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  1. miaulement
    But I'm sick... *coughcough*

    Oh well, I'll die happy. c:
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. miaulement
    Pretty sure it wasn't mentioned if they were or weren't. I'd have to go back and watch that episode again to make sure, though. It's been a couple of years since I've seen that episode.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. miaulement
    Ah yeah, I forgot Jet died... well then, it'll be interesting to see if he connects with any of The Last Airbender series at all. The characters in there, I mean.

    Pabu is kawaii desu. <3
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. miaulement
    All of my whatthe****wasthat.

    In all seriousness, made my night. XD
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. miaulement
    I eat meat about once a day, one because of the lunches at school, two because we usually have some dish with meat at dinner.
    If it's considered a meat, I eat fish most often. If not, I eat chicken most often. I rarely eat hamburger meat, it's repulsive to me for some reason.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  6. miaulement
    Holy crap... this series, I was hooked from the beginning of episode 1. It's amazing. O:

    But anyways,
    Did anyone think Amon might be related to Sokka somehow? Or Jet? Just a guess, but it could be possible.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. miaulement
    Oh sh*t.

    If ponies count...

    If ponies don't count:

    Mmyes. I'd quite like this.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. miaulement
    I'd have to second this... even though I included you on my list... ._.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. miaulement
    *Sniff* Beautiful. :3 Thank you!
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. miaulement
    Only decaf tea, otherwise I can't. I'm guessing it's included in decaf tea as well? *Dumb question*
    If it is, I may try it. o:
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  11. miaulement
    I've only talked to some people on the Skype group, but let's see...
    Scruffy - You're really funny from the few times we've talked. o:
    Midnight Star - You're really nice c: seem like an interesting person, too.
    Excasr - Pretty much the same reason as Midnight's. XD
    Dr_Wigglz - jk I already know you, b*tch.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. miaulement
    Autumn. :)
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. miaulement
    I don't have a steady sleeping pattern, but on weekdays I try to get to sleep before 12 AM. Usually doesn't work. *Insomniacproblems*
    Also, I rarely ever take naps. I can only remember about three or four times in my whole life that I have taken a nap. I wouldn't take naps in kindergarten either, for anyone wondering. Of course I can't remember when I was younger than the age of three, but anywhere between that... yeah. Most of those naps were from medicine that made me drowsy in the first place.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. miaulement
    Might be a bit dangerous for people under eighteen (under the age whenever people stop growing), for the most part sounds interesting. I probably wouldn't be able to handle it myself, being a fifteen-year-old in high school and already deprived of sleep, but I wish you luck if you do try. :)

    For a person allergic to caffeine, *coughmecough*, this wouldn't end up well. Just sayin'.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  15. miaulement
    As girls, most of us can't really help if we feel a bit of jealousy when talking about someone having big breasts. Even with that bit of jealousy, I wouldn't want big breasts. Know why? I wouldn't have guys (or girls) who like me from my personality... just looks. No one would like me for who I am, they'd like me for how I look. You can still get that from being 'flat chested', I know, but I think you get my point.

    That, and I've heard big breasts = back pain.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  16. miaulement
    Hey, hey, heyyyyy... this I gotta see!
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. miaulement
    I'd have to agree... it could also hurt less popular members.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. miaulement
    Bloom looked behind her shoulder, "Elevator?" She walked closer to it, "Wait... why would a kidnapper put us in a room with an obvious escape? I think it's a trap." She poked the elevator. Bloom's mind ran astray, thinking of what possible deaths the elevator could lead to. Had he filled a basement with lava, or brought a bunch of rabid dogs in from the streets? 'Wait, no... I must be over thinking this.' She thought, assuring herself, and motioning Nick to follow her as she pressed a button.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 17, 2012 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  19. miaulement


    *ahem* Gentlemen, THIS is a real girl:

    These kinds of jokes are old, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. miaulement
    I stay up late a lot as well, and I will admit, it's affecting how I think and how fast my responses are.

    Just try to get on a regular sleeping pattern. Whatever helps you do that, do it. If you absolutely cannot fall asleep, go to another room and do something like read a book. Nothing like video games, it would just wake you up even more.
    What works for me usually simulates other people: Going on Skype on my phone and talking on there until I fall asleep. Like I said, whatever works for you, do it.

    If problems persist, I definitely recommend talking to your doctor about it. Don't go for sleeping pills too soon, either.
    I wish you luck!

    ~ Your friendly neighborhood medically-diagnosed insomniac.
    Post by: miaulement, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Help with Life