The likes of which can't be answered in the brevity of a single internet forum. But I digress. If both parties consent and genuinely want to be married there's no reason why they shouldn't be. People are just weak and hypocritical, and the majority lie in the middle of the distribution when it comes to thinking critically and seriously about and issue.. Remember when women couldn't leave the kitchen? Well... not remember in the literal sense.
What is your definition of a human? Because there's about a good 11 weeks before some might consider it a human. I'd also like to add that God has never had any issue killing children himself.
Both are characterized by criteria that are highly up for debate. It's quite relative.
I've seen way to many "A life is a life so it's murder" arguments. Well. Given the number of microscopic organisms in the average environment every time we inhale we're murdering. Clearly, the ethical thing to do is nothing or else some indeterminately placed organism will be killed in cold blood. Just labeling it as murder without any unsubstantiated reasoning isn't even an argument. Judging something on it's potential for life is also ill-directed; potentially, everyone in the world is a murderer, so they should all just be locked up or executed. What all this should amount to is drawing the line of where the definition of a human individual begins and a bundle of cells ends. And in all empirical honesty there is a line.
51% is barely something to worry about when you consider normal error rates for polling. it's still practically split half and half. That extra 1% is most likely a combination of variance and the majority rule of Christianity, which isn't surprising. People focus on the wrong thing during elections. Democracy as a whole is a problem in general, but it's the best solution out of all the terrible options out there.
All toasters are like parking spaces...they're whores and liars!
I object to this marriage because I have feelings for the the package of condoms that they will use to consummate their union. Yes, I love you Trojan extra smalls!
Rhetorical question stegosaurus is asking rhetorical questions. His music was awesome, but he probably molested all those kids. No one says the same thing about you for almost 20 years when it isn't true. He's up there with the pope and the catholic church on the pedo-meter
What right do you have to sexually harass me with your moderating words? Very inappropriate...
It's all pretty much been said. I'll only add that we have a limited view of the world and understanding it entirely would take too much effort. it's just easier to categorize things into bulk labels without trying to distinguish within the category. Don't worry about it... sticks and stones and all that.
It isn't so much a question of "knowing" what created God (if there is one) because that would get us no where. Either something created him and he's not all that he's chalked up to be or nothing created him and we're no better off than where we began. It should be a question of the content of a god, or what we might understand one to compose of. It then comes down to whether or not we could consider a being so far advanced that the very actions it takes seem to be "godlike". It's not unreasonable to think that there exists a being that is so far advanced--and yet flawed--that we could scrutinize it for millions of years and never find that flaw. Would it be right to call it God? It has its flaws, but they are so far beyond our understanding or ability to find them that it seems that they don't exist. With this in mind there's an issue with discussing perfection. For humans it's a useless concept that is beyond our grasp, for anything we regard as perfect is flawed to something greater than us.
Beliefs and lifestyles are related, but they're not the same thing. Beliefs refer to attitudes, or a person's willingness to say that something is true for them or the world. Lifestyles tend to involve a whole bunch of beliefs. Some hippies, for example, believe that peace and being a vegetarianism is good. While it's natural to be worried or have insecurities with what you're generally interested in, the point is that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs or what they hold as true in the world. That guy who said "bloody punks, etc." is entitled to his belief about punks just as much as your friend is entitled to the beliefs of his sub-culture. In the end if you're fine with what you like it shouldn't matter what others think about it. Unless what you like is molesting children or killing babies...then that's a genuine problem.
I walked out of the theatre and couldn't find my kidney. Then I realized I was in a bath tub full of ice. And then I came to from a day dream I was having about how cool it would be to see Repo Men...while I was removing the kidney from a health Mexican child for the black market.
Anyone hear about how the education board in Texas is going to shift historical weight away from figures such as Thomas Jefferson, in favour of a bunch of other figures that you would have to dig deep to find. Any thoughts from those in Texas? LOL!
You are brown. Why?
Everyone always dies in this ****ing nonsense and yet you still play? Live children! Live!
That one where the priest yells at me to pull down my pants while he caresses my anus with a baptismal candle...oh wait...
I don't know you! I need an adult! Also HB, you've been lying to me during our entire relationship! And here I thought you were an attractive man all this time. DECEIVER!
Your words are touching. Blah. Blah. Blah. Some sexual reference that seems questionable at face value but then is seen as tongue-and-cheek and...
I'm a little nervous about showing my picture, mostly because in the past I've had some issues with women about that and a number of other things. But here goes it anyway. Please don't judge me!