common stay a while, it'll be fun.
niether, but you dont have to get mad im not saying its a bad thing.
yeah im sure a few men complemented you lol jk jk
umm no offence but look like Nice.....
Beatiful.... jk jk jk
Here take a look at me as ill eat you all. Spoiler
The New republic finnaly finished off thr remnents of the Empire, but A new group of fighters has arrived, that set out to bring the New Empire to life. When everyone thought the Jedi Were extinct, they were wrong. One lived long enought to train twelve men, that trained a great deal of there own, and now there is a army of soilders knowing the Jedi arts. They will stop at nothing to control the galaxy. The New Civil War has begun. The New Empire Strikes back at the New Republic. RULES! 1.Keep it PG-13! 2.No flaming or making fun 3.Try to have fun. 4.Post Has to be a min of two sentences. 5.NO GODMODING OR CONTROLLING OTHER PEOPLE! 6.Have fun, i'll pretty much allow anything if it related 7.Only Lightsabers, Guns and other ammo weapons, no keyblades. Yes there are swords, but that would be dumb against a lightsaber. lol -------------------- RP form- Username- Role Play Name- Age- Apperence[picture opt.]- Force Ability- Weapon- -------------------------------- Username: Redeyesblackdragon Role Play Name: Tim Tyrano Age: 30 Appearance: Medium Brown Hair, Green Eyes, 5' 9", thin, Sith's robes. Force Ability: Force Pull, Force Shock Weapon: Light Red Lightsaber
I cannot lie. they are all equivalent.
want a new keybord? just send me five dollars and its yours.
Go to South America.
wake up and smell the roses 8
lol be bord. 6
If by the power of god she is healed of all sickness, she is healed of all pain sezuires. No matter what god can heal her.
Dont feel that way I care Ive know you since Count to 1,000,000 and I care about you, I wouldnt want to see you die.
I want you to log on to your favorite Preachers website, I want you to request Prayer, and I am in agreement with you that your friend will pull though it all and she will get well, I want you to tell your friend not to give up, have the will power and fight for life. Edit: She isnt dieing she is ill, my grandfather was told he had 2 months to live, and he pulled 12 months so never give up.
Omg chill out! 4
Orange quit posting or we will never get off of 1 2
*grabs Crimson and cuts his foot off with my lightsaber*
noeth we are noteth
what doeth you meaneth?