Yes, Namine is a pretty cool guy XD haha
As Nuo was contemplating on a visit to Ba Sing Se, she couldn't help but notice a tiny bit of smoke on the horizon. She tilted her head, walking to the end of the air temple. "I'll go check it out... on the way to Ba Sing Se." She smirked, taking out her glider. She backed up a few steps, and started to run. Just as she was about to run off the edge, she opened the glider, and flew off the edge. She then made her way to the smoke.
Spoiler Yeah, grandmother makes a bit more sense. I didn't take the age into consideration, sorry! I just don't trust Tarlokk. He seems a bit... strange. Really was too pushy. I was surprised that Tenzin allowed him to force her on there, too. I forgot about the avatar state, I really wanna see her in it now. XD Oh, sorry! I'll go back and look at it. It kind of urked me because Mako is suddenly nice to a girl who's a bit pretty, I guess. He wasn't nice to Korra at all at first. Seems a bit jerkish to me, but I don't know.
Nuo walked along a corridor of one of the Eastern Air Temples. She recently learned about what the Fire Lord had done to the last avatar, and she also learned of a resistance forming in Ba Sing Se. Nuo looked outside and watched a few apprentice Airbenders practice their techniques. "Is it really that bad,"She wondered,"to need a resistance? Will they come for us soon...?" She then sat down near the window, contemplating to go to Ba Sing Se or not.
LoK really DOES just get better and better. Loved this episode. Spoiler Oh my god, when I saw Asami I got really bad deja vu. I wondered why, but then I realized she looked A LOT like June. The Bounty Hunter who Zuko hired to track down Aang. Asami did mention that she lost her mother when she was young, maybe June is her mother? I wouldn't be surprised if they were related somehow. I really didn't like Tarrlok. He seemed a bit TOO pushy. I realize the avatar would be great to have on a team and everything, but he realizes that Amon can take people's bending away (I also noticed something about that ability, which I will bring up in the next point). Does he want Korra to lose her bending? I mean I wouldn't want the avatar to lose her bending, which is very likely if she fights against Amon. Also, they mentioned Chi blocking. They all use this ability, which can 'take' someone's bending. If we remember back in A:TLA, Ty Lee also used Chi blocking. It was used on Katara, but we all know she regained her ability to bend a bit later. Could this mean the 'victims' of Amon regain their bending abilities later? Or maybe this is a stronger form of Chi blocking? And... I honestly didn't realize the Air nomad with the facial hair in the flashback was Aang. I thought he was a younger Tenzin. Oops. EDIT: Oh yeah, Mako x Asami. I got so mad when I saw that. I really did. It urks me for some reason.
It's really annoying when someone tries to hang out with you all the time. There's this one girl I know, she's really nice and sweet, but she is so f*cking clingy. Every time I see her come up to me, I have to resist the urge to just start going off at her because I want her to give me some space. She doesn't understand the concept of giving space. There's also people who just insult you for no reason, but when you say something that might be minorly offensive they flip out. I hate those kinds of people.
Kratos likes it a bit too rough by the looks of it...
Welcome to the herd, we have apples. Lots and lots of apples.
Username: miaulement Character Name: Nuo Lan Gender: Female Appearance: Long, black hair that is usually braided. Hair covering the forehead shaven off. Pale skin. Blue eyes. Around 5'5" in height. Wears air nomad robes. Age: 16 Personality: Nuo is peaceful and quiet, she loves to learn and she usually spends time reading airbending techniques and meditating. She tries to only resort to fighting as a last resort, but she will fight if she has to defend herself or her friends and family. Weapon: Glider staff. Nation of Birth: Air Nomads Current Whereabouts/Residency: Eastern Air temples. Bender: Yes. Airbending. She isn't advanced, but she also isn't a beginner. She is at an intermediate level. Background: Nuo has lived a somewhat sheltered life at the air temple. She knows of what goes on in the world, but she doesn't know how bad it has gotten. She spent most of her days training, with a rare trip to a nearby town for food and other supplies. Current Life: She still lives in the air temples, but now she is slowly grasping at the idea of how bad the world's current events are. She has learned about what the Firelord has done, and she is now training to fight back or survive an attack from the Fire Nation.
I'd just be quietly staring at everyone the entire time, like a stalker. ^_^
I voted for flowergothic because she posted a lot more and she did a good job with making the story progress. Even if she did godmod a little by controlling Bloom, it seems that she didn't mean to.
I was a drama nerd at one point, someone who hated me got me so I could never do drama again there. I really do not like people like that, so selfish. So far, my high school has been unpleasant, but I imagine that will get better soon.
I'm the one who gets ignored, and when people tell me to reach out, and I do, I get pushed away. :|
Spoiler: cheerfulness [video=youtube;mNrXMOSkBas][/video] Vidya from MLP, but f*ck it, it's cheerful.
As long as it isn't a huge, huge gap, it doesn't really matter to me. In all honesty, I think it should be up to the individual if it matters or not. With me, if anyone's older or younger by four years and wanting a relationship with me, I wouldn't accept. In all seriousness, I'd find it a bit creepy. It's because my parents are four years apart (weird reason, sorry...) and since they've been around me all my life, I don't find it too creepy. Sorry if I didn't explain that part well enough. So my answer is I think it should be up to the individual if age matters or not.
Really, I'll have to try them... I've just seen a bunch over the years and I can't help but think they'd just get tiring after awhile.
I agree with Angry Birds. I mean it's addicting and fun, but after about four games (and a BUNCH of merchandise), you reach a point where enough is enough. Kingdom Hearts has a load of filler games, but I don't think it should completely die out. All in all, Kingdom Hearts is a really good game. What about the Naruto games? I've seen a bunch of those, surprised no one has mentioned them (that I know of).
I hope everything turns out alright, and I'll have you and your dog in my thoughts. I've already lost a dog that I've literally had all my life, I was a mess, in all honesty.
We had to listen to him all the time in Spanish class, thus I'm sick of him. I mean he is good, it's just I've heard him way too much.