Name: rexejon Gender: male Age: 16 Description: Personality: he's pretty cold against others and also sarcastic, but he has 2 sides normall side and inner side, inner side has lust to fighting and to see his enemy's scream when they see him, normall side is sometimes pretty nice but he is only nice when no one is around, he is also pretty good with vehicles Element: fire Weapon: double gunkatana's
heya there.
it's pretty boring around here, so i would be glad if something would happen (well no bad things)
''alright next destination, geonosis'' said rex and headed for geonosis in warp speed
not really and thanks you to happy halloween
that's good to hear
i'm fine, what about you?
hey there RA
when rex was flying the monitor activated the screen and saw someone wanted to talk with him ''say it fast cause i'm busy right now'' said rex staring the screen and a girl from his age appeared ''you stole my ship again didn't you'' she said with angry eyes ''oh it's just you, yeah i stole the ship, the ship i made and upgraded from the begining of my training'' said rex ''that's true but still you need to say when you take the ship, i mean our ship'' said the girl ''i don't need help this time'' said rex and turned of the screen and goes further
rex entered his ship and left felucia and waited in a astaroid field scanning the sector he was in. ''interesting, all those planets to check out, and so less time, man i eed to find those stuff before they call me back, i hate one man work'' said rex starting to go trough space
rex visited some felucian villages and killed some soldiers from the villages, after a while he stood by a cliff, staring to the air ''man what i wanted to find isn't here, oh well to the next planet'' said rex and walked back to his ship
alright, cause it was just a qeustion
OOC: so are we now in the elf city or still in the woods, and is it the time for me to unleash that orc comander??
when the rancor was almost out the village of the felucian race, rex jumped out of the tree and did with one lightsaber a saber trow, the rancor turned slowly to rex and rushed to rex, rex took his second lightsaber and dashed to the rancor, the rancor tried to stand on him but rex sliced trough the legs of the rancor and the rancor fell down on the ground, rex jumped into the air and impaled his lightsaber into the back of the rancor and used a force lightning, when rex landed the rancor was dead and smoke came of it's flesh ''maybe i used it to long, oh well it's dead'' said rex and laughed and putted his lightsabers back
''oh mintro you're still here, i didn't notice you anymore after fighting so many orcs'' said rex and stared to the air rhysa just sighed
rex stood somewhere in the jungle and jumped into a tree cause he heard that something big was coming, and rex was right a great rancor came by destroying the villages of the race that lived on felucia ''what shall i do kill this thing or let this thing go, good qeustion'' said rex and waited for the right moment to strike
rex was in his ship flying around the galaxy, he didn't knew wich planet he would choose to train on, then he saw the planet felucia, and headed to it he landed on a old platform and left his ship ''well let's see, stupid jungle planet'' said rex and walked into the jungle
Played by: overload Name: rex Gender: male Age: 15 Light/Dark Side: dark Appearance: Mastered powers: saber throw, force choke Other two powers: force lightning, force repel History: before he began to train the arts of the dark side he was just a normall kid who was good with vehicles, he made them and repaired them but when someone killed his parents he searched for revenge, his hatred brought him to his sith master, first he became a enginer for the sith and then he started to train under him, and still he wants to know who killed his parents Personality(optional) : when enginer: smart and helpfull, when sith: has a ego but still very trustfull Weapon(s) : one red lightsaber and one green lightsaber you don't have UNLIMITED POWAH but the ones for the dark side, do they have the same sith master (like palpetine) or are they working on different planets far away from other siths
''is that everything, that isn't as worse what they have done with me so don't complain let's go and kill those orcs'' said rex and sat down waiting ''shut up rex'' said rhysa and sat down next to him
rex smiled and a gliscor landed on his shoulder ''oh i almost forgot'' said rex and trowed his pokeballs in the air and his pokemon came out