XD Yeah it's been a while since we talked! What's up? =3
That be some yummy cheese! =3 Btw, I just had me some french fries! (From BK of course.)
Actually it doesn't matter to me. Besides, I'm shorter that most at school, 5'3. My ex was also 5'3. O.O I didn't even mind! He was outgoing! =3
I'm made to do more. P.S.-I bet no one will know this commercial! =3
XD So many people asking questions! Don't you get annoyed by the fact that you have to answer EVERY SINGLE QUESTION? o.O Anyway, whats up? o.o Do you like me(even though we met every so often) O.o Do you want this cookie? *hands cookie* O.O
Wow... She basically reminds me of my old History teacher. She's this HUGE christian lady and would everyday force us to be 'Christians'. Most of my friends has spoken to the Principle. In the result, they fired her. I'm not saying that you should tell your Principle to fire her, just try to change her class at least.
Wow! They even put nice music during the fighting. XD Where did you find this?
*facepalm* I can't believe what the world is doing now... I bet he was jelous because the girl liked the cat more than himself. I mean come on! The cat didn't go out and started swinging around humans till they break their ribs. -.-
Well I have no problem at all. My name is both common and unique, Karla. I have about three friends whose names are Carla and one friend whose Karla... I don't see what's wrong with it. O.O
Wow... There there! *pats back* We all are here to help you! =3
XD There there! Me and my friend were the only people in my class one day that have ever heard the show Death Note. One day, my friend was explaining to me about an episode there that I missed. The class got quiet, so everyone heard my friend saying, " So Light killed L with the Death Note." O.O
Total epic lol! There there! *pats back* Hmm about me: - One time, during P.E., My teacher was assigning teams for softball. I didn't notice where I was standing, so I got attacked by ants. I ran around crazily, somehow tranfering the ants to everyone else... And I'm allergic to ants, so my whole body was puffed up... T.T - I had this crush with this guy there ( >.> <.< ) and he was gonna ask me out. That is until a guy friend of mines glomps me and turns to the guy saying," You look mighty sexy. may I rape you?" *facepalm*
Wet and sticky where? X3
*falls out of chair* I wonder where that came from... Let me be at least be the red crayon! =3
XD For real? I remember the cookies, but crayons? O.O What were we thinking?
=3 Those good ol' days...
*huggles* I remembers you! =3 XD It's hard to forget about you!
*facepalm* Ily Ctr! When we first met, you have been the most kind GIRL eva! Who would mistake you for a girl? >> << We should have some sort of thing that seperates the girls and the guys here...