My friend got a shake weight. xD He sent it back though. Spoiler He said he'd just stick to fappin' Eww.
Discord Entropy Dead star shine, light up the sky I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in. Days go by; Give me a sign. Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned. "Shi-!"No. No... It was going all wrong. Terra was supposed to be hit by the Key. And what was this technique he was using? Discord was baffled as his platinum eyes tracked the trajectory of his keyblade, flying aimlessly to the other side of the room, not even towards Aqua. The boy turned around, predicting where Terra would end up. He raised his right forearm to the blade, his coat ripping and sparks spraying every which-way while Earthshaker slid across Discord's arm brace. This lessened the blow to the ivory-haired teen's torso, but it was still strong enough to get its point across. The darkness was strong within Terra, just as Discord's Master had predicted. Without it, Terra would have been defeated soon. Discord reached forward with his unoccupied arm, reaching past Terra. His essence reached across the room, willing his blade back to him. In the same laser-blue light that had formed his master's weapons, Discord's No Name had returned to his hand. "Stop" The white-eyed teen read in his mind, hoping Terra wouldn't notice the change in frames. Discord was taking in the scene he had paused. Terra was trying to regain control of himself, it had looked like it had started to work. He was looking over to the Masters; Eraqus was giving Terra an enraged, if not, concerned look. Discord left another full-body clone in his stead, taking the exact stance as he was. Discord walked closer to Aqua's location, at a safe enough distance to cast a long-distance Reflect on his clone and still have time to parry the blunette's attacks when she would jump in. I can feel you falling away, No longer the lost, no longer the same And I can see you starting to break. I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way Forever, and ever, The scars will remain...World: Land of Departure Location: Throne Room. Interaction: Terra, Aqua.
Of course, it's your D-Link to hand out as you see fit, if anyone gets it, I was just suggesting a good event for it. Maybe just Vanitas. Oh, crap, I forgot to make one for him xD
I agree with you there, but, I believe that it will be Spoiler Xehanort's heart in full control of Terra's body, and not the old-bodied Xehanort, due to it being Terra's being that created the Heartless and Nobody that were destroyed, and the fact that Spock Leonard Nemoy is now retired and we are left with no one to do the voice of Baldinort.
The character board for, Quest for Reason
{Quest for Reason} | Massive Crossover Introduction {T}here once was a man named... Well, what was his name...? Oh, right, he threw it away. This man was once a young being, an Archon. Children of the Gods, so legend had foretold. These were your average person, although, they developed a special.. Ability. Each Archon gained a gift growing up, and were hated and persecuted by the people whom never developed anything. Finally, only a few of these Archon were left. This is where he comes in. The boy, birthed as Discord Amedeus Entropy was one of the few Archon whom could pass as a regular, plain human. Growing up undetected, he went into politics, abandoning his birth name, as well as his people. On paper, he was known as Holy Sinclaire Telos, or just Holy, finding pleasure in the new title. Holy lead the political witch-hunt for the Archon, dealing with them in private. Making fine use of his Archonic Ability; the gift to steal other powers through physical contact with their corpse. The second-to-last Archon had only made Holy's lust for power worse; The ability to manipulate space and time. A tragic ability for him of all people to have. It was what he was searching for, after he read through the grand library. Scriptures, biographies from ancient Archon, tellingntales of other worlds. With this kind of power, Discord could go to those worlds. Or bring them all together. A mighty cataclysm shook the universe, carving bits and pieces out of every world and slamming them together, like puzzle pieces all from different sets. Holy's dominion lie in the center, he overlooked the new world from his citadel, his lust for power ever stronger. Rules and Guidelines. {I} | Standard You will follow the Rules of KH-VIDS.NET's forum when posting in this thread. Simple as that. I don't want my Roleplay shut down due to your misbehavior. {II} | Characters If you would like to play a character, send me a private message or a message on my page letting me know, I would rather not have the OoC cluttering up the roleplay. I will keep a list on the front page of who is available and how many more characters I'll be taking. Also, characters are to be played as themselves, with their personalities, abilities and sexualities in-tact. {Character Priority}: In order to keep a proper balance in this, it is paramount information that All characters are equal, your Original Character is no stronger than any others, however, Main Characters may take priority in a battle. This is to ensure that everyone has their share of fun, and that the plot I have in-store is not to be taken over, in accordance to Rule IV. {III} | Posting I know this isn't an Extended Roleplay, but I still want some decent posts, so please, at least two paragraphs. Paragraphs are five-to-eight sentences. I won't crack down super-hard on this rule, but you have been warned. Literacy and proper grammar are huge pluses as well. Most important though, is making a post that someone can actually respond to. I don't want you to drudge through making a ten+ line post of just what your character is thinking or just having your character sit there. Do something, be active. Also, not really a rule, but a suggestion, is to have something like this; Code: [B]Province[/B]: {Current province} [B]Location[/B]: {Current Location} [B]Interaction[/B]: {Current character interaction} Somewhere in your posts, please. It would help lessen a bit of the confusion in a multiple-world roleplay. {IV} | Behavior Behavior of both the character, and the RPer, need to be regulated. Characters need to keep things at a PG13 level, be it Violence, language or... romantic activities. Violence and romance of every kind are heavily encouraged in this roleplay, but please, be reasonable with it. I don't want you to describe to me how you've lost your arm and the remnant stub is leaving a bloody mess everywhere. Nor do I need your characters' sex in here. About the RPer's now, Do not try to shape the entire story for yourself, this is a team effort. Don't ignore other players, no flaming, trolling, spamming, god-modding (God-modding pertains to power playing, ever-dodging, never-tiring, writing your character out of a situation that seemed impossible), and auto-hitting (making contact with another character without the Roleplayer allowing it.). {V} | Rules Rules are subject to change, and will probably change constantly. I would suggest visiting the first page constantly, to avoid any misunderstandings. Characters {Accepted Character Board} I will be accepting characters from practically anything. Any anime, manga, comic, action-cartoon, etc. will be accepted, so long as I accept your profile for them. Fill out profiles below and send them to me in a private message. Also, as this is a Crossover, I don't want a crap-ton of OC's. So, for every two Canon Characters you take up, regardless of series, I will accept one of your OC's. Code: Username: Name: {use URL codes to make the name a link to their appearance.} Age: Faction: {Good, Neutral or Evil.} Weapon of Choice: {use URL codes to make the name a link to the weapon's appearance.} Fighting Style: {Do you prefer speed, or brute strength, maybe magic, intellect?} Abilities: {Your character's natural abilities, Descriptions please, and in List format} Secret Tech.:{Your character's most powerful moves; cannot be copied through Empathy} Personality: {I don't care if it's copied from a Wiki, just have something helpful here} Biography: {I don't care if it's copied from a Wiki, just have something helpful here} Series: {What series is your character from/ Based on, if any.} Roleplay Sample: {just like a post in the thread, two paragraphs please.} Provinces Or rather, sections of other worlds pushed together. The Provinces may end abruptly; like, the border of a province could be through where a building was, causing only half of the building to be transported in the cataclysm, etc. etc. If you're the first one to submit a character from that series, let me know and tell me of a good spot to make a province out of. Here's the list! Holy's Dominion New York, NY. Iwatodai, Japan. -Persona 3 Dark City, The World That Never Was. -Kingdom Hearts Destiny Island. -Kingdom Hearts Magnolia. -Fairy Tale Lost Ground. -sCRYed Open! Roxas The Key of Destiny Dark streets welcomed the boy as always. The narrow corridors and sketchy places in the Dark City were starting to grow familiar to him. The blonde had just made it to the outer edges of the city, further away from the Castle that never was. Puzzled blue eyes widened and narrowed, staring down what was once an alleyway. The dark, black buildings suddenly ended, and in place of another building was an open street, leading out into a city of grey-esque buildings. There were even taller skyscrapers than the one he had just seen beyond that. What exactly was happening? Then, from the shadow-drenched floors of the Dark City, NeoShadows rose, seemingly from nowhere. Their beady yellow eyes like floating lights in the darkness. Roxas swiftly summoned his weapons in a flash of light, slicing the powerful blades through the black creatures like butter. Roxas made short work of the once-mighty NeoShadows. The blonde caught Oblivion after it ricocheted off a building and through the last Heartless, dispelling the keys seconds afterwards. "That's...." the Nobody couldn't finish. He couldn't find the right word for it. Odd hadn't even come close to classifying it. The rain had completely stopped. Like someone had cut straight through the clouds above. Roxas removed his hood as he crossed the threshold into the strange new section of the World that Never Was, or so that was what he thought it was. Province: New York, NY Location: New York/Dark City border Interaction: N/A
[B]Province[/B]: {Current province} [B]Location[/B]: {Current Location} [B]Interaction[/B]: {Current character interaction}
Username: Name: {use URL codes to make the name a link to their appearance.} Age: Faction: {Good, Neutral or Evil.} Weapon of Choice: {use URL codes to make the name a link to the weapon's appearance.} Fighting Style: {Do you prefer speed, or brute strength, maybe magic, intellect?} Abilities: {Your character's natural abilities, Descriptions please, and in List format} Secret Tech.:{Your character's most powerful moves; cannot be copied through Empathy} Personality: {I don't care if it's copied from a Wiki, just have something helpful here} Biography: {I don't care if it's copied from a Wiki, just have something helpful here} Series: {What series is your character from/ Based on, if any.} Roleplay Sample: {just like a post in the thread, two paragraphs please.}
Discord Entropy Dead star shine, light up the sky I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in. Days go by; Give me a sign. Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned. The brunette made the shortest work of the boy's clone. Terra's expression swiftly went from pride, to guilt, to surprise. After attacking the pale boy's scapegoat, the brunette was left wide open for Discord's tactic. The horizontal lightning bolt darted to to Terra, grounding the brunt of the Thunder into the ground with his keyblade. The brute's chest was still exposed to lightning. Discord grinned slimly while his attack landed. Although, then Terra grew furious. It was like he wasn't going to be pushed around any more. Terra's rage manifested swiftly, growing and growing until it overflowed, reaching forward and forcing his shadow to take form, a dark claw slammed into Discord, his platinum eyes narrowed as he was forced backward, taking the full force of the shadow. Discord looked to the Keyblade Masters, seeing the bald, older man's face light up as Terra released his inner self. Shame that Master Eraqus hadn't noticed it then. However, getting knocked back was always a good thing in the mage's case. Discord raised his keyblade, magic coursing through his sword. He pulled it back behind his shoulder, the blade giving out an eerie dark glow. "Stop Raid," he thought, time coming to a halt the second after he launched his blade. The sword stopped in mid-air as Discord started to move. The ivory-haired boy moved into position, ready to catch his blade if it had struck through Terra and initiate a final combo. I can feel you falling away, No longer the lost, no longer the same And I can see you starting to break. I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way Forever, and ever, The scars will remain...World: Land of Departure Location: Throne Room. Interaction: Terra, Aqua.
Lol, that's what the quotations are for. And I'm still good with the low-tier characters there. But when someone plays Meta-Knight three matches in a row, I disconnect. Lol. "Immortal". People these days just can't make good vampires anymore.
I haven't played either, I just looked up the list of commands on Kingdom Hearts Wiki. Although, I'm unsure how balanced my D-Link is with the custom spells. EDIT: Also, I think that there should be a special D-Link, just for Ven, maybe only for use in the final battle with Vanitas, cuz, after making it I decided it was a little overpowered; SORA Sonic Blade - Quickly dash up to seven times with the Keyblade. Spark Raid - Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. If it connects, the Keyblade will split into beams of light that fly in all directions Ars Arcanum - Perform a massive Keyblade Combo upon the enemy. Hurricane Period - Aerial finishing move, Ventus spins with the Keyblade 1080 degrees vertically. Zantetsu~Counter - After successfully blocking an attack, counter with Zantetsuken. Explosion - Generates a two-stage explosion of light that Stuns foes. Salvation - Perform a powerful spinning attack and hit enemies with lots of columns of light at once. Magic Hour - dive repeatedly towards enemies and create columns of light that send enemies flying. Passive; "My friends are my power!" Increase total damage multiplied by the total amount of D-Links obtained. Finisher; Ragnarok.
xD it's true. He lost so much of his Priority in the "Balancing" of Brawl. ; _ ; And Slayer, after even more remakes and balances, is still a High-tier character. And just too dandy. I mean, did you see his "Knocked Out" stance? He doesn't look defeated, just annoyed. And his grab makes me chuckle every time. Also, Humid deathless fears marvel mockingly, lustrous raining MACH PUNCH
xD oh gawd. This is just too funny to me. Probably because I'm reading it in his voice. I swear, if Pile Bunker collided with Falcon Punch, the universe would be destroyed from the sheer manliness.
I'm going to be a tad busy and/or playing GGXX, if there's something urgent you need to say about the RP, or just want to chat in general, add my MSN. Also, I think, chronologically accurate, Terra should get that D-Link with Xehanort after his fight with Braig, which is a good while from now. Makes sense. I think that the D-Links will be more of a Link to the Heart, as opposed to summoning. Still, I'd rather not have you use that person's D-Link when you're fighting them, or teaming up with them. Some cases, however, like the final battle of Terra and Xehanort, will be void of this limitation. I'll add a section about D-Links to the first page of the RP thread in a bit.
xD This one is great. Or, with slayer's other moves; hermit softens, grim 5 frothy legless pigmies crash 7 Crash, GALAXY PUNCH! 5
Take a haiku, Replace a phrase in the last line with the phrase, PILE BUNKER and enjoy. I used The random Haiku Generator. forlorn sunny dogs fret, starflowers fade, petals and then PILE BUNKER.
For forging one with enemies, if I'll even allow it, then that would be the criteria. I think people should have to Okey that another RP'er can use their character's D-Link. And of course, the easy way is making friends.
This. I was going to mention this next. Get. Out. Of. My. Head. B/ Also, for Ethereal blades, I was thinking that they keep their weapon,but make use of two floating ethereal blades (for example, how Sora 'steals' Roxas's keyblades in the boss fight in KHII Final Mix.) But, it's your character, so it's your D-Link to make, just making suggestions.
Editted Discord's, It is an eight command limit, excluding the Finisher and the Passive.
not today. Nothing exciting is happening yet.
{D}iscord {E}ntropy Dead star shine, light up the sky I'm all out of breath, my walls are closing in. Days go by; Give me a sign. Come back to the end, the Shepard of the Damned. Discord's platinum eyes followed Aqua's movements, slightly distracted by her slender frame. His nature, I suppose. His nature had caused him to miss Terra's gesture at the blunette, looking over to him only as he had prepared himself for a rush. The same stances, the same mentality as the night before. Such overwhelming strength wasn't necessary when one could master Magic. Strength was useful in some cases, but, Magic could do everything muscles could, after all. "Tsk tsk. Typical Terr-" Discord started as the brunette charged forward, but was interrupted by the brute. "Fire? I didn't think he even knew that!" The white-haired boy's emotionless exterior ejected, turning into one of minor surprise, carrying the slightest undertones of worry. Discord raised his right hand, focusing on the fireball flung his way. The mage waved his arm to the side, magically dragging off a large mass of the Fire spell and tossing it aside. However, he hadn't rerouted the entire spell, the remnants of the fireball slamming into said arm, fraying the ends of his coat's sleeve. Exposing the pale skin of his right arm only slightly. Terra had followed through his magic attack with the predictable rush that Discord originally anticipated. Earthshaker connected with the boy's chest, sending him backward a few feet. "Stop" Discord muttered mid-fling, time around him came to a halt as he landed gracefully on his feet. The boy thought back to what Terra had said the night before, saying that appearing behind him was the typical place to go. Discord grinned as he activated his illusionary Magic; Spawning a single full-body clone. The clone took its place behind the brunette, becoming the perfect scapegoat. Discord himself stood behind the clone, at a safe distance. As time got back on track. Lightning sparked around his hand, charging his unique Thunder Δ, ready to fire the bolt the second Terra sliced through his clone. I can feel you falling away, No longer the lost, no longer the same And I can see you starting to break. I'll keep you alive, if you show me the way Forever, and ever, The scars will remain...World: Land of Departure Location: Throne Room. Interaction: Terra, Aqua.
Sounds like a good idea. Since I was already using Shotlocks, I was looking for a way to incorporate D-Links. That might just work. But, I think commands is a good thing. Like, say, a D-Link with Discord; {Discord} -Stop(ra/ga) -Time Slicer -Magic Hour -Vanish -Blind -Magnet(ra/ga) β -Thunder(ra/ga) Δ -Reflect(ra/ga) Ω -Full body Clone. -Passive: Magic Hastega+ -Finisher; Twisted Hours β - Beta; A seperate Magnet spell, cast as a bubble around the user, and reversing the polarity of the magnetism, pushing everything away rather than drawing it in. Δ - Delta; The variations of Thunder I had Discord use already, sending a bolt horizontally instead of vertically, a more focused bolt. Ω - Omega; An advanced variant of Reflect. Condensing the entire defensive bubble into a single tile, multiplying the damage reflected tenfold.