Good point, P. That sounds most convincing. But perhaps the original Xehanort had slightly differing armor; The Nobody sigils really seam out of place. But, here's another theory of mine for this armor. Spoiler Xemnas, in order to take over Terra, extracted his own heart similar in fashion to how Sora had in KH1. Sora doing this resulted in a Nobody and a Heartless, as his heart was left to be taken by the darkness. As for a heartless, Master Xehanort instead thrust his heart upon Terra. What happened to his body? This armor could in-fact be the Nobody of the old man. His name also being opposite that of a Nobody; An anagram of the original, subtracting the X instead of adding one. The name also turns out to be No Heart; Nobody's have No Heart. Could this be the original Nobody?
Also, I'm not sure if anyone else knows, but, Disney has recently come into ownership of Marvel Comics. It's highly unlikely, but if there is a SpiderMan, Incredible Hulk, or other Marvel worlds, I'm pretty sure I'd be done with Kingdom Hearts. I love Marvel, I love Disney, and I love Kingdom Hearts, but that'd be terrible.
Note: This is a repost of LilBueno's RP. The story was mostly made up by him. Both LilBueno and I are in charge. |~Spoilers for the entire Kingdom Hearts series~| "My name is of no importance. What about you? Do you remember your true name?" Terra. Master Xehanort. Xehanort the apprentice. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Lingering Sentiment. And of course, Xemnas, Superior of the In-Between. All of these names, these people, something is special about them. They are all, in some strange way, one and the same. Long ago, years before Sora and Riku thought of leaving the island, way before Kairi woke up on Destiny Islands, decades before they were even born, Destiny Islands had a native. His name was Xehanort. Xehanort, like Sora and Riku after him, longed to see new worlds. Eventually, he not only got his wish, but he also got a Keyblade. Over time, he became a Keyblade Master. He also started to lose his grip on his sanity. After the events of BBS, he merged with Terra and unwillingly left the Lingering Sentiment with life. After they battled, he became the amnesiac Xehanort, apprentice to Ansem the Wise. Sometime later, Xehanort split into two: A Heartless, and a Nobody with a team. During KH1, Xemnas found the Lingering Sentiment and recognized it. The two both hated and needed each other. Xemnas felt that LS was the key to his memories and LS felt that Xemnas was the key to being whole, but something was still missing...a heart. At the end of KH1, Sora defeated "Ansem," or Xehanort's Heartless. But the Heartless didn't die. In it's last moments, it escaped, running to fight another day. Unfortunately for him, he was found by Xemnas. Xemnas absorbed Xehanort's Heartless, but locked the heart deep inside himself so as not to revert to a whole person just yet and still keeping his power. (Seriously, you never wondered why Xemnas was so strong and could do all that stuff?) Going back on his word to his old armor, Xemnas felt his heart held his memories and that he was strong enough to carry out his plans without the Lingering Sentiment's power. Thus, KH2 happened. However, the exact thing happened again. Sora thought he defeated Xemnas, but he didn't destroy him. Same with the Lingering Sentiment. The two counterparts found each other and merged, and thus, Xehanort was reborn. Due to his unique existence, Xehanort had his apprentice body (Terra with white hair) but Master Xehanort was in control. Terra was revived, but he was trapped as a spirit in his gauntlet on Xehanort's left arm. Xehanort also found himself with new powers, far surpassing his original's, or Xemnas. He also realized that he could dual wield Master Xehanort's original Keyblade with Terra's Ends of the Earth. He started a ritual in order to revive Organization XIII, but was found out by Mickey. Mickey enlisted Sora and Riku's help through a letter that kept us guessing for years after we beat Kingdom Hearts 2. Because of this, Xehanort couldn't revive all of his followers, but he succeeded in some. Calling themselves "The New Order," they were able to hold their own against Sora, Riku, and Mickey. In fact, our heroes were defeated quite brutally. In order to get rid of the thorn in his side, Xehanort banished Sora to the Realm of Nothingness. Sora couldn't find a way home, but he never lost hope. Suddenly, a voice called out to him. It promised him great power. It told him he would be able to control not just light, but darkness as well. And he wouldn't be at risk like anyone else. He could use the power to defeat Xehanort and the New Order. All he would have to do is agree to let the voice help him. It took some pestering, but when the voice told him that Xehanort is the reason it was in the Realm of Nothingness as well, Sora finally agreed. Riku and Mickey tried to find Sora, but they couldn't. Riku, however, believed that Sora could find his own way back and that he will. With that, they took on the New Order again. In the middle of the battle, Sora showed up in his silver Final Form. Floating behind him were three Kingdom Keys. Laying next to him, was an unconscious Roxas. Before Mickey, Riku, and even the New Order could get over their confusion, Sora reverted back to normal, but with sad eyes. "We can't win" was all he said. It seemed the pact he made with the voice came at a price. Sora's greatest weapon, his hope. Seeing a chance, Xehanort swooped in. He convinced Sora that if he can't win, he should switch sides. Something Sora did, surprising everyone. With that, the New Order -and Sora- disappeared. Riku and Mickey couldn't believe it. Could Sora really have joined the other side? And what happened to Roxas? After a few days at Disney Castle, Roxas woke up. He said that something made its home in Sora's heart and, by some strange effect, it kicked Roxas out. Still confused as to what was going on, Riku decided he would save Sora. Roxas and Mickey both agreed. Mickey left the care of the castle with Donald and Goofy, who were heartbroken with the news of what happened and left with the other two Keybearers to Yen Sid, seeking help. Yen Sid revealed that Sora made a "Pact." Pacts are special rituals, an ancient magic from long ago, between two beings. One being offers its power to another for a price. The result is a symbiotic relationship between the two and a special marking somewhere on the body. Yen Sid wondered if Xehanort's new power was a result of a Pact as well. With two Pacts on their side, The New Order could not be defeated by Mickey, Riku, and Roxas. He revealed that they would have to form pacts and thus the three left to go find partners. If you've read all this, put "Nomura ****ed my mind" in your first post and pat yourself on the back. The New Order The New Order is the name of Xehanort's new team. It currently consists of him, Terra (albeit as an unwilling captive), Sora, Sora's unknown Pact Partner, and revived Organization XIII members. The members are revived as Nobodies and (if you choose Axel, Larxene, or Marluxia) are bound to Xehanort and cannot betray him directly. Because of the ritual he used, the members are now stronger than ever. Some may even have a new power or a Pact Partner. Because the ritual was interrupted by King Mickey, the revived Organization members were scattered about the universe. They were all bound to Xehanort's will and found their way to him, one way or the other. It wasn't long after the New Order's formation, though, that Xehanort started to recruit fresh members. Accepted New Order: Spoiler: Xigbar Username: Top-Tier Roxas Character: Xigbar Light/Dark: Dark Weapon: Sharpshooter Arrowguns Element: Space Pact Partner: None. Backstory: Nothing truly new has happened to Xigbar. Fall at the hands of Sora. Next thing he knows, he's being revived by tall-dark-and-spooky. Beats fading into nothing, I guess. Other: Spoiler: Axel Username: Twilight_Nobody13 Character: Axel Light/Dark: Dark Weapon: Eternal Flames Element (For New Order): Fire Pact Partner: Ash Pact Partner Appearance: Ash Pact Price: Loss of self-preservation instincts Pact Mark: a pair of angel wings with barbed wire wrapped around them on his back. Pact Power: control over darkness, stronger magic, teleportation, and a dark shield shaped like wings Backstory: Axel had been sitting in darkness ever since sacrificing his life to protect Sora and his friends. Sitting there all that time, a woman started to follow him. Her dark eyes and smile would've enchanted him if he had a heart. Brushing her off several times, he finally gave in and spent his dark days with her. After the ritual and being brought back, he found her still attatched to him. She promised that with her power, Axel would be stronger and could find his friend again. After the Pact had been made, Axel found himself willing to be thrown into more dangerous battles without concern for his own safety. Other (Other skills or anything you want to share): "Nomura ****ed my mind" makes me laugh and KH 358/2 Days is my favorite of the series. (if anything needs improvement please tell me, thnx) Pacts Pacts are an ancient magic. Any two beings can make a Pact, though those who try usually go for someone with more power. The exchange of power comes at a price. A price that is unknown until the Pact is official. The price can be anything, from something physical (an arm) to a sense (losing your sight, or even your voice) to something mental (Hope.) After the Pact is made, some kind of mark is left on the person's body, corresponding to the price paid. Xehanort's is unseen, hidden beneath his clothes. For Sora, a Keyhole over his heart, hidden beneath his clothes. The Pact Partner is bound to the other. If one dies before the Pact is broken, so does the other. Pact Partners live outside of each other's body. However, Sora's Pact Partner seems to be hiding in his heart, and Xehanort twisted his pact to seal Terra in the gauntlet he wears. PACT PARTNERS CAN BE ANYTHING (within reason). If you want to make a heartless or a Nobody or an Unversed your Pact Partner, go for it. If you want a dragon or a golem or whatever, go for that, too. If you've read this, put your favorite KH game in your post. Or just a random one, it doesn't matter. Rules No powerplaying, no godmodding, blah blah blah. Keep romance PG. I don't mind profanity. Feel free to use it. FOLLOW EVERY RULE, INCLUDING KHV's PRESET RULES. No killing characters without permission. This is an extended RP. Long posts, people. If you leave, tell us ahead of time whether it's permanently or for a break. Recaps will be made available. Sora, his "Pact partner," and Xehanort are all in LilBueno's control. Along with Riku You will control your character and a Pact partner. Only in special cases will we let someone control a character and someone else their Pact partner. You can choose from any existing Kingdom Hearts characters or make an OC. Pact Partners can be pretty much anything. Yes, I took the idea of Pact Partners from Darkengard, a game I've never played. Pact Partners come at a price, so make sure you use that. No Disney characters, aside from Mickey, is preferred but if you really want one, take it. If you want a New Order member, feel free to grab him. Or her, for Larxene. ANYONE can have a pact partner. Good guy or New Order member, but not everyone needs one. I am definitely sure that there are some plot holes in here, or even things that don't make sense with Kingdom Hearts, but you know what, ignore it. Roxas and Mickey must have Pact Partners if you pick them. If you want Ven, Aqua, Xion, Namine, or even Master Eraqus, you have to talk to LilBueno/Carter Hall first so he can tell you how to include them. Vanitas is OFF-LIMITS. He's pretty much dead. If you've read the rules, put...whatever, just go ahead and post xD Existing Character Form Username: Character: Light/Dark (In other words, good or bad guy?): Weapon: Element (For New Order): Pact Partner (NONE if none): Pact Partner Appearance (Ignore if you don't have one): Pact Price (Ignore if you don't have one): Pact Mark (Ignore if you don't have one): Pact Power (Ignore if you don't have one): Backstory (What have they been up to since the KH series and how did they get their Pact Partner, if they got one): Other (Other skills or anything you want to share): Original Character Form Username: Character Name: Character Appearance: Light/Dark: Weapon (if any): Element (For New Order): Pact Partner (NONE if none): Pact Partner Appearance (Ignore if you don't have one): Pact Price (Ignore if you don't have one): Pact Mark (Ignore if you don't have one): Pact Power (Ignore if you don't have one): History: Other (Other skills or anything you want to share): Accepted Characters Spoiler: Discord Entropy Username: Top-Tier Roxas Character Name: Discord Entropy Light/Dark: Light Weapon: No Name Keyblade. Pact Partner: A powerful, nameless man. Pact Price: His homeworld's people. Pact Mark: a tattoo on the base of his neck exactly like the zipper emblem on his coat, with a pair of clock hands, pointing to what would be 8:05. Pact Power: The ability to manifest and wield Ethereal Blades. Heightened magic; -Greater control over Time magic, -Full-body clone manifestation -Manifestation of Magic sentries. History: Discord was born to a different world, not long ago. His homeworld consisted of prominent wielders of Magic. Young Entropy was an aspiring scholar at the time when an unknown visitor had came to his realm. The main claimed he could help Discord, make him the most powerful mage his world had ever seen. The child had unwittingly agreed, and left his world with the man. After years of training, they returned to Discord's home, only to find it deserted. As if everyone had just vanished. Of course, that was exactly what had happened, all at the hand of his new teacher. To this day, more than a decade later, Discord doesn't know the price of his pact.
Lol, hardly. I left just when my RP was getting interesting. My life has a way of messing those up.
i'm doing fairly well, yourself?
Because, let's face it, we all want one. To stay Canon, it would have to be based during the Keyblade War, and have little to no mention of current Kingdom Hearts characters. The game would be heavily PvP, or, Player vs. Player, based, and there would be the two obvious factions, Light, and Dark. All characters would start out as Level 1 Keyblade Apprentices, then, based on how you put your stats and what abilities/commands you pick, you would get your Class and role in combat. Light and Dark would have different titles for the same classes, and exclusive moves to each side, and exclusive moves to each class. Weaponry would be your keyblade, which would evolve with passing experiences, or simply stay the same and get stronger as you leveled. Armor would be earned, melded, or dropped, depending on its class and strength. For example, high level armor for Dark Knights would be the same dark armor that Vanitas and Riku wore, having to be earned from a certain mission. More ideas to come, but let me know your opinions. (:
You used Roxas and Xion as examples of it, but they too, "Don't have a heart". Or at least, Roxas does not. Although, that is a good plothole I've pondered myself. Nomura said that Xemnas was most likely choosing not to use a keyblade, but why would he need Roxas if he could use one?
So, I was random paging through the KH wiki when this new page came up, Looks very familiar right? Discuss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I was saying in here, I figured Xemnas could wield a keyblade, but chose not to. This, and his page in the KH wiki practically confirm that this is his version of Keyblade Armor.
Yes, but In my original post, I quoted Nomura's interview, and he said that Xemnas could possibly still wield it, but chose not to. Maybe that's what they wanted us to think was that he lost his memory of how to wield it. True. Both of those could be right, and there is a bit of proof behind both of those theories. Uh.... Nope? Roxas covered his keyblade with light, (Much like Sora and Xion did for Ars Arcanum) and for his final limit, used defensive pillars of light, which he uses more effectively in his KH2FM Boss Battle. The only people to use Ethereal Blades were Xemnas and MF, so far.
I'm very surprised that Final Mix didn't include another version of Xemnas, wielding his keyblade. Spoiler Xemnas's origins as Terra and Master Xehanort indicate that he may have been capable of wielding a Keyblade, but just preferred not to, as an interview with Nomura stated that "It's possible that {Xemnas} intentionally wasn't using {a Keyblade}" It would have been pretty cool, but then again, as I've seen people say, -KH I; Keyblade can only be used by the chosen one. -KH II; Five people with Keyblades. -KH BbS; Keyblade school. Keyblades everywhere. I think it really lost its exclusivity. But I'm rambling. What are your thoughts on Xemnas with a Keyblade? In all honesty, if he was a hard match for Riku and Sora with his ethereal blades, then he would have surely one with it.
Holy Telos An indigo eye eyed the newcomer warily. He was not backing down. Shame, Holy could have used him for something. Ivory hair clung around his monocle-covered eye, wavering about in the slight wind. The brunette stated something about having problems with authority figures. Hmph. Holy himself wasn't one for the rules himself, so he took the initiative and changed them. Next he said that Holy was demanding respect from him? Preposterous. Holy does not demand respect, Holy had already earned it. The genius raised his brow in amusement, waving his sword to the side. The building to his left had crumpled to the floor, cut clean through. It was something that Kazuma would probably confuse for Holy 'activating his Alter', though the white-haired man didn't know that. "Yes, I did this. I'm searching for more power, and from the way you're acting, I assume that I have found some. " Holy spoke in his over-dignified manner, awaiting the Shell Bullet's reaction. Holy hardly ever made the first move. Province: Holy's Dominion Location: Dominion/Lost Ground border Interaction: Kazuma the Shell Bullet Roxas The Key of Destiny The Key of Destiny brought his arms to cross in front of him, the blades on either side of him, placed defensively. Light danced around Roxas, building and building until the boy released his arms in a violent swing, the light following his actions and passing through the living shadows as a powerful shockwave. The blonde began his basic attack combo on one of the Neoshadows, relentlessly swinging with both Oathkeeper and Oblivion while pillars of light waltzed forward on either side, one at a time. The beams parried back any other attackers that had thought of breaking the blonde's concentration. Roxas turned around to watch the Axel look-alike. He was fairing well, even without a weapon. XIII grinned, that no more Neoshadows were showing up, and they were making great progress. Finally, it was one of the attacks that had always got him before he got used to the beasts; One of the other shadows lunged up from its pool of darkness, taking to the skies and preparing to crash down. Roxas revved up Oblivion, cocking it back and shooting it forward. The blade whirred above the redhead, rending the Neoshadow in two. "Let's keep moving. We can try to figure this out from a safer location" The Key of Destiny suggested, Oblivion returning to his right hand in a puff of dark smoke. Province: New York, NY Location: City streets. Interaction: Fire Dragon
Dat bass drum, mah lord. Gets me every time. :D Also, Disappeared? [video=youtube;pvHLhWLojSM][/video] Dear god, I hear it as DA's now.
I like this one. :D Also, just got my new hat in the mail. Spoiler
Holy Telos Mr. Telos's exposed eyebrow raised at the man before him. "An officer of Holy?" Did the other worlds already know of his troops? It was highly unlikely, as he had almost literally just mobilized them. Holy's focus returned to the brunette in front of him. He was demanding answers, fast. A threat? The ivory-clad man let out a haunting laugh. It's been at least a decade since someone had actually threatened him. He was usually at the other end of this kind of message. "Now now, let's not be hasty," Holy grinned, releasing his cane and waving his hand, the hidden sword floated upward, gracefully welcoming his piano-gloved grip. A smirk graced Holy's hidden face. "Officer? Not at all. I am a born leader, sir. You're looking at the best of the best. You'd best be more respectful." Province: Holy's Dominion Location: Dominion/Lost Ground border Interaction: Kazuma the Shell Bullet
Holy Telos An indigo eye traced the border as he approached. What was once the walls of his city was now a lining of tall, unfamiliar trees. Holy could see the wildlife there, whimpering away as the white-clad man approached. The man's amethyst eye noted bigger movement heading his direction from the forest. Holy was curious what kind of creatures lurked in other worlds, but it proved to be just another man. A sinister smirk joined Holy's face. Hopefully someone with an ability of some sort, something he could use. Holy heard the man start talking to himself, though at his distance the words were muffled whispers. The ivory-haired man loosened a sigh, and approached the latest tourist to his home. "Quite something, isn't it?" Holy bragged, the eerie lights from the runes that lined the streets refracted off his pale suit. The man walked patiently towards his... Guest, his cane making every third step. Holy was glad with his work, rending the space-time continuum of the entire multiverse was no easy task, and he was very glad to have done it right the first time. "Please, call me Holy. And whom am I speaking to?" The amethyst behind Holy's monocle examined the man, sure, he was well-built, but that never stopped Holy from defeating his prey before. Province: Holy's Dominion Location: Dominion/Lost Ground border Interaction: Kazuma the Shell Bullet
Haha, no thanks, I've got it now. (: I've fused at least forty defense boosts by now, I'm pretty sure I know how. :P I don't need a guide book! :O I just use KH Wiki for everything.
I thought this was dead. xD I was actually already doing all of that, except I'm going to max out on Defense Boosts firsts, then Power Boosts.
That works. I didn't notice till now, lol. I guess the best word for it is Magi-technological.
Oh, sorry. I got busy and completely blanked. I will respond right now.
I'm gunna bet on Duke. Always bet on Duke, dude.