No offense, but have you seen 95% of people? They're either obese or wannabe gangstas, or both. You're gonna have to SEEEEEEEERIOUSLY lower your standards at the rate you're going.
What is Sonic Adventure 2?
Thanks for that.
Now that's just disrespectful.
I love stealth camo.
Get yourself some coffee and a murder to investigate. Jimmy, it's gonna be a long night...
Oh sure. And I bet this is the same guy who said that the Earth is round and magic doesn't exist. By the way pal, space is bull****.
It's what I do. It's what I do.
You lose man points for using the word triumph.
DAMN YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is banished to another dimension*
I'm not the best cook ever but I'd say I'm pretty good, I watch the Food Network a lot though. (Don't tell anyone that!) :P
I knew it!
And this turns into a religious debate in 3..2..1. No but seriously, death is very frightening. I just can't really imagine how it would happen. I gues it would be kind of like going to sleep, without ever waking up. That alone freaks me out.
You had the rumblys in your tumbly? That only hands could satisfy?
Blond Lebanese Hash. That's some good shit.
Just a city boy! Born and raised in South Detroit! He took the midnight train goin' anywhere!!!
A 30 Foot Tall Ninja Cyborg Jaguar from the Future who can speak Spanish. I challenge you to beat that.