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  1. overload
    rex walked to the big building in the center of the battle island, cause he wanted to sign in
    Post by: overload, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. overload
    rex walked around battle island searching for some training
    Post by: overload, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. overload
    Username: overload
    Name: rex
    Age: 17
    Pokemon and attacks with levels:
    thyplosion: lvl 50
    flame wheel,lava plume, eruption and flamethrower

    gliscor: lvl 50
    X-siccor, giga impact, double edge, poison sting

    torterra: lvl 45
    wood hammer, earthqauke, leaf storm, frenzy plant

    weavile: lvl 41
    dark pulse, focus punch, hyper beam, metal claw

    luxray: lvl 40
    discharge, thunder, super power, take down

    and one egg

    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Other: champion of shinnoh (if that can), loves his pokemon and hates pokemon thieves, is going to try to take on the other champions in a pokemon battle
    Post by: overload, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. overload
    ''nothing much, staring to the air'' said rexejon to kaylix
    Post by: overload, Nov 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. overload
    ''hey'' rexejon said he wanted to say something else but couldn''t
    Post by: overload, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. overload
  7. overload
  8. overload
    rex was surrounded by demons and rex waited for a good moment, some demons started the attack, before impact rex drawed his katana's and sliced the demons their heads before the demons even knew it, rex licked the blood of his katana's

    jerry was standing calmly and the demons attacked him, jerry dissapeared and appeared again with the gun in the mouth of 2 demons and hot them trough their throat the blood flew every where
    Post by: overload, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. overload
    damn more members, i can't take so many thought rexejon and without saying a word he walked away

    you can't take 3 nobodies man you're to shy said a inner voice to rexejon but he ignored it and walked further with his hands in his pockets
    Post by: overload, Nov 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. overload


    rhysa started to follow mintro, she had taken rexejon behind her cause his horse died in the battle
    Post by: overload, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. overload
    rexejon sighed and turned to jynxx ''hey'' said rexejon with a calm voice
    Post by: overload, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. overload
  13. overload
    rex wanted to draw a weapon but jerry stopped him from that
    ''let us wait before we join'' said jerry

    ''can i do that other thing'' asked rex with a calm voice

    ''not yet, do it when it's time'' said jerry

    and the two waited for the royal gaurds to come to them to kill them
    Post by: overload, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. overload
    rex came trough the door and was in a blood red suite, he was not in the mood to dance so he standed against the wall and listened to the music calmly

    jerry walked to rex, he was in a black suite but he had a mask on, so no one could reconize him, he started to stand next to rex and also he started to listen to the music
    Post by: overload, Nov 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. overload
    rexejon was standing before a window and was staring to the air

    man i want a fight or a mission, come on people it's boring around here right now thought rexejon while staring the air, after a while he sat down on the ground
    Post by: overload, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. overload
    ''oh yeah that's true'' said rex and his mood changed he took his katana's and dashed to some demons

    ''hey wait for me'' said jerry and took two guns and toot on a place where the demos couldn't hit him and starts to shoot demons

    syria just sighed and sat down
    Post by: overload, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. overload
    so all we need to do is wait
    Post by: overload, Nov 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. overload
    3 persons where underway to the battlefield

    ''jerry, why didn't you finish that new vehicle that we could be faster on the battlefield'' said rex

    ''have patient rex, where almost there'' said syria

    ''yes rex, and why, i don't know man'' said jerry

    and the three where still walking, wandering around till they finaly found the battlefield
    Post by: overload, Nov 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. overload
    Name: rex
    Age: 16
    Race: wolven
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Magick: Hemomancy, necromancy, pyromancy
    Spells: human puppet, blood needles, lava shot, brain burn, darkness ray, dead summon (and many fuion attacks like dark fire blast)
    Class: warrior/rouge/assassin
    Personality: a cold and sarcastic, he can be nice but not against everyone
    Weapon: 2 katana's, 1 scythe
    History: he was left alone when he was a little kid from 2, some ninja samurai's found him and took him to their village and trained him into a good assassin

    Name: jerry
    Age: 21
    Race: vamphyr
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Magick: aeromancy,pyromancy, geomancy
    Spells: earth spikes, air strike, blast burn etc.
    Class: ninja/samurai
    Personality: a trustfull and nice person
    Weapon: katana's/kunai's
    History: one of the master ninja's from a village, trained rex for some years now, not much is known about him
    Post by: overload, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. overload
    Username: overload
    Name: rex
    Age: 16
    Job: baser
    Kill Gene: blood manipulation, he can use blood as a weapon, or controll a body like a puppet.
    Weapons: 2 katana's, a scythe
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: cursed from the day he was borned, his parents where profesors and did many projects on him, untill he found out his blood manipulation and killed his parents and family, and wandered around for years and became friends with some people, and learned the way to use katana's and scythe's

    Username: overload
    Name: jerry
    Age: 20
    Job: mechanic
    Kill Gene: illusions, mind tricks
    Weapons: guns (every sort of them)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: a man who found rexejon in his journey and took him in and threated him as a son and friend, he became a very good vehicle maker

    Username: overload
    Name: syria
    Age: 16
    Job: baser
    Kill Gene: poison
    Weapons: katana's
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: a female warrior from the town where rexejon learned to use his gene and weapons, she helped him with many stuff, and gained deep feelings for him only he doesn't know that, she works together with rexejon for a pretty long time
    Post by: overload, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home