I live an hour away from Disney WORLD! XD I would go there every time it was someone's birthday! Even if it was a cousin's friend's aunt's husband's father twiced removed... XP To Disney Land, no I haven't. Imma go there next summer, though! Can't wait for it!
That picture of a spider is definatly worth $233.95 to me! XD
The video is pretty cool! =3 Alas, this isn't an official thing from Square. I doubt they'll make Kairi that strong. She's the damsell in distress!
Ramen Noodles? Raven? Race car? @.@ I dunno!
Not you, kingdomheartsgirl! About you, though, Imma guess Jimmy Neutron! =D
Oh... your welcome! =D
X3 *gives cake* For celemebrations!
-3- Trying to help! Fine then! *leaves with blood trail*
Ugh, fine! *goes back to other threads* O.O Your name is really close to my name! We could probably be sisters for it! And your last name, Imma guess Rodriguez or something... give me a hint! =3
What you should do for now is to put: IMMA GUY!!!! DX in your siggy or something... O.O
*claps* =D
Rawr! http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/gerlertfav2005/1111082312.jpg http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/gerlertfav2005/1111082313.jpg All of you guys look purty/smexy/whatever-complimentiing-word-here! =3
That's a great idea!!!! Some people mistakes me for a guy... So this will be great for everyone! =3 *pats back* There there! Release that anger bent inside of you! There ya go! =P
You've probably seen me then! I lives in Florida too! X3 About the low-self-esteem thing, there's a certain amount of esteem to have in the first place. You can't have too much or everyone will hate you for thinking about only yourself. Think positive! At least you have frineds that'll back you up, even 10000 miles away from you! Every single time you think low of yourself, think something good from it! Everytime you say that 'your fat', think about it! It's vetter being a small bit fat than starving to death! When you say that 'your ugly', it would be better to be ugly than to be a pretty person with no one to be your friend! So on and so forth... =3
The ability to make cupcakes and cookies out of anything! *touches chair-bad guy* Evil chair has been thwarted by Cupcake Girl! =3
Since your user-thing has 'girl' in it, I'm guessing your a girl... Jessica or something! O3O (kingdomheartsgirl) Your last post says that your not a girl, so im guessing your a guy (or a lizard)? =P Imma guess Ryan or John or something... (Rayku)
To... Watch my family live throughout generations... I don't wanna live forever, though. I wanna turn into a ghost so I can spook others! =3
"Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, are trying to get that Oprah! Oprah! Oprah! Oprah!" X3 I love this song! Thanks for showing!
Maybe both! XP
Don't thank adults, thank the world for that... Killing my holiday spirit (Or what was left). T.T