Og gog There goes my chance at staff. :lolface: Unless... I claim that Plums edited my post to make me say that. Except for the part where...
Hey, dude. I shot you down over that suggestion, but then, guess what? I found something. I'm not sure which plugin it is though....
Ohey. It's fine to try to resolve this, but try not to let this become a flame war. That'd be A Bad Thingâ„¢. Anyway, what happens in Dev's room isn't really my business, but if stuff happened in the KHVids room, I'll deal with it if you like. (That said, trolling others' rooms is not cool. :< )
Rejoin Voxli group. :<
Just thought you'd like to see this. True story. ---------- I Hate risk to the point i dream of his death. :3 ----------
Ugh. This is what I hate about your kind. Always playing the racism card, even when it's nothing of the sort. Oh well. It's not like I expect any...
He ends up taking many roads. He uses Terra to get a body and Ven and Vanitas to get the X-Blade. As an apprentice, he uses Ansem the Wise to get knowledge, respect and followers. As Xehanort's Heartless, he uses Riku for a body, and uses Malificent to gather the Princesses. As Xemnas, he uses the Organisation to form Kingdom Hearts. In other words, Xehanort has all of the irons, and they are in. The. Fire. Malificent was just another one of those irons.
>.> <.< /KindaremovedyoufromVoxligroupduetoinactivity
You have quite a character there. You're the only person I've seen to use 'orz' in a long while. I can tell you'll be an interesting character to keep an eye out for. I'm also rather fond of your use of alternating sizes. At a guess, this isn't your first forum? If you want to get to know other members of the forum, I'd suggest dropping into Voxli, KHV's Officially Semi-Unofficial Chatroom. (You need to join up to the group first. Link is in my signature.) Anywho, feel free to flick me a VM if you need anything, or want to chat.
Others can listen to what they like. People can do what they like in the private of their own homes. Even if I dislike it personally, I believe that they have the right to do as they wish. That said, I do not listen or enjoy this sort of music. To me, I feel that the swearing and scenarios presented are not used for emotive effect or for a deeper message, and are instead purely used for shock value. I would go so far as to say that they glorify racism, misogyny, murder and rape. Perhaps I'm simply closed-minded, and don't see the intent or the beauty in their inclusion in the music. Whatever the case may be, I do not. I am not averse to the presence of such concepts in music and other media, but I dislike the approach most hip-hop takes towards it. Ultimately, my conclusion is to live and let live. Certainly, I'll listen to hip-hop from time to time, but I won't appreciate it in the same way that many others do.
Best glitch: Missingno. in Pokémon Red & Blue Missingno. is an incredibly fun glitch to play around with. It has almost everything one could want. It affects the whole game, is incredibly wacky, gives birth to thousands of creepypasta, and can be used to make thousands of rare candies. The downside is when you accidentally run into 'M, Missingno.'s little brother. 'M saves the game automatically, and auto-rapes the Hall of Fame entries. It's a spectacularly odd glitch. In terms of practicality, the Mew glitch of RBY is by far the best. It allows one to actually obtain Mew in an easy, methodical way. It works 100% of the time, and can be done early-game. It helps that it was the one 'true' answer to a long, long list of fake Mew glitches.
In terms of sexuality, I find it incredibly difficult to pinpoint a natural tendency, as I only have my own point of view to work with, and there are factors in play other than personal preferences. For example, there's social constructs. Being gay is far less preferable, socially, to being straight. That in itself is an extremely strong influence against being gay. A large part of how we think is purely formed due to society. For example, in Victorian times, ankles were considered extremely erotic, but nowadays they are nothing out of the ordinary. People's preferences are shaped by the culture around them. So in that sense, it can become difficult to differentiate between personal preference and one's pandering to society's beliefs. Additional confusion is caused by how we only have our own perspectives. We cannot know the emotions of others. So we cannot properly distinguish our own emotions from societal constructions. For example, I can state that I find a guy aesthetically pleasing. Does that alone make me gay? After all, I have an aversion to sexual activity with him. There's still the possibility that such an aversion is nothing but a societal construction. To use an analogy, I find the idea of eating my family to be rather repulsive, however if I lived in a society in which such was the norm, I would have no problems with it. Even so, whether it's just society's influence, or truly my preference, the result is that I am straight.
el psy congroo News: ↪ Monthly removal is complete. Is it still necessary?
Stop being a meanie-poo. :<
Okay, currently this is the list of people going to be removed: きんたろ ĸyoĸo ѕαĸυrα ❀ Ⓐⓝⓣⓘ ☢ Ⓢⓞⓡⓐ Cherry Berry cloud's buddy Doc itachilives741 Kayate Kerianna24 KH2man13 Kubo Namin3 Night171 Pillows Skitty TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Tikem wajasrule10 Wolf Haley Xaendras If someone wants to message 'em, that'd be good. I'm waiting for either Tiger or Neverwinter to PM me a password suggestion. Once that happens, I'll remove.
Sure. Shoot one over to me via PM. Nothing too complex though. (Walpurgisnacht is probably about as weird as I want to get :P .)
Removals starts in 9-12 hours. Any last-minuters can still get in before then.
ARTEMIS FOW— Oh, wait. Nvm.
Voting for 1), because it seems to be the one we can work the most with. All of the others either restrict how the story will go, or require the setting to be something certain, leading to more for us to manage. (e.g. the gang war.) Also, 1) will allow for more fragmented story telling, as each character will have his or her own backstory. This means there's less likely to be conflict between writers, because ideas are less likely to clash. Don't get me wrong; the other ideas are good, but I get the impression that the suggesters have conceptualised more than what the rest of us understand.