What happens if our names are written anyways? O.O
111! I dodged it!
I already have it for my ringtone! It starts in 0:18 though... Every single time I hear it though, I scream a little insides ( Because it's super loud! XP)
X3 Heya! I like your colorful post. =3
I just finished reading the book "Catcher in the Rye". It's basically about a pessimistic rich guy from the 50's. -3-
XD That reminds me: It Be the Drunk Alphabet Song: By Sunbabies *gibberish* A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z! A is for Apple B is for Bat C is for C**t D is for Dat F is for...A,B,C,D! E is for Easteeer F is for Fart! F is for Fart! Fart, fart, fart,fart,fart,fart! F is for Fart! F is for Fart! G is for Gee whizz!! I hope Jason's parents don't get pi$$ed cuz I am yelling kinda loud and it's 3:30 in the morning!! (3:30 In the morning!) (Doo doo doo doo doo doo) H is for Hore (Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!) I is for I like the: I am cool! I am drunk! (La la la la la la la la la!) J is for Jason he's sleeping in his room. J is for Jason, he f*gged out early. J is for Jason, he went to bed. K is fooor... L is for Lamp. L is for Lamp. The lamp on Jason's desk that I knocked down when I was drunk and then I broke it. Jason won't know that though cuz I didn't break it... M is for Jason's Mom hope she doesn't get mad! N is for No O is for Orphin, O is for Ooh! P is for Pee and I really gotta pee but I can't cuz I am singing my alphabet (Doo diddle doo diddle doo diddle doo didlle doooooo) Q is for q***r and q***r is Seth and Seth is sitting on the couch. I can't believe I haven't woke him up! R is for... R is for rope... R IS FOR ROPE!! S is for Seth. Seth is a f*g and he's not waking up. He's not even moving. I hope he's alive. I hope he's alive. Hope he's al- Seth? S is for Se- S is for Se- Seth? He's not moving... T is for Tim THAT'S ME! I'm cool and I'm drunk and I'm being really loud in Jason's bathroom.. b-basement... I'm not in his bathroom... U is for... U is for... U... (confused slurring) Oh My God! V is for Venus, the planet floating in the sky! W is for Wh*re... F*ck... H... W! X is for Zeb- Umm... Xylophone! Xylophone! (Ding ding ding ding ding ding!) Y is for... Yuppie... Scum... Yuppie yuppie yuppie you! Z is for Zebra. Z is for Zebra. And that is my song!!! Yeah! (Oh jesus...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCueGFgaC5I ^ To see KH version of this song. ^
Slowly talk to her about this. You can't go all: "Yeah! I know! I hate that teacher too! So do you like me?" O.O X3 She's probably a jerk to other people who flirt with her because she doesn't like them that way, just playing. *I'm like that! XD) Has she ever been a jerk to you?
I would definetly see it if it was real!
XP When are you gonna take it to the next level?
*hugs* I loves you now for saying that! XP
You weren't the only one! Every single time I'll be all "IT'S BULBASAUR!!!" My sister would usually hit me in the head...
It's basically a ring saying that you're a senior at a high school. Congrats! P.S.- Don't wear it when your in college! You'll understand later on...
O.O I've been scarred for life...
Pobrecito! I hope he heals fast and come back here intact!
Or probably a group of cavemens talking about keyblades... Or cookies...
*turns to George Washington* I'm sorry! XP
XP So your sweat is soap? It must be really convenient! I wish soap bubbles will come out of my head!
Le gasp! With what may I ask? O.O
You! =3 Imma be a Japanese Vampire. Yes there is a difference between a vampire and a Japanese Vampire. =P
X3 Then you should clean your face a little then.