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  1. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Exactly. Exactly what I was thinking.
    Although, best vampire ever in my opinion;
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 9, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Phew. You had me scared for a second there.
    /hates twi-tards with a passion.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 9, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Top-Tier Roxas.
    {D}iscord {E}ntropy
    Dead star shine, light up the sky
    I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in.
    Days go by; Give me a sign.
    Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned.

    Discord nodded at Ventus's first comment. He had highly doubted that anyone had heard of 'Master' Xara before. When did she even earn her Mastery anyway? Discord raised a brow at the thought of it. When had she surpassed him, if she even had? The white-haired boy thought of it as a hoax. Perhaps it was a false title. Discord believed he could defeat her, but only narrowly. The two had never sparred together. Why? Discord himself didn't know.
    "It's nice to meet you, Ven." Discord responded politely.

    Terra had made a comment about the stars, followed by another word from Ven.
    "And to think; That's not all of them, too. There are some worlds far too close to the Darkness to let the light travel this far." Discord explained, making a failed attempt to count the endless orbs of illumination. All of those worlds. There had to be at least a billion of them. And those were just the worlds in the Realm of Light. "Worlds like my home..." He added to his last statement in a low whisper, silently scolding himself for losing his childhood memories.

    I can feel you falling away,
    No longer the lost, no longer the same
    And I can see you starting to break.
    I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way
    Forever, and ever,
    The scars will remain...
    World: Land of Departure
    Location: In front of the castle
    Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus.​
    Out of Character: I think that song is very fitting for Discord.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Actually, not blank points, but the secret ending for Re:Coded.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Top-Tier Roxas.


    I think that clip sold me for it. This could be one of the few good things that comes out of New CN.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Vanitas listened patiently through the man's proposal. Well, as patient as he could anyway; his yellow eyes rolled in annoyance behind his black helmet. This plan was ludicrous. Destroy Kingdom Hearts? Was that even possible? Doing so would probably destroy all the worlds in the process. Destroying the Heart of all worlds? Releasing that much power at once... The thought made Vanitas curious, but not curious enough to agree with the proposal.
    "My master and I don't need your training. Xehanort is much more powerful then you could ever become. Furthermore," The Unversed took his regular battle stance, blade aligned next to his head, "I will be the only one to train Ventus. It's not you're place to do so much as touch him. So what are you to do if I decline your offer? Kill me? Tch. Then there's no χ-Blade, and no hope of getting your vengeance." the black-haired boy stated. In fact, it was a plan opposite this man's that Xehanort had wanted. Vanitas was going to use the almighty key to unlock Kingdom Hearts, it's light gathering keyblade wielders from every world, creating a second Keyblade War. This guy was starting to break Vanitas's cool, not an easy task. It wasn't long before he either charged the guy or simply left, completely annoyed. He did wonder, however, what use Aqua was to the man.

    World: N/A
    Location: Station of Awakening.
    Interaction: Kexyl
    Out of Character: Hey, everyone. I made a few edits to the rules. Like, defining God-modding and auto-hitting, expanding the section on Behavior, as well as new stuff like Character Priority and Shotlocks. Check them out.

    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Top-Tier Roxas.
  8. Top-Tier Roxas.
  9. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Profile Post

    Taco Bell. D:

    Taco Bell. D:
    Profile Post by Top-Tier Roxas. for Kaidron Blaze, Oct 8, 2010
  10. Top-Tier Roxas.
  11. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Lol, depends on where you are, I guess. In england, it's called a Royale. It's a very tasty burger. :3
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Lol. And I had to learn vice-versa.
    Talking about the metric system reminds me of your guys' name for our Quarter Pounder.
    And now I want a Royale with Cheese. xD
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Top-Tier Roxas.
    xD sweeet. I have to assume you're in a country that uses the metric system? d:
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Lol, it's almost 2:00AM here. Gotta love time zones. xD
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Top-Tier Roxas.
    KHV, I can't sleep. D:
    Thread by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Top-Tier Roxas.
    The Unversed was shocked as the man narrowly avoided his Dark Cannon. Yellow eyes widened behind his dark helmet, following the man as he zoomed ever closer. Vanitas swiped Void Gear at the man as he closed in, but had missed, resulting in the cloaked figure stepping off of his headgear to gain better ground. The shoving foot made Vanitas stagger and waddle backwards for a second, waving his arms slightly to regain balance. In half a second, the dark boy found himself restrained by the larger man, forced to listen to another earload, an add on to the rambling that Vanitas had hated. The Unversed turned into a pure pitch-dark shadow, dripping through the man's arms like water and regrouping as a single puddle of darkness on the stained glass floor.
    "How do you suppose I would die here? By your hand? Hahaha. Even if you could defeat me, who would be left to open Kingdom Hearts? That is what you want, isn't it?" the clever boy retorted as his body came back together, further away from Kexyl."That is what you're after, isn't it?" Vanitas interrogated, gauging the man's reaction.
    "What kind of deal are you trying to strike here?"

    World: Land of Departure
    Location: Station of Awakening.
    Interaction: Kexyl

    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Top-Tier Roxas.
  18. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Lol, no, I have it right.
    She wanted the Name of the character to be the Link to the Image, not to post the Image.

    Example; Discord Entropy.

    and not,

    Discord Entropy.

    it was for the profiles for my Extended RP.

    Lol, thought I didn't know how to use BB-Code.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Top-Tier Roxas.
    This post. 8D
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Oct 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Top-Tier Roxas.