Yeah, but you don't think that they can't help but laugh at themselves sometimes?
So up. Right. I'm okay, just wanted to say hello.
How can you not like making fun of the diseased and handicapped?
Condition yourself to hate eating them. Every time you want a marshmallow, hit or pinch yourself. Eventually whenever you want to eat one, you'll remember to pain it causes you and you won't want one.
And how does that not reflect your outlook on the fairness of life?
It still doesn't mean that you don't have male genitalia down there as well. Please see the above. With that in mind I'm prepared to argue that this is just a redundancy of of the thread posted.
You would all screw up the space time continuum, and we would all probably be dead. Thanks a lot you selfish *******s! EDIT: LOL at whoever thinks I curse in all my posts. You're clearly basing it on minute instances. You should read more before making such harsh and rash assumptions.
Animals are certainly capable of emotional response and the physiological arousal that accompanies it, but I wouldn't say that these are feelings. By definition, feelings are reflective attitudes that are private, subjective, and part of a theory of mind. Animals unfortunately don't have the capacity for a theory of mind; a dog can have loyalty and can certainly feel sadness, but it doesn't distinguish itself as an individual nor does it distinguish you as an individual (you're a crucial part of its dynamic emotional system, not John or Jane).
That sucks. Other than that if it means helping people, and it's justified, I'm cool with experimentation.
As long as they are compatible for intercourse, I don't care. You people and your frivolities.
Did you even read anything in this thread?
I know! It's tough finding out that your brain has ****** powers. We should all get together and sleep all day, and maybe the collective dreams of our team can be used to save the world.
'Sup rain catcher.