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  1. Kites
    but it's so effing difficult to find decent kingdom hearts artwork. like for real. i went to pixiv and look what i got...

    btw the above image is kid friendly for one reason.
    tarzan wears a loin cloth in kingdom hearts remember????[​IMG]

    i give up on society man for real.
    Thread by: Kites, Aug 21, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Kites


    dude i just found my old usb drive and it had a 65 page fanfic combining ffvii and ffiv (from like 08 when i used to be into that sorta stuff) and it's really pretty good my eyes are all bloodshot from reading it all night...i used to be creative? lol oh.

    EDIT: oh that's okay don't say anything that's fine..jerks.
    Thread by: Kites, Aug 8, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Kites
    I haven't made anything semi-creative in photoshop for months so I decided to give it a go. I was never fabulous to begin with but I get the gist of techniques, etc. So pros, cons, ways to continue with this sig since I don't know what to do next. Thanks. (They were smaller so I had to do some resizing for the sake of the forum that's why details might seem a bit off, trust me it looks better in PS.)


    Most recent edited (My result after adding a gradient map, some text, minor sharpening, and some vibrance layers - much better in my opinion):
    Thread by: Kites, May 31, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Kites

    remember when this many people actually went on here in a day? seems like just yesterday i had a n00b username. the memories...
    Thread by: Kites, May 15, 2011, 41 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Kites

    because let's be honest, RCT2 was the best one. welcome back childhood.
    Thread by: Kites, May 14, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Kites

    Thread by: Kites, Mar 28, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Kites

    Yeah, COD


    Do you think that MW2 was better than Black Ops? Cause I've heard a lot of people say that it is. Personally, I could definitely tell the difference as soon as I played Black Ops because it just felt different, you know? Like shooting a gun with those gun mechanics was just weird at first. Plus on campaign, the whole schizophrenia, "I'm seeing numbers" thing was just such a strange storyline.

    I'm not saying Black Ops is bad, since it's not like I play hard core or anything, it's usually just me on random rainy days or weekends when I have nothing to do that I sit down and play Team Deathmatch or Domination or whatever. So yeah, I was just curious.

    I play on PS3 if that means anything to you.
    Thread by: Kites, Mar 27, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. Kites


    I was gone for quite a bit, which was rare since I came on EVERYDAY like last year and the year before. Recently I was only popping in on a really rare occasion to say hi to a couple people on here that I wouldn't get to talk to otherwise, but I was just thinking about some of the other people I met and I miss that so I might pop in more often now.

    Anywho, for those who have yet to meet me, I'm Julia.
    This place changed quite a bit since my last time here. Before it was the white forum with the Sora pic on the top. Good times.

    P.S. - You took my prem away, thanks guys, lovin that :P
    Thread by: Kites, Mar 27, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Kites
    Final Fantasy Versus XIII;


    So I was listening to the FFXIII Versus song 'Somnus' and decided to make some icons/avatars/whatever you want to call them, based off the game. I guess you have to do CnC to get credit for posting here, but whatever it's not necessary. If you use them, credit me please :3
    Thread by: Kites, Feb 21, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Kites
    and I seriously need to overcome my fear of the costume characters. There could be rapists in those costumes. D<
    Thread by: Kites, Jul 24, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Kites
    And I just thought...the spamzone in a game of flashlight tag. Oh what fun. :=D:
    Thread by: Kites, Jul 21, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Kites
    A vampire robot nazi that is also a zombie Chuck Norris can only be defeated by flying raptor Jesus.

    I had no idea.
    Thread by: Kites, Jul 21, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Kites



    What does YOUR fanny pack have inside?
    Thread by: Kites, Jul 16, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Kites
    Opened CS4 and decided to make some avatars. :3 Sorry about the formatting on some of them, thank photobucket for that :/


    CnC? No harshies.<3
    Thread by: Kites, Jul 9, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Kites

    Who is...

    the one person on khv that you trust the most? I know most people have more than one but choose one person B|

    For me it's Zeo :'D
    Thread by: Kites, May 31, 2009, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Kites
    I made some avvys when I had some free time on my hands. I have tons piled on my computer so I decided that I might as well post a few at a time :'D Feel free to use 'em.


    Here's a few Lightnings 100x100 avvys ^.^

    Thread by: Kites, Apr 28, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Kites
    Hi! This is my very first poem that I have posted on khv. I had a sudden burst of inspiration XD. CnC is always welcome, but please, no bashing.

    I sit beside you
    Pointing you in the right direction
    And yet you don't even notice
    That I am dying on the inside
    Am I not the one?
    What did I do? I deserve your affection
    Am I not the one?
    You spot me on the other side of the room
    Our eyes lock
    You quickly look away, but I can't stop hoping
    Mixed signals that I wish were clear
    "I love you"
    But recieve no feelings in return
    Why must the truth be so cruel
    "You are not the one"
    Thread by: Kites, Dec 23, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Kites
    This is my first fanfic on KHV, I hope all of you like it. CnC is always welcome, just please, no bashing.

    Things you need to know:
    -The story still takes place on The Planet(FFVII)
    -There is a new kingdom that I created myself called Demesne
    -New characters as well that I created: Athena and Eclipsia and more to come
    -The story takes place after FFVII and before FFVII:AC
    -The story involves mostly the Turks and Athena(new character) but I will include everyone else of FFVII later
    -This is an action/adventure/suspense/romance mix story, please be patient, we will get to the main parts soon.

    Chapter I: Demesne​

    Three strange men walked the long corridor of the castle before they entered the large doors that led into the Great Hall. Never before had strangers like these been in the castle upon the hill of the large city. People had been coming through the castle ever so often nowadays searching for support and other ways to recover from the disastrous incident. The castle was buzzing with life day in and day out, but she got the feeling that these strangers didn’t want what the other people of the city wanted. Their demeanor was much more business-like and serious. Finally, the men stopped in front of the throne where a woman was waiting to greet them.
    “Welcome to our castle, my name is Eclipsia, one of two princesses of this great city. Tell me, what have you traveled all the way here for?” Eclipsia was tall and slender. She had long, wavy blonde hair. She had a hint of purple in her eyes.
    “Thank you for having us in your castle. Where is the king and queen?” one of the men asked. He had long black hair and his voice was strict and cold.
    “Away, on business, after the attack on our city the king and queen had to leave and speak to our kingdom’s allies about what it is we will do next.” Eclipsia said this with a somewhat serious tone in her voice. With the King and Queen gone, it was necessary for her and her sister to look after the town and aid its people.
    “Anyway, we have strict orders from a Mr. Rufus Shinra.” the black haired man explained.
    “Rufus Shinra?” Eclipsia stood, she pondered the name for a moment before finally realizing who they were talking about. “Yes, Mr. Shinra of Shin-Ra Electric Power Company. I know exactly who you speak of.” Eclipsia smiled, she seemed pleased by the fact that she knew who Rufus Shinra was. “What are these ever-so-strict orders he has sent you here for?” Eclipsia stood still, waiting for the man that seemed to be their leader to explain himself.
    “Rufus Shinra has heard of the corrupted state your city has been put in by ‘Him‘.” the man replied. “We work in the Investigation Sector of General Affairs Department of Shin-Ra Inc., also known as Turks. Since your city has been attacked by the same man that our city has been trying to stop, Rufus felt it necessary to send us here on business.” the man stood still, waiting for Eclipsia’s reply.
    “Well then, what do you need from us? Is there something that we need to do?” Eclipsia looked confused, how did any of this involve the city’s royals other than helping rebuild what had been damaged?
    “Mr. Shinra has called upon a black-op and we need some outside help. Since most people can only cast spells using Materia, Rufus told us to find someone who uses magic as a natural ability. It is all in an effort to find the man who has caused terrible destruction upon the cities of The Planet.” the black haired man said.
    “One moment, I still don’t understand, what do you need someone who uses magic for? Is it all part of this operation?” Eclipsia once again looked confused.
    “Yes, this operation is top-secret. We do not know all the details as to why he needs someone with this magic ability. He has told us limited information, with hopes that we will bring back that person. We assume whomever this person is, they will be of some use to us in our search for this man. Besides, we will have the utmost protection for whomever that person may be. Now, back to the reason why we are here, do you know a person of whom I speak?” the black haired man waited for an answer, hoping that the princess knew someone with that magical capability.
    “Yes, I do know someone like that.” Eclipsia exhaled. “My sister is the absolute only one in this city, in this kingdom, who is able to cast spells without Materia. She is not only able to do this, but she is also a exceptional navigator. When she was younger, she would look at maps of places all around The Planet and study them for hours on end. I think she could help you on your travels.” Eclipsia was worried. What if her sister was put in some sort of terribly dangerous situation? The man that caused the destruction of their kingdom is the same man that these Turks are searching for. That already meant trouble when she thought deeply about it.
    “That is good news, Rufus will be pleased to hear this. Now, is there a way we can meet your sister?” the black haired man questioned.
    “Let me take you to her right now. Follow me." Eclipsia stepped down from the throne and led the black-clad men out the Great Hall into the corridor. Eclipsia walked into a long hallway being flooded with light by the large windows that lined the hall on the right side. On the left side of the same hallway, freshly watered flowers were sparkling in the sun because of the water droplets on the pedals. They reached the large wooden door at the end of the hall with a gold-plated sign engraved with the name “Athena” above the door. Eclipsia opened the door leading into the room calling Athena, her sister, at the same time.
    More to come! Thanks to Zeonark for reading over my story before anyone else! You're a great editor! Check out his story "Time and Space"
    Thread by: Kites, Dec 13, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Kites
    I wanted to see what other people think. I've stated in other posts by other users that I have seen a lot of people unhappy with the way Quinton Flynn voiced Axel this time around. Personally, and this is mere opinion, I disagree with them. I did notice that his voice was deeper and different than it was in KHII, but you have to realize that KH Chain of Memories takes place a year or so before KHII. In the GBA version of CoM Axel was much more evil and dark then when we saw him in KHII. Roxas hadn't even arrived yet in the game, and it was Roxas who softened Axel up. I say Quinton Flynn did a great job as usual.
    Thread by: Kites, Dec 4, 2008, 34 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Kites
    I apologize of this is posted in the wrong section I didn't know whether to put it in upcoming games or KH2, but it incorporated KH2 in the post...
    Do you think that even after Axel's death in KH2, we will hear of him again in the future? I know it is too far off to tell, but he was one of the most complex organization xii members. He acted as though be had a heart and feelings. I personally hope that we hear more from him, almost like a loophole in his story. I don't know, what do you think?
    Thread by: Kites, Dec 1, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX