Damn right! Yo hablo espanol. Yo creo que tu no hablas espanol.
I'm afraid I cannot. Therefore, June is mine.
If he lives next door, it's hardly stalking.
Well, when you're a kid, you want to grow up. As fun as it was to be a kid, being a kid forever would be some sort of hell. Being a kid, with knowledge of what it's like to be older would be better, but still, nobody would take you seriously.
You can't know what you would really do if you were starving. It's hard to even find low paying jobs these days. As you fall deeper and deeper into debt and end up on the street, you have no idea how desparate you would get. The will to live overpowers everything.
Yum. I'd drink that.
Elmo's got the b*tches lining up. Me included.
I saw the whole thing. My eardrums are on fire.
Was caught in a hot tub with Clay Aiken.
That skit was awesome. May I join? <_< >_>:D
I'll comment again at exactly midnight.
Chowder: brainwashing kids and making them fat since 2008.
It's sorta like shooting craps. I bet you 50 cookies that you don't know me.
I use scissors now. I don't have a single untorn poster in my room.
All hail the periods.
My parents don't know. If I told them for some reason, they would ask me why I was telling them. They know that the internet is safe for most people. (Except for total idiots) They're pretty cool.
An issue is that teenagers think that they're mature enough to know what to do with their own bodies, when really they have no idea of the reprecussions. The teens that do this must have very little forethought to think that it will never come up again, but adults also have that problem. The real question is: When are you mature enough to know what to do with your body?
Destroying their lives? Pfft. It might be annoying, but really?
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