? Sorry about that! She just doesn't like you. XP
XP What a strange... song... Can't stop hearing it though... It's like fish heads controling my head... @.@
Well I'll either be: - Math Teacher : I'm good at math anyways and I've been helping my friends study every math test for the last years and made them pass with a C+ or higher. =3 I'm good at teaching, I guess. - Actress : I've always like going on stage and make people laugh. I've I do become one, it'll be from a comedy. XP - Voice Actress : I could change my voice to sound anything! From a cute kitten into a scary beast! =P Rawr! - Child Therapist or anything related to Therapy : I've always wanted to be some form of therapist due to most of my family being helped by therapist. I wanna help others too.
I love you now!! =D If only I was online yesterday... I missed it! T.T P.S.- I bet your boyfriend is mighty smexy, right? X3
Yo momma is so fat that when she sat down on top of George Washington she turned him into a dollar bill. O.O Courtesy of my sister for making that one up.
XP I love the music you used for the video. P.S.- Love the ending! Caught me off guard, but nonetheless loves! X3
O.O *watches fight from far* I guess the ram wanted to be a bird...
Xaale's great! Don't change, leave it be. Let it live for a little while.
XD Oh wow! I love this comercial now!
Hurry back here then! I miss you already! X3
O.O *twitch*
LOLOLOL! Post more! =P
What about girls then? I think she/ he is really hawt! X3
Username: gerlert_fav2005 (Just call me Gelert or Gerlert =3 ) Real Name: Karla! XP Age: 15 (close to 16 though... -.- ) Gender: Female, duh! Specialties: Hmm, I know how to bake cookies? O.O Interests/Hobbies: 1- KH-Vids! 2- Hanging out with my friends 3- Play with my acoustic guitar 4- Watch tv 5- Other random stuffs... Personality: Can't really explain. Nice most of the time, but I turn into a beast if pushed the right buttons. I'm always here to help with whatever, though! ;3 History: I joined about two years or something. I don't post much, but if you want to contact me, go ahead and PM me!
That means that most of my friends are Omes now... I will always be a Scene, though! XP
Now that will be totally epic! ;3
XP No I won't forget... ...The difference between Your and You're. Lol.
I'm going to this rad Halloween party with a couple of my friends here. What I'm gonna be is a Vampire Geisha kinda deal. Recycling my two old halloween costumes! =3
I can see this picture going around here for days now.... Nice find, though! ;3