Hahaha!!! Burn!!! Burn!!!! Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!
My friend's PS3 name is Ball-Zitch.
If they're talking to you: It's too late.
Baby crows do exist. (as proved by my last thread.) The shorter and drunker a person is, the funnier it is. It's never good if someone asks you to look up "Fork in Lung". Clint Eastwood is OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD. If your wife/girlfriend asks something, there's never a right answer. Fire=Bad. Running with scissors has never resulted in someone getting their eye stabbed out. Using these materials: A ball of twine, a roll of duct tape, a paper clip, and a lunchbox, you can solve any problem. Feel free to add more.
... I'm going to pretend I understood that videogame babble.
Ah Kazoos. One of the few instruments that you can learn in 15 seconds. Right up there with the triangle, the harmonica, and all those other bullcocky "instruments". But yes I'll join.
Lolzorz he r d1d stuf in r3al lief. N00b!!!!
Jecht is one of the manliest characters in FF. I mean really: Have you seen the size of that tatoo on his chest? That must've hurt like sh**. Probably costed like 100,000 gil too.
Well you see son, when a man loves a- Sorry wrong problem. You're probably just, I don't know, NORMAL!
Good for you man. Bass rules and I don't care what anyone says. First of all: Do you have a Pawn Shop nearby? If not I can't tell you sites in particular. But you can always go to Guitar Center.com.
*sighs* Yes?
HAHAHAHA!!! Hey guys, this dude doesn't know where bigfoot is! Let's laugh and point!
It's only over if you let it be over. :)
You've got a point there.
Has anyone here ever seen a baby crow? It's so weird. I've never thought about it until now but think about it: You see baby squirrels, cats, even alligators, but no baby crows. Are they born that size? The world may never know.
You can't make me!!!!
*dies * sad face.
How odd......
You know what you did by saying no? You ever think: "Hey, that drug dealer might have a family." You ever think that?! You ever think that maybe he's just trying to get by?!?!?! NO!!! YOU DIDN'T!!! WHY?! Because you're a selfish, egotistical, son of a whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, I really didn't mean that.