Makaze, you're shooting holes in something that was likely exaggeration or hyperbole from the very beginning. You don't need to look at the real world to see that suffering exists. It exists in the Bible, and is carried out by God himself. Seventh plague, that sort of thing. The Bible doesn't attempt to support the all-good statement, as presented. Therefore it's fair to assume that the all-good statement was not intended to be taken literally. Adding to that, Christians take their beliefs from the entirety of the Bible, not just that one line. Simply refuting a single line that held little water in the first place does very little to shake their beliefs. There, my attempt at countering your logic with a pro-Christian spin.
I'm going by the assumption that it works by discounting everything included in brackets, similarly to how the 10charlimit does. However it doesn't exclude anything outside the tags. For img tags, the url is outside the tags. It doesn't really matter though. The spaces exploit can also be used, so you're right about how it'll be dealt with. I doubt it'll be a huge issue.
@Midnight: I approve. As an addendum, I propose that whatever the 'secret' is, we never get told it outright. We can make the reader work a bit, and draw their own conclusions. @PaW: Managing multiple people will (hopefully) be easier if we plan it out first, and divide the backstories up between them. Not sure about the apocalypse though. We could make them fourth-generation apocalypse survivors, and that'd clear up any problems of dealing with the apocalypse itself. Heck, we could have each character report a different story for how the apocalypse happened. Okay, so shall we try to get some character traits down for our six characters? Here's a basic template. Name: Age: Gender: Body type: Personality: Place in village: Once we've got that sorted out, we can start piecing a plot together around them.
How about images? They're not included in BBcode tags. Failing that, yeah, it's far too easy to get 1,000 characters like this. Is there a way to stop the autoshortening of extended spaces? That'd make it fairly obvious. Alternatively, simply offer an insta-infraction to anyone caught doing it.
Thank you, Amaury. I found this thread hilarious. +rep to you, good sir. EDIT: Woops, rep-cooldown required.
I think the best thing to do would be to disable BBcode in the RP Arena. That'd stop the potential abuse. After all, it's not as though you really -need- BBcode for RPing. It's just text. /trollface
The problem with BBCode is that I suspect this post I'm making right now would count for 1,000 characters.
Done, as you've discovered. Hope to see you around.
Oh, the irony of winning most overrated.
Personally, I'd confront each person in private, and attempt to get their point of view. In this way, I'd try to gain a full understanding of the situation and the motivations of all involved. Knowing that, I'd then try to reach a conclusion best for the majority, or, at the very least, best for me. So I'd probably go to J first, and try to find an ally in him. After all, he's in the same boat as you, only he's lost a girlfriend over this. There's the possibility that he might know more than you, so you two can consolidate knowledge. Once you have a grasp on what's going on, you two can go to see L, and confront her over what she's doing. Try to figure out why she's taking the actions she is. Personally, I'd be tempted to secretly record these conversations, just in case she lets something slip. You could use an iPod Touch app or something similar. If you go down that route, I'd be tempted to confront her on my own. She could be more likely to say something compromising. Once I'd talked to those two, I'd talk to A with J, and explain what I know of the situation to her. If I obtained any compromising recordings, now would be the time to use them. Either way, I'd ultimately make the challenge of whether she'd choose to believe me and her boyfriend, or A, and question whether she'd betray us like this. Also point out that if L were truly acting in her best interests, she wouldn't be spreading it around, causing all this drama. If L cared about A, L would talk to A in private, and point everything out. L's making a big mess of the situation on purpose.
Sounds good. Thanks for mentioning it.
Gaaaaah. I'll do yours next week?
I'd like to spend a bit of time on their backstories as well. We need to explain why such a diverse group was actually booted out of the village all at once in the first place. Why would all of them be suspected of the crime? Perhaps there was an ulterior motive behind kicking some of them out. Will we, as readers, discover which of the characters was the killer? I'd quite like to spend a bit of time delving into the backstories, slowly figuring out the answer. We've got six people, so we could spend 2-3 chapters covering them. Some could be simpler than others, and in some cases, plain tangential to the primary story. For example, one of them could have been a bum on the street, liked by no one. It was a good chance to get rid of him. We could touch into why he's homeless, how he lives, etc. The backstories could be dealt with in one block, or we could learn them as we follow the band of characters, getting a flashback occasionally.
Whelp, we're nine days overdue. Are we gonna start something? (Also, doesn't this publicly-voting thing kinda go against the intentions of the anonymous presentation of ideas?)
If you have a grievance with me, feel free to shoot me a message on MSN. Let's not do it here.
I think you get more rep power every 200 points. Post a joke or two in the Spamzone, and you'll probably get some.
You take it in turns to complete a full player turn. The phase flow in a player turn is0 Movement phase ==> Shooting phase ==> Assault Phase. The use of dice can differ. For example, in movement, most stuff just moves 6". In shooting, each model gets a certain number of shots. For example, a Space Marine gets two shots if it's in twelve inches. So you roll two dice, one for each shot. If it's above a certain number (in this case, 3), it 'hits'. You then roll to wound. This depends on the enemy's toughness too. The opponent then gets a chance to negate it with an armour save roll. Assaults work in a similar way, but you end up rolling more dice for them. Space Marines are fairly elite. They don't do horde. They're resilient, and can often be put to multiple uses, where as other armies are more specialised. Orks, Imperial Guard and Tyranids use a horde system. They can easily flood the field in models. Eldar are more specialised, with a glass-cannon feel to them. Tau are similar. 40k is said to have less strategy than Warmachine, a similar game. On the other hand, the story and setting of 40k is arguably more fun than Warmachine. 40k is definitely more fun to model and paint.
Thankies~ I now have 31 rep power.
About time you did this. Now to get you added to Voxli. Try not to cause any explosions or anything. Oh, and can I still make semi-authenticated announcements for you?