"Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness." Master Eraqus World: Land of Departure Location: Throne Room. Interaction: Master Xehanort, Master Xara, Terra, Aqua, Discord. Master Eraqus was shocked when all the orbs he had summoned were corrupted with Darkness. Where had it come from? The Keyblade Master narrowed his brow in frustrated curiosity. Darkness had many ways of intruding the Land of Departure, but through his own Orbs of Light was unheard of. This was the work of.... No, Xehanort wouldn't put Eraqus's apprentices in such danger. Perhaps it was Terra's unchecked, lingering Darkness, manifesting itself in the simplest form possible. "What do you make of this?" Eraqus said in an aside to Xehanort, his jet eyebrows furrowed. After a few more moments, the Keyblade Trainees had made short work of the twilit orbs. The Keyblade Master rose from his throne, slightly impressed with the apprentices' work, but still frustrated over where the Darkness had sprouted from. "That was unexpected, but, one must keep a still heart even in the most trying of circumstances. It was an excellent test, one I chose to let unfold; Which brings us to your next trial." "Now, Terra, Aqua, and Discord, the three of you will face eachother in combat. Remember, there are no winners- Only truths, for when equal powers clash, their nature is revealed." "Begin!" OoC: Oh, and there is now an OoC thread for this roleplay. Click Here. ______________________________________________________ {D}iscord {E}ntropy Dead star shine, light up the sky I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in. Days go by; Give me a sign. Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned. The platinum eyed youth grinned as the next challenge began. The Orbs were such easy opponents, they might have even been destroyed by his slashes. Physical attacks from the frail Discord, one-shotting anything was a sight to see. Maybe the next challenge was actually... Dare I say, Challenging? And challenging it would be; Eraqus had wanted the three keyblade-apprentices to do battle, following the instructions by saying that there was no real winner. Hah, lies to lessen the wounds of the losing parties. Discord got into position, his glowing keyblade poised in his left hand, magic cycle through him, through the blade, and then back through him. "Terra, Aqua, I apologize in advance for what is about to happen," Discord spoke with a slight air of arrogance about him, readying himself for a defensive-based battle. I can feel you falling away, No longer the lost, no longer the same And I can see you starting to break. I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way Forever, and ever, The scars will remain...World: Land of Departure Location: Throne Room. Interaction: Terra, Aqua.
Here is a place for out of character discussions, as well as questions about my rules, making collective plans for the plot, and anything related to the roleplay, or Kingdom Hearts. Or, well, anything in general. Main Page
I was thinking of making an OoC Thread for Crushed Butterflies, but I don't know where to put it.
xD that really narrows it down a bit then. Lol. but thanks.
Time for a Baww thread? Why P3, Whyyy?! ; - ; Manly tears were shed that day.
Who? Who is but the form, following the function of What, and What I am, is a man in a Mask. I'm not questioning your powers of observation, I'm simply remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.
They're already in my album, but, sure wynaut. Spoiler Graduation Day. Spoiler Afro for Lol's. Spoiler Haircut. I dunn remember what I was doing with my face.
{D}iscord {E}ntropy Dead star shine, light up the sky I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in. Days go by; Give me a sign. Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned. Discord thought he was doing well. Discord knew he was doing well. Platinum eyes glanced back at the three Masters. Despite the sudden outrage, Eraqus looked calm and collected, also looking as if he approved of Discord. The ebony haired male sat down in the middle throne, with Xehanort at his left and fledgling-master Xara to his right. The spheres of light multiplied, outmatching the keyblade trainee's twenty-fold. It was then that suddenly, unexpectedly, the orbs became possessed. Darkness enriched them all, almost simultaneously. Some of the orbs began to rush at Ventus. Discord back-sprung away from the threat, requiring time to analyze the change in his opponent's structure. Platinum eyes bore through the now-twilight manifestations. Discord grinned as he raised his key and stretched his foot backwards. Mid-step, he bumped into Aqua, being slightly embarrassed about forgetting his surroundings. "You know, I can take your share if you'd rather conserve your strength, miss." Discord spoke in a gentleman's whisper, ensuring that Aqua hear the sincerity of his suggestion, and that no one else know of his aid to her. His glowing keyblade was now behind his head in the ready position. The lightning sparked around his blade as it did the day before, dancing through the snow-haired boy's fingertips before he let it loose. The Thunder Raid flew straight-forward, spiraling through at least five of the austere spheres before No Name rerouted back to his hand. I can feel you falling away, No longer the lost, no longer the same And I can see you starting to break. I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way Forever, and ever, The scars will remain...World: Land of Departure Location: Throne Room, Interaction: Aqua.
Minato Avatar = Win.
[video=youtube;buc6j73cZW8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buc6j73cZW8[/video] Give Me a Sign.
"Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness." Master Eraqus World: Land of Departure Location: Throne Room. Interaction: Master Xehanort, Master Xara, Terra, Aqua, Discord, Keyxl Eraqus's expression changed from one of pride to one of anger. Someone had busted in on the Mark of Mastery Exam? That was... preposterous, blasphemous even. The Land of Departure's Keyblade Master gave the intruder the most stern of looks. His eyes were jets, ferocious black. "Yes, you must wait your turn. These kids have waited their whole lives for this day. What kind of person would dare interrupt the Mark of Mastery exam?" Eraqus pointed his keyblade at the newcomer, anger obvious in his voice. "I should punish you right now, but I think these kids mustn't wait any longer. Wait outside, we will deal witg you then. Let the Examination continue." ______________________________________________________ {D}iscord {E}ntropy Dead star shine, light up the sky I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in. Days go by; Give me a sign. Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned. Discord wouldn't let the intrusion bother him, nor did he let Terra and Aqua slow him down. The white haired teen sliced his trusty No Name through two of the spheres of light, following this with a short-framed Stop; he was on one side of the room one second, and on the other side of the room in the next, attacking another ball of light as more spawned to fill the room. He continued to fight, putting up a good show for the observing masters, as well as his own teacher. Discord knew he was there, watching. Discord could feel his presence. It was a highly advanced form of Illusionary magic, something Discord himself could do had he put enough effort into it. I can feel you falling away, No longer the lost, no longer the same And I can see you starting to break. I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way Forever, and ever, The scars will remain...World: Land of Departure Location: In front of the castle Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus.
{D}iscord {E}ntropy Dead star shine, light up the sky I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in. Days go by; Give me a sign. Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned. Discord made a tiny retreat as Terra responded to his courting attempt, even after Aqua had accepted his gesture. As if a wolf had made an attempt to lunge at him, protecting its young. "Well, I guess that answers that." he thought, shrugging in his mind. It was somewhat endearing, seeing her turn red like that. The brunette was technically right. Discord was far too exhausted for any special training, and he would need to save his energy for the upcoming day. Sure, there was the Mark of Mastery exam, but that was the least of his worries. According to his teacher, Discord was a Master by Eraqus's standards. Save for the lingering darkness in his heart, but that's what the coat was for, after all. The ivory haired boy loosened a yawn from his thin lips, stretching as he did so. "I think it's close to everybody's bedtime," he joked, referencing to Terra's statement about Ven having a bedtime. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Best of luck." Discord wished them luck as he walked in the direction of his master's temporary home, awaiting a good meal and the comfort of his bed. I can feel you falling away, No longer the lost, no longer the same And I can see you starting to break. I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way Forever, and ever, The scars will remain...World: Land of Departure Location: In front of the castle Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus.Out of Character: And then there was a time skip; ______________________________________________________ "Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness." Master Eraqus World: Land of Departure Location: Throne Room. Interaction: Master Xehanort, Master Xara, Terra, Aqua, Discord. "Today you will be examined for the Mark of Mastery. Not one but three of the Keyblade's chosen stand before me as candidates..." Master Eraqus started, speaking loudly and proudly. His voice echoed throughout the throne-room. "But this is neither a competition or a battle for supremacy—not a test of wills, but a test of heart. All of you may prevail, or none." Master Eraqus looked to the two Masters beside him, then to Terra, Aqua, and Discord. But I am sure our Guests, Master Xehanort and Master Xara, did not travel all this way to see our youngest prospects in years fall short of the Mark.... I trust you are ready." the jet-black haired master summoned his keyblade, raising it upward and placing is empty hand on the blade, "Then let the examination begin." He smirked, his blade radiating with power, summoning orbs of light.
Lol. Thank you. (: Lol, If this one takes off well, I doubt I'll make another. d: No, I only had two. ): So I'll have to replace it, eventually....
"Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness." Master Eraqus World: Land of Departure Location: Inner chambers Interaction: Master Xehanort Eraqus's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of Terra's inner darkness. The keyblade Master shook his head; He hadn't wanted to think of the subject, but it was necessary eventually. Contrary, it was necessary now. Xehanort himself gave into the darkness times before, but he could control himself now. Terra, on the other hand, was an embodiment of adolescent angst, and doubt, both of which were tied to the darkness. "I knew this would come up sooner or later," he spoke with disdain in his breath. Terra was like a son to him. Should Terra be overwhelmed with the darkness, that would be an utterly sad day for Eraqus. He would have to defeat Terra by his own means. "Terra does have the potential to be a great Keyblade Master, but so too does he have the potential to become a great source of darkness. Should the latter eventually happen, should his shadow grow stronger, I will tend to the matter myself.... I have little doubts in Terra for tomorrow." Eraqus knew it wasn't what he had wanted, but if it came to that, he would be ready. "When did the worlds grow so full of trouble, my old friend?" he asked rhetorically, reminiscing of their days as apprentices.
{D}iscord {E}ntropy Dead star shine, light up the sky I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in. Days go by; Give me a sign. Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned. Discord's emotionless exterior broke down as Aqua had asked him what he had meant, where he was from. A heavy sigh followed as the white-haired boy's expression sank only slightly. "I was born on a world that was far too close to the darkness. A world that has long-since passed." Discord answered in a plain tone. His platinum eyes finally disconnected from the massive array of light, counting up to at least one-hundred in that specific direction. "I'd rather not speak of it," Discord lied. He would love to talk about his home, if he could remember anything about it, but covered up his lost memories with excuses, "Where I come from is no longer relevant. It is a matter that, much like the place, has long-since passed." Discord's platinum eyes then focused on the voice that had questioned him. Aqua, was it? She was rather attractive for a keyblade wielder, the boy noted. A warm, friendly smile opened on his face as the gears of his mind began to turn. "Yes, are you ready for the exam.... Aqua, was it?" the boy asked, his tone much more friendly than before. The teen opened his arms in a welcoming manner. "Your friend is right, I suppose. I am somewhat strong. I think it would be unfair for me to spar with him and not you, as well. Would you like some.... Special training? I'm sure you must be nervous." Discord spoke, his flirtatious tone only slightly apparent. I can feel you falling away, No longer the lost, no longer the same And I can see you starting to break. I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way Forever, and ever, The scars will remain...World: Land of Departure Location: In front of the castle Interaction: Terra, Aqua, Ventus. OoC: Silly Discord, Aqua could kill you. xD
VanitasThe boy was rather confused after the man's assault had completely missed. Vanitas had half a mind to take off his helmet and double check his vision. The dark-hearted being just continued to stare as the man spoke once more, unsure of what the man was talking about. Wide yellow eyes blinked. If this man was to oppose Master Xehanort, there was Hell to be had. No one could defeat Xehanort, right? This sparked a slight vein of curiosity in the Unversed's thoughts. It would be an interesting battle, that was for sure. The man who had assailed him vanished, saying he'd see him very soon. Just wonderful. Vanitas closed his eyes, taking in the events that had just transpired. The boy made a heavy exhale, opening his eyes to find himself back at the Mountain Path. "That place was.... my heart?" he questioned, the imagery of his Station of Awakening still burnt into his mind. World: Land of Departure. Location: Mountain Path Interaction: N/a
I'm not the newest anymore. Yaaaaaay. 8P You'll fit right in here. A lot of the people here love Vocaloid as well.
"Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the Darkness." Master Eraqus World: Land of Departure Location: Inner chambers Interaction: Master Xehanort The younger of the two Keyblade Masters nodded to his old classmate, answering his question in the simplest manner. The Unversed. Peculiar creatures that seemed to attack the worlds from nowhere. Granted, that is had seemed they came from the darkness, being made entirely of the material. Master Eraqus gave a stressed sigh. "Master Yen Sid has informed me of their intrusion, although I didn't need his message to know that something wasn't right with the worlds." His voice carried a frustrated tone, he knew that something needed to be done, but he himself had to stay and guard the Land of Departure. That was his responsibility. The ebony-haired old man cycled through many ideas, and found only one that seemed like it would work. No matter how much he hated to do so, it needed to be done; "I will send my apprentices tomorrow, after the Mark of Mastery exam. As much as I'd rather go myself, I am needed here in the Land of Departure." Deciding that the subject of the Unversed was then settled, Eraqus then questioned, "Now, what is the second matter that needs to be discussed?"
xD I lol'd hard. This thread is now greatness. I really wanted to use the one with his blocking animation, but I couldn't find it. :/ Oh well, the good music doesn't hurt anybody; [video=youtube;Z9X1Ta1jN8E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9X1Ta1jN8E[/video]
Oh, great, not you two.