I clicked because of the title. I'm pretty sure this makes me a Bad Person™.
Just as an idea, are you sure we're better off sending ideas to you, rather than discussing them? I can see the benefits of anonymity, but we may get more responses otherwise. (At least, deciding things such as genre could be done normally.)
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?110991-Chatbox&p=3476270&viewfull=1#post3476270 You forgot Midnight Star. :<
Hoods. Black hood and zips for everyone, practicality be damned.
Yeah, there's now a monthly removal of members. A thread gets made in the group, and all members have a week to reply. Those who don't are removed. It was instated to help prevent trolling and narrow down the pool of potential suspects. You're still accepted back in if you resend the request. That said, we haven't had trollings for a while. Is it because of this system? Who knows? 8^y
I don't have the Akuroku. Mine's just completely black and out of place.
I've been out of touch with the Wii scene for years, but from what I recall, updating didn't uninstall the Homebrew Channel, it merely made it harder to install. Personally, I'd delete it in the same way that I'd delete any other channel. (Although how to delete channels evades me ATM.) I wouldn't recommend updating with the Homebrew Channel still there. It's possible that Nintendo has some malicious coding in the updates that could block you from online play. Far safer to simply uninstall it.
Oh J3gus, that chat. xD Make sure it's passworded or removed from directory listings, otherwise it's easy prey for trolls.
To ban me, I'd need to create an alt account, have another admin ban the alt account, then log in myself. I think that'd work. This is turning out peculiarly. I was expecting Truth or Dare to be shot down thoroughly, with Movie Night supported. Having the inverse occur is quite disconcerting. The other interesting thing is the idea of a karaoke night. Personally, I think that like ToD, Karaoke Night wouldn't last too long. So how about putting the two together? Truth or Dare, where Karaoke is a viable dare. We could also incorporate readings of humourous and mildly inappropriate text. That'd probably be enough variety to keep it fun.
If you have time, please do detail your recent password-related shenanigans. Specifically, I'm curious as to why I got a password-reset email at...
I don't really know about the buffer fairy. I think the room owner is usually left alone. Is it that bad? :/
The sender of messages.
I meant in general, but there was activity today. Hmm. Either way, an event would be fun. The important thing is making the event a success,...
I'm suspecting that it's you. Hum.
Don't let Claw find out. He'll eviscerate me.
Tinychat? Not a bad idea at all. Could work well if integrated into ToD. For movie night, it may work better if it's a series. Roots was incredibly successful, but that was only for three or so people.
Patience, young grasshopper. The road to deletable-PMs has many twists.
Either, I guess. It's just a half-formed idea, so there's little there in terms of actual substance yet.
Activity has been dropping slightly, so I've been tossing around the idea of an event or somesuch thing for Voxli. Something that'd be slightly different from the norm. Nothing too pretentious or huge, just something fun. Kinda like the KHV Prom that happened a while ago, although preferably repeatable each week or so. I was thinking of a movie night, where we stream movies/series from YouTube. This has been popular in smaller groups, such as when some people watched Roots together. I also had the idea of Truth or Dare, but that may not be particularly long-lasting. More for smaller groups. There's the option of a 'bring a friend' day, where we bring a friend who doesn't usually come. I'm just chucking around ideas. I'm interested in hearing what others think, or whether you think it's even necessary at all.
Voxli needs more activity. :< Perhaps a bring-a-friend event? Hurm. Any ideas?