D= That's just mean! And don't worry! You haven't met MY friend. He goes around kissing random people (thats or grab your boobs/butt) XD He's also obsessed with this kid that he says that are 'going out'. Everytime I try to mention it in front of him, he pushes me away. XP
It looks so great! Reminds of so much... *tear* I wonder how they are gonna distribute the game...
Can't wait till it comes out!!! XD Thanks for the pics, Mike! =3
Umm... Math? O.O
My head exploded that sec for just trying to make that face!
It's plainly obvious!! XD Graphic Novel of course!!!
T.T I ish sorry! I just can't help- OMG!!!! I love this color: RAWR!!!
It's plainly obvious, right? Duh! XP
...I'm sticking with =3 ...
Better Luck Next Time, Prince Charming by Alesana I freaking LOVE this song! XP
*stares out into space* Huh? Wha?
Aww I miss him! T.T Edward Scissorhands, I wonder what he's doing now...
O.o Wow...
Your not the only one! I loved vampires before the whole Twilight-fanism... P.S.- I have those teeths too! XD I tried putting them this yearbut since I was in a hurry that I didn't leave it on to stick and it immediatly fell... T.T
O.o Ok then... Half of my friends are gonna go and see it and are inviting me. I'm just going to see the Madagascar movie!
X3 I now love that song! Not because of Sara Palin but the spagetti eating cat! =D
I got up to 15 feet... crawling! DX This fustrates me!
Magical! X3