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  1. P


    One of these days I'll go through this entire thread and report every post with the word 'whore'.
    Post by: P, Sep 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. P
    They do. It has been a point of contention for the RP Arena, what with old posts becoming post-counting in the revamp. So when the Code Vault got 'upgraded', a whole bunch of spammy posts (which were allowed under the Spam!Vault's rules) suddenly became counting, when they were not moderated with that in mind.

    He's not saying that those posts show anything about the -current- Code Vault. He's using them as an example for the aforementioned issue of a large number of spam posts being upgraded without good cause when the Spam!Vault became the Code Vault

    From what I gather, there have been many issues about that sort of thing recently. I've heard of some people getting a large number of posts just through posting bad/unusable codes or repeat requests. This is a tad unfair, considering the amount of effort others have to put in. For example, in the RP arena, the minimum requirement for a post to count is going to be a few hundred words. This standard can't be forced upon every forum, but it'd be nice to know that there is some equality across the boards.

    For the record, this isn't just Lux's idea. I noticed this sort of thing a while ago, when browsing through the current Code Vault. While the Coders' posts of coding is certainly deserving of effort, my first thoughts on seeing the rest was, "Wow, asking for a code looks to be way less work than posting in the Discussion forum."

    Perhaps as a compromise, we can use the mod that is being discussed in regards to the RP forum for the Code Vault too? We could set it so that only a certain number of characters count, so the larger posts would count, while the effortless, smaller posts would be non-counting. It wouldn't be perfect, due to the verbose nature of the codes themselves, but it'd eliminate the spam posts of the Spam!Vault, and much of the one-liner requests.

    Unless there's anyone strongly opposed to the idea, I support it.
    Post by: P, Sep 28, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. P
  4. P
    Four Swords? Which one is this, the ALTTP one, or the GCN one?

    Man, the ALTTP version gave me good memories. If it is that one, I wonder how the sword-beam attack will be obtained. (In the ALTTP version, it was obtained via getting the Master Sword in ALTTP.)
    Post by: P, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. P
    Oh gawd, Ace's laugh got on here?

    Googd job guys. I'll have to get around to listening to it sometime.
    Post by: P, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. P
    Silly Luxord. No one appreciates you.

    NO ONE. B|

    Edit: Oh jegus. How the heck did that become size ten?! I didn't even know it went that high.
    Post by: P, Sep 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. P
    I appreciate you.
    Post by: P, Sep 26, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  8. P
    Guesting-up Kubo, because he's lazy. :<
    Post by: P, Sep 26, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  9. P
    Now we're getting somewhere. We still need to exile her. At the moment, we can either have her parents betray her and have her exiled, or we can have her parents killed off in the crime, and her blamed for it due to her tomboyish ways.

    I prefer the second option. I'd like to go down a route where she has a loud argument with her parents after they discover her doing something unfitting. She runs off, and returns to find her parents dead. She is blamed for it, as her (previously friendly) elderly neighbours testify to the fight occurring, as well as to her unfitting ways. This way, we also get her betrayed by her neighbours. We can potentially work her friends into that too.
    Post by: P, Sep 25, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. P




    The last door opened, and the order was given. "Solve the case." Erika's entire body tensed as she replied curtly, "Yes! Let's begin!"

    She calmed herself, and regained composure. She'd tear this entire gameboard apart thoroughly and completely. She'd leave no doubt as to the culprit's identity, and the Detective's intellect.

    "First up, let's have a quick list of all the characters, and where they are now.

    "Alex is presumably alive, in that room behind Sammy.

    "Angela is dead, stabbed in the chest in the main hall prior to the start of the game.

    "Delilah is alive, last seen on the balcony of a guest room minutes ago.

    "Jake is presumably alive, in that room behind Jessica.

    "Jensen is dead, stabbed on the balcony of a guest room minutes ago.

    "Jessica is alive and currently with us.

    "Sammy is likewise present.

    "And I, the Detective, Erika Furudo, am alive, standing here.

    "That wraps up the introductions. Now to summarise events.

    "All except Delilah gathered at the scene of Angela's corpse this morning. In a group, we moved to a collection of guest rooms. Sammy and Alex, and Jessica and Jake entered two separate guest rooms. The doors to these rooms were then locked and sealed by tape with my signature on. Jensen and I then went to greet Delilah, a girl downstairs. Jensen ran from me, and Delilah followed. When I had caught up, Jensen had been stabbed in the back, and Delilah was at the scene. I then ran to this corridor and confirmed that the seals were intact before gathering you together like this."

    Formalities out of the way, Erika puffed out her chest and stated the obvious truth of the matter.

    "I name Delilah as the culprit."

    It was rather lacklustre she thought. Such an easy solution to the mystery. This wasn't even a B-grade mystery. It was just plain bad. Even so, she had to finish formalities. The sooner the accusation got finished, the sooner she could bring an end to this tale. Who knows? Perhaps the why-dunnit would be more interesting than the who-dunnit. (Fat chance, Erika thought. It's a bunch of highschool drama.)

    "She is the only one capable of committing the second murder. Any of us could have been the murderer of Angela, but only Delilah had the opportunity to commit the second one. This is proved by process of elimination.

    "Alex and Sammy can provide alibis for each other, and thus neither can be the culprit.

    "Jake and Jessica can do the same.

    "Both pairs were sealed in these rooms. It is impossible to leave those rooms without breaking the tape on the door-frame. It is impossible to replace the tape, due to my signature.

    "I confirmed Angela's death myself. Thus, she cannot be the culprit.

    "Jensen's death was in such a way that it could not have been a suicide. As with Angela, I confirmed his death. As such, Jensen is not the culprit.

    "This leaves only Delilah to be the culprit. There are no other possibilities in this sad excuse for a mystery."

    Erika turned to the small gathering of people in front of her, and began to grin.

    "So, what do you think, everyone?"​

    Post by: P, Sep 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. P
    As a brief explanation: this password was the old admin one.
    Post by: P, Sep 24, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. P
    Bump. Updated with that stuff I should have updated with ages ago.
    Post by: P, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  13. P

    In other words, it is to starve.

    Starve while demanding the fair, and die.​

    Come on! How many people don't know how a mystery works? Is everyone is this story completely and utterly clueless? No wonder you die so quickly. Without me there, no doubt you'd try something completely absurd, like escape the closed circle. Completely and utterly clueless, all of them are. Don't worry though. I'll protect you all. After all, I'm the Detective, and I've got the answer to this story. All you need to do is lie back and follow along. Don't think too hard, you might get a headache. Don't get in my way. You'll just be a nuisance. I suppose I better not say anything like that to you though, right? It'd be a pity for you to stop trusting me now, of all times. Just a bit longer, and I'll have this all solved. Don't worry, I'll rip up this pitiful excuse of a mystery novel and shove it in the fireplace, where it belongs. Oh, but I'm getting off topic, aren't I? I'm not even answering your question. Let's get to that. I open my mouth and tell you, "We'll wait for the others, I think. That's how mysteries usually end. The Detective faces all the survivors and explains the truth of the crime."

    I did mention that I've solved the crime, didn't I? Oh, that's right. You wanted to know about Jensen. Yeah, he died. Stabbed through the stomach on a balcony. The good news is— Wait, where are you going? Why are you running off? You're an idiot! You don't even know who the culprit is yet! Come back!

    — Or not. You see, unlike you, I'm not mentally challenged. I have a full head of little grey cells, and then some. I know that if I tell you the truth, you'll run off and get yourself murdered. That's not in either of our best interests, so let's take a different approach, shall we?

    "You mean our friend Jensen? He had a bit of a hangover, and I left him to take a nap in another room. We can go ahead without him. It'd just stir up trouble if he were here."

    It's not even technically a lie. He did have a hangover, I did leave him in another room, we can go ahead without him, and it would cause trouble if his corpse were here. I suppose I was pushing it a bit with the 'nap' euphemism, but it probably passes Knox.

    Post by: P, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. P
    E) Realise that the system will abuse you, exploit you and dispose of you, and act accordingly. Step outside of the system, and cease to play by the rules. Since you cannot get an education and protesting will do you no good, you are left with the choices of working, or dying. That's not a favourable system to work under. So instead, reject it and become an outlaw. Rob, steal and murder your way to success. Lead a life of crime, taking what you deserve from the middle and upper classes. Become a drug or human trafficker, act as a thug, be a common thief. Why should you care about a system that doesn't care about you?
    Post by: P, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  15. P
    2020: Going, Going...

    Dammit Jeph, why won't you cut Marty a break?!

    :' (
    Post by: P, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: Literature
  16. P
    I'm impressed, Lili. Perhaps post this in the Creativity Corner next time, so all these beautifully murderous tales can be forever immortalised?
    Post by: P, Sep 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. P
    Oh, this is quite a challenge. You see, I am a fan of impact weapons. Percussion is my passion. All of these are light and not at all suited to my style of slaughter. Scooping, stabbing, slicing? Do you have no thoughts of satisfaction? A smooth hit to cave in the skull is the best method of murder. A cringe-worthy crunch as the ribs shatter is satisfying beyond measure.

    I could select 'Other' and thus use a saucepan, but where's the glory in that? No, I'll obey the rules.

    > Random Member: Commit Murder

    You track down your target, FIREKEYBLADE via the internet. It's not particularly hard, as she has been lax with information, and entrusted her Facebook to multiple KHV members. Little does she know your true intentions. Through careful analysis, you identify her location, habits and movements. you know where and when she will be, and who she'll be with.


    You steal your parents' credit cards and purchase a ticket to the USA online. you also order a large MELON SCOOPER from Ebay, with which to do the deed. You get on the plane without event, and make your way to intercept FIREKEYBLADE on her way home. You see her, and wait for her to turn off down a side alley. In this grungy place, well suited for your dastardly crime, you stealthily sneak up behind her, equip the MELON SCOOPER to your strife specibus and loop it around the front of her neck and pull back. She gags and struggles to be free of her assailant, trying to break your grip. Because you are particularly weak, she succeeds.


    You toss away the MELON SCOOPER and equip your trusty BUTCHER'S KNIFE. You wonder why you did not do this sooner. You then stab FIREKEYBLADE in the stomach, incapacitating her. You equip a BUTTERKNIFE and make yourself some SICK JAM SANDWICHES. You love your jam sandwiches.


    You eat your SICK JAM SANDWICHES as FIREKEYBLADE slowly bleeds to death. You feel mild regret that you did not put your UTENSILKIND strife modus to full use.
    Post by: P, Sep 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. P
    On popular request, I'm throwing in some Narutaru scans.

    Post by: P, Sep 22, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. P
    Ah, I see. You're simply trying to prove that one point.

    Anywho, refuting your current claim (he cannot be both all-powerful and all-loving at the same time) is easy enough, as you've left a loophole.

    I put forward the suggestion that God is not omniscient, and is ignorant of our suffering. Thus he can both be able and willing to end our suffering. He just doesn't know about it.

    It's still not an argument a theist would accept, and you can patch over it fairly easily, but you have to change your initial argument.
    Post by: P, Sep 22, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  20. P
    Some people want to be judged on the content of their posts, not the colour of their rep bar.

    In essence, they don't want to play the rep game. Besides, it's not an amazing indicator of character. It just shows popularity and time spent here. Both cruel and kind members alike get a fair amount of rep. Often the controversial members (e.g. Zter) get more.
    Post by: P, Sep 22, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance