I got free soda at my interview with Taco Bell! :D Oh, and a job. That comes in handy. But most importantly, http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.p...ies.-Under-Construction&p=3248092#post3248092 Anyone who can RP, join! So what's up, Forum?
Haha. Thanks. (: I was doing kendo just the other day actually. xD I won.
I have an RP up if anyones interested. :) the link is in my last post, but here, again. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?104148-Kingdom-Hearts-Crushed-Butterflies.-Under-Construction I haven't played P3p. I like the ps2 one better, even though it doesn't have as many s.Links.
Haha, thanks dude. Actually, I already started an Extended RP on Birth By Sleep.
Kingdom Hearts | Crushed Butterflies.{Open!} One of the most basic and well-known theories on time travel, suggesting that going back in time and doing so little as crushing a butterfly could change the events that were arranged to happen, tossing destiny into the wind and leaving the world with a chaotic outcome. So, we already know how this story ends, Ventus defeats Vanitas, Xehanort controls Terra's body, Sora destroys Xehnort's Heartless, and later kills his Nobody. But, what if this wasn't how it had to end? What if we could derail this outcome, or ensure that it stay on course? I invite you to take a journey with me, and crush some butterflies. __________________________________________________________________ Rules and Guidelines. {I} | Time Period This roleplay is going to be taking place during the game, Birth by Sleep, that being said, I will not be accepting a Sora, Riku, Kairi, etc. etc. However, I will be accepting the Whole Beings of the Organization members(, if you can make a decent name for them). I will also be accepting Custom Characters, say, more apprentices for Masters Eraqus and Xehanort, as well as people to play the Masters themselves. Terra, Aqua and Ven are open for the taking, as I myself will be playing Vanitas. {II} | Characters If you would like to play a character, send me a private message or a message on my page letting me know, I would rather not have the OoC cluttering up the roleplay. I will keep a list on the front page of who is available and how many more characters I'll be taking. Also, characters are to be played as themselves, with their personalities, abilities and sexualities in-tact. {Character Priority}: In order to keep a proper balance in this, it is paramount information that All characters are equal, your Original Character is no stronger than any others, however, Main Characters may take priority in a battle. This is to ensure that everyone has their share of fun, and that the plot I have in-store is not to be taken over, in accordance to Rule IV. {III} | Posting As it says in the extended roleplay rules, posts are to be ten-liners. I won't crack down super-hard on this rule, but you have been warned. Literacy and proper grammar are huge pluses as well. Most important though, is making a post that someone can actually respond to. I don't want you to drudge through making a ten+ line post of just what your character is thinking or just having your character sit there. Do something, be active. Also, not really a rule, but a suggestion, is to have something like this; Code: [B]World[/B]: {Current world} [B]Location[/B]: {Current Location} [B]Interaction[/B]: {Current character interaction} Somewhere in your posts, please. It would help lessen a bit of the confusion in a multiple-world roleplay. {IV} | Behavior Behavior of both the character, and the RPer, need to be regulated. Characters need to keep things at a PG13 level, be it Violence, language or... romantic activities. Violence and romance of every kind are heavily encouraged in this roleplay, but please, be reasonable with it. I don't want you to describe to me how you've lost your arm and the remnant stub is leaving a bloody mess everywhere. Nor do I need your characters' sex in here. About the RPer's now, Do not try to shape the entire story for yourself, this is a team effort. Don't ignore other players, no flaming, trolling, spamming, god-modding (God-modding pertains to power playing, ever-dodging, never-tiring, writing your character out of a situation that seemed impossible), and auto-hitting (making contact with another character without the Roleplayer allowing it.). {Shotlocks:} If you've played BbS, and maybe even if you haven't, you know that Shotlocks are a powerful spell that your character can cast, maybe even the most powerful spell in their arsenal. Due to gameplay mechanics in BbS, after locking on to a character, you can activate this powerful spell. A Shotlock, also sometimes overwhelmingly powerful, can never miss it's target. That being said, if someone uses their Shotlock on you, you cannot evade it, and have to endure the attack. This is the only time I will allow any form of auto-hitting, but know that You cannot use your shotlock within five posts of using it. {V} | Rules Rules are subject to change, and will probably change constantly. I would suggest visiting the first page constantly, to avoid any misunderstandings. __________________________________________________________________ Characters. Here is the list of accepted, reserved, and open characters, as well as a form for you to fill out for your character, Canon or not. Characters will have different starting points, most of the Custom Characters will be starting at the Land of Departure. Main Characters, you know your spots. Terra - Taken by Tєrrα Aqua - Taken by Aqυα Ventus - Taken by Vєn Eraqus - Puppetted by Top-Tier Roxas. until I receive a request for him. Xehanort - Taken by Sforzato Vanitas - Taken by Top-Tier Roxas. Braig - Open. Dilan - Open. Even - Open. Aelaeus - Open. Ienzo - Taken by Fearless Isa - Open. Lea - Open. Demyx's Whole - Open Luxord's Whole - Open. Marluxia's Whole - Open. Larxene's Whole - Open. Ansem the Wise - Open Main Character profile; Code: [B][U]Username[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Name[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Roleplay Sample[/U]:[/B] {just like a post in the thread, ten lines please.} Original Character Profile; Code: [B][U]Username[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Name[/U]:[/B] use URL codes to make the name a link to their appearance. [B][U]Age[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Faction[/U]:[/B] {Light, or Darkness} [B][U]Weapon of Choice[/U]:[/B] use URL codes to make the name a link to the weapon's appearance. [B][U]Fighting Style[/U]:[/B] {Do you prefer speed, or brute strength, maybe magic?} [B][U]Personality[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Biography[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Roleplay Sample[/U]:[/B] {just like a post in the thread, ten lines please.} Accepted Original Characters Helpful hints with Roleplay Mechanics; The Butterfly Effect. This roleplay will rely heavily on the theory of the Butterfly Effect: Tiny changes in a timeline could lead to colossal changes in the end result. Your character is crushing a butterfly, so to speak, simply by being alive. Just by having your character in the roleplay, you'll be making minor changes to the story of Birth by Sleep. Your characters' choices and actions result in even more heavy changes. What will you fight for? Do you want to destroy Vanitas before he even makes the X-Blade? Would you help Xehanort plunge the worlds into Darkness? The choice is yours, but know this; every step you make toward your answer is another crushed butterfly, every choice has its consequences. Helpful hints with Roleplay Mechanics; Shotlocks and D-Links. As you read earlier, I will be incorporating Shotlocks into this roleplay. With a shotlock, you will be able to deal out massive amounts of damage to many opponents. You can choose your appropriate Shotlocks from the list of in-game shotlocks, as well as making your own and sending it to me in a private message. The same holds true for D-links. Create a Dimensional Link for your character, this will be Eight commands, followed by a passive ability and a Finisher. The list of commands and what the finisher does will be based on your character's own fighting style. You can only activate a D-Link with a character if they are not nearby, and you can only gain access to another character's D-Link after your character creates a friendship with them, or has a serious fight or struggle with them. Events & Links. __________________________________________________________________ Open: Mark of Mastery Exam. {OoC Page} OPEN! __________________________________________________________________ The boy started his day like any other; trudging out of bed begrudgingly and forcing himself into the shower to fully wake up. He had and odd dream the night before. Large pillars of stained glass, an odd looking sword, immense, almost unmeasurable power. Was that what his master was trying to do? This was too much for the young Vanitas right now. A minor headache accompanied the odd feeling his dreams gave him. The ebony-haired youth finished his shower, feeling only slightly refreshed. His yellow irises flickered with angst in the light of the bathroom. Vanitas held out his arms, a rift of swirling darkness opening beneath him, its curious tendrils gripping his body, covering him almost instantaneously. The darkness weaved and weaved upon itself until the boy's usual apparel was created. A smug smirk overcame the boy's composure as his headgear solidified. Now what to do? Xehanort was out... Preparing for the events to come. Making an appearance with Master Eraqus, discussing the event of tomarrow. The Keyblade Master's Exam, the starting point of their plans. Vanitas supposed he could just roam around this world until he was needed. The masked youth ended up at the Land of Departure's Mountain Path, stopping to take in the view. He wasn't going to have to stay here much longer, this, he was glad of. Being that close to... him without being able to attack him was such torture. He was weak, and he needed to know he was the unworthy of the two. World: Land of Departure Location: Mountain Path Interaction: N/A
[B]World[/B]: {Current world} [B]Location[/B]: {Current Location} [B]Interaction[/B]: {Current character interaction}
[B][U]Username[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Name[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Roleplay Sample[/U]:[/B] {just like a post in the thread, ten lines please.}
[B][U]Username[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Name[/U]:[/B] use URL codes to make the name a link to their appearance. [B][U]Age[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Faction[/U]:[/B] {Light, or Darkness} [B][U]Weapon of Choice[/U]:[/B] use URL codes to make the name a link to the weapon's appearance. [B][U]Fighting Style[/U]:[/B] {Do you prefer speed, or brute strength, maybe magic?} [B][U]Personality[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Biography[/U]:[/B] [B][U]Roleplay Sample[/U]:[/B] {just like a post in the thread, ten lines please.}
Sure thing dude. Thanks.
I'd like to join other stories, yeah, and I probably will, but chances are they'll already have a Roxas. but I can still submit my original characters. Discord's pretty cool.
Lol, yeah, I read through the general rules and the rules for the Extended roleplay, where I'll probably be going to make a thread. Thanks for the heads up though.
I practice Kendo, and I'll eventually be getting a mastery. I do a little Fencing as well, but I'm not nearly as fond of it. I love a game with a good plot, SMT:Persona 3 taking it's place as my favourite, with the Kingdom Hearts series taking a nice Second. I also love to write, and plan on writing a novel, or doing the storyboarding for video games, but for now I write and participate in avid Roleplaying. I hope I'm welcome here. D: