I don't consciously decide, "I am going to love this person". It happens subconsciously. I can try to be more understanding towards someone, and I can -act- as though I love them, but I can't actively choose to love them. It's the same here. I'm not saying that I have to be an automaton. Quite the opposite. I can't choose what my emotions or beliefs are. They come from my upbringing and observations of the world. So even if someone presents an argument for why it's beneficial to believe in a god, I cannot.
Regulating smiley shortcuts could be good. I know some of them require colons to be wrapped around them, such as :=D:. That's a fairly good solution, IMO. Just so long as it's kept constant across the board, preferably.
+1 support. Failing that, could we get it added as an option below the 'show your signature' option in Quick Reply? I find myself going into Advanced Reply often, simply to access that feature. Admittedly, those NoParse tags are godly. I didn't know about them. So much love for Mixt right now. All of the love. All of it.
I've heard this argument a few times. It seems good on the surface, but then it becomes rather weak after a bit of thought. 1. As Noroz pointed out, we 'lose' due to restrictions placed upon us. We have to conform, even if it's merely going to church, or labelling oneself as a theist. What we lose out on is the ability to call ourselves atheists. This loss in itself is enough to make one reconsider. While, if I choose religion and I'm wrong, I won't know about my mistake, the fact of the matter is that I've still made a loss. Lack of knowledge of a loss is not enough to negate the loss. 2. There are many deities. I can say 'I believe in Yaweh', and then lose because it turns out the Romans were right. Why should I choose one deity over another? Pascal's wager is not a dichotomy, as Mirai stated. There are many, many choices to make. Who's to say that it's not the Flying Spaghetti Monster? 3. The biggest flaw in Pascal's Wager is the fact that it's assuming belief is a conscious choice, and not a conclusion a person draws from evidence presented. I cannot simply decide to believe in a god. I imagine I could twist my mindset into believing such a thing, but the process would be far from easy. Coming back to point one, all of that is a cost I have to pay. So overall, Pascal's Wager is an interesting argument, but as with many religious arguments, it's not strong enough to convert me.
Hmm. I can almost see it, yeah. There appears to be something there that shouldn't be there, but if I were playing through, I still wouldn't pick it as being a second Kairi unless someone explicitly pointed it out. When I heard people talking about it, I was expecting it to be really obvious.
My audio makes disgusting popping noises! D: Why does FinalCut do this to meeeee?
The thing is, not even grinding helps if you keep picking the wrong thing to level up. In the end, you're just making it harder to level up what you really should be, so when you realise, "Hey, I need more CP", it's too late to easily get it, because you're a high level. I always used a level-up guide for COM. Made everything so much easier. Had to restart my first attempt.
Even when it's screenshotted like this, I still can't see it. It just looks like Kairi cowering behind Aqua. :/ To support KS's point about it being unconnected, it's plausible enough, as the end of KH1 jumbled up all the worlds. This could be a result.
I would format this into a question, but I've used up my quota until Star answers again, so instead I will remind Chris that it's ten at one time and not in total.
Jesus vs. Santa. Cage match. No assists. Who are you betting on? Shounen-ai or shoujo-ai, which do you prefer? Notes or coins, which would you rather be paid in? Web browser of choice? You are a premium member. The great annual colour war has again swung around. Which do you pick?! You have avoided scurvy by eating a door hinge. WH4T NOW? I read in a book in primary school that a pig has corkscrew shaped genatalia, and that its orgasms last for half an hour. Is this true, or did my childhood lie to me? Would you clean a shoe in the kitchen sink? Do you eat marmite or a marmite equivalent? What do the words jelly, jello and jam mean to you? Answer with images and videos only.
Dislike. Enix is quirky and cool. Square is plain and boring. Square-Enix is the perfect balance, and can be verbally shortened to 'Square'. Killing the Enix completely seems unnecessary to me. In terms of rebranding, simply removing Enix, which, from what I gather, has been relatively successful, won't do too much. It won't distance themselves from their past, or anything similar. It certainly won't reinvent the company. So, it gets a thumbs-down from me.
I think a great deal of it is actually due to the fact that there is already a great deal of protection for humans, while the same limits are not in place for animals. For example, if I kill a human, I will get serious jail time. If I slowly torture an animal to death, I will get a fine, or a few months in prison, at most. People are outraged at this inequality, which leads to the effect of some people protesting against animal cruelty more than human cruelty. They're not stating that animal cruelty is more important that human cruelty; they're merely saying that animal cruelty needs more attention than it is currently getting. While I suppose it's possible that they think humans are less important than animals, I think that it's likely that the majority simply feel that animal cruelty does not get enough attention, while human cruelty does.
Maki is an off-site friend of Risk and Chris. He made an account here called Kayate, and now he's pretending not to be Maki. It's just Maki being Maki though. He usually does stuff like this. I'm used to his stunts.
WASD or Arrow Keys? Choose wisely. Are you Pa Pa Pantsman? Do you chew money? Heads or tails? Do you get papercuts? Favourite type of pasta? Plushies, poseable figures or cast-figures? I can has friendship pin? Why u no has Facebook? What would your ten step plan for murdering your neighbour and getting away with it be?
I dislike the idea of 'should'. It implies that there is a proper, intrinsically correct and righteous way for the world to work. That in itself gives rise to the question of why the world isn't already intrinsically like this, or why people cannot agree on a single set of moral laws. I much prefer the view that all people are animals, and there is no single way of 'should'. There is what I personally would prefer happen, and there's what society as a whole influences me to think. In those regards, I would say that children 'should' not fight to the death. On the other hand, if we look through a different lens, we can see that such already occurs. There is the race between sperm cells to fertilise eggs, which, if viewed in a certain way, can be equated to children fighting to the death. in that sense, it can be considered constructive and 'good'. There's also the fact that children compete against each other for education and the like, to succeed in a capitalist world. This can be indirectly linked to children fighting to the death, but it's probably not the same way you think of it. So overall, I feel that I am unable to properly answer the question.
I'm not sure where I got these statistics, but IIRC, currently, we can emulate a fly's brain with all the technology in the world, so replicating humanity is a little way off. There's also the factor of the Robot Singularity to consider. At a certain point, when technology does surpass humanity, the rate at which technology increases will rise unpredictably, as the technology will be free of human limitations, and will be constantly improving itself. At least, that's one sigularity theory. There are quite a few, ranging from the above, to the idea of a Skynet-esque entity. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.
The KH series is generally easy enough, as you can always powerlevel and the like. It's only in Critical mode that it becomes difficult. Oh, and RE/COM. That has the potential to be very difficult, as it relies on the levelling being handled in a certain way. It's easy to screw up and pump way too much into health, screwing you over permanently, as level grinding later on is incredibly time consuming.
The Goofy point too was a problem in the dub. The Japanese version merely said 'majesty'. The English translators took this to mean that it was Mickey, but it was actually Minnie. So the canon is clear of error in this regard.
What counts as 'contributing'? Does only participating in it earn the pin, or does stuff like asking questions also count?
It can be rather dull. But this one is different, really.