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  1. P
    Nope, there's now a guest system in place. :p

    Post by: P, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Archive
  2. P
    I imagine that an admin could edit the data tables on a case-by-case basis, if there is no other alternative.
    Post by: P, Sep 16, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. P
    There is no ethical argument to be had, in my eyes. Time has validated her beliefs. A large proportion of western civilisation has adopted her views, and an even larger section is moving towards them. What ethical standing is left to be argued? While this could have been hotly debated in her time, nowadays it's merely a statement of widely accepted opinion. There's very little to say about her beliefs, unless we are to argue for oppression of women, and that topic has, for the most part, already been decided.
    Post by: P, Sep 15, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  4. P
    I wonder if she's still with DF?
    Post by: P, Sep 15, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  5. P
    This reads like an archaic feminist essay. The gratuitous use of exclamation marks and the overly emotional, self-righteous outbursts do not do Cleyre credit. While it may have been suitable in the era in which it was written, where such outbursts were necessary, in this day and age, her forceful style is condescending and borderline insulting. I am, after all, capable of making my own judgements.

    Her ideals seem to be from an older era. Nowadays they are the norm. Gender roles are vanishing from society, and are not nearly as strong as they were before. In this sense, Cleyre seems to have been successful in her plight. Also to note is that Cleyre targets the church and the concepts of marriage, calling them degrading to women. In this day and age, both these cornerstones of Cleyre's society have weakened. The church is now, for the most part, optional, instead of socially mandatory. Marriage is nowhere near as strict as it once was. It is common to see both members of a relationship working, or even the man staying home. We are even progressing to single-sex marriage.

    Overall, Cleyre's essay bores me. The style seems overdone in 2011, and the topics she is writing on have already been dealt with. This isn't so much a slight on her as it is praise; she successfully predicted and helped bring about a change in civilisation. Even so, apart from a window into the struggles of suffragettes, I see little merit here.

    Post by: P, Sep 15, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  6. P
    I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure that style of RPing is against the rules, even now. :p
    Post by: P, Sep 15, 2011 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  7. P
    What was the reason for the full features being disabled?
    Post by: P, Sep 15, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. P
    What a depressing thread.
    Post by: P, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  9. P
    Then again, so were the novels, and AFAIK, the novels are considered fairly canon.

    I think it's just that the manga doesn't follow the plot closely at all. It adds in things for comical effect, and makes adjustments as it pleases. These can be humourous, but they're non-canon.
    Post by: P, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. P
    Aha, there go a chunk of my worries. The R button is accessible. Awesome.

    I still think the side-by-side analog/buttons setup won't turn out too well, but I'm less apprehensive of that than I was of the R button.

    I wonder if the old R can be used for something different?
    Post by: P, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. P
    But it's also incredibly inconvenient for normal gaming too. After all, what other console has the stick positioned so awkwardly, next to the buttons? We've also got the problem of the R button being semi-blocked. Even if this does allow us to use a second analog stick, I think it'll restrict other aspects too much.

    That said, I'll reserve full judgement for when I use it myself.
    Post by: P, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. P
    Manga, for the most part, is non-canon. So even if the cat were offered a position there, it's not necessarily offered a place in the game.

    Also, it's easy enough to mistake the cat for a villain. Smooth talking, mysterious, etc. Usual villain qualities. Unfortunately for them, the cat turned out to be Chaotic Neutral, not Evil.
    Post by: P, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. P
    I'm still extremely sceptical when it comes to the slidepad. It looks incredibly awkward to use on the right side. Buttons become less accessible, R becomes a pain to press, and if you're right handed, you can all but forget about using the touch-screen.

    So yeah, I'm wary. It could work, I supposed, but only for the right game.
    Post by: P, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. P


    The match was made over an episode of Cromartie High School (English Dub).

    Please wish the new couple the best of luck in future. Engagement gifts are also acceptable.
    Thread by: P, Sep 13, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. P
    I recently became interested in Binaural Beats, and I'm currently looking for some artists that incorporate it into their work. I'm less interested in the peaceful, ambient music as I am in the more perturbing style, but I'll give both a go.

    Where about should I be looking? What are some good Binaural bands?

    I'll admit, my interest was piqued by this video:


    It got played in Voxli one day, and I loved it, especially the ending.
    Thread by: P, Sep 13, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  16. P
    If this is possible, yes, I would like it. However, in the meantime, the best alternative is to look through the Premium Name Change thread.
    Post by: P, Sep 12, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. P

    In other words, it is to starve.

    Starve while demanding the fair, and die.​

    In any normal situation, Erika would have groaned, and berated Sammy for her stupidity. Now though, she simply grinned and cried out, "You want me to remove the seals for you, Sammy-chwan? You can't manage to break a line of tape? Okay dearie, I'll do it for you~

    "I'm doing it. I'm removing the tape. I'm really gonna do it...

    Erika tentatively stroked the tape around the door, almost lovingly. Then...

    "RIP! TEAR! HAHAHAHA! All gone now!"

    She tore the tape off and shredded it, giggling all the while. She couldn't wait to see the look they'd have on their faces when they'd realise that she'd solved the case. The thought made her want to break out in song.

    Post by: P, Sep 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. P
    Post by: P, Sep 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  19. P
  20. P