But once you get those seven dragonballs, what? O.O
O.O Yeah...
That happened to me too once! And he was on his last health bar, so I used it to my advantage! >=D *P.S.- He usually get stuck since the wall gets in the way. He doesn't fall exactly down. He goes down slightly diagonally. -.- Ignore me here...
=D Yesh pwease! *nibbles on it*
XP I agree! Do you have to pick just one? Try getting both! If not, get RB. =3
Both ways would be quite boring. =\ I am somewhat a perfectionist, but I do know that everything can't be perfect. It will ruin life in general!
I have never thought of it that way! *goes outside and stands on a random box* Jesus is really Santa!
Your basically describing Kira there. O.O
Darn to both you you guys!! T.T This is another one I found: O.O I was mad at my sister that day...
I hate roaches...
Bwahaha! I beat both of you! 154000 images result and 1310000 website result. O.O ...My name is somewhat common... This is one of the weird ones I got... Poor Ariel! T.T
=| *raise hand* I ish here...
I've never heard of the Larxene/Vexen pairing, but this is rather cute (in a creepy way)! X3 I'll give it a 9.5/10! P.S.- It looks like Larxene is eating whoever finger it is. O3O Wonder if it taste good...
So THAT'S where my hat is! >.<
Happy Tree Friends =3 You could fix it now (somehow). It won't come out till later.
They're now putting it again, for those that still haven't seen it... ...I thought it was gonna be great, though. Good enough. =\
It doesn't matter! X3 More than half of my friends are gay/bisexual. =D
I guess not... *pats back*
...Change the subject here! Look at this: O.O
It's tied between these three: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGz3ZFS_UIM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adc4_1zWSPc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XykZFyWn9vw