''sure why not, maybe there is something interesting here by looking at it then getting annoyed by some others who appear out of the nothing'' said axel to xeol
''i call you a kid and if you have problems with that then you have a problem kid'' said axel and watched to colexin with a evil smile
some games for my wii and ps2 what did you get
pretty good, and for you then
yo, i'm fine what about you
''you don't need to do that by someone like her cause that's not nice kid'' said axel to colexin
rexejon and axel watched suprised how colexin appeared next to kayleigh, but after some second rexejon just walked away
'' well i think i'm going now, i need to do stuff'' said rexejon
''i don't know, if i knew i would tell you'' said rexejon ''same here, i don't see him that much'' said axel
rex had the feeling he was followed but he just walked further ''where am i anyway'' said rex against himself
rex woke slowly up and stood up ''damn i need to get out this city before i hurt someone'' said rex and started to walk trough the alleys
''oh ok, i can't blame you for not fighting'' said rexejon and watched to the air ''yeah he can't cause he knows that there are people who doesn't ike to fight'' said axel
rex sight started to fade but could see some people stood before him now, after that he fainted ''such hate, sorrow and even more, he is truly a predator'' said one of the people ''it's to bad he can't controll that cause then he would be a good ally'' said another and after the man said that they dissapeared and leaved rex there
it's good they don't reconize me here, otherwise it could be a problem thought rex while walking , after some while walking he saw some people and felt he started to lose controll again so he runned into a alley and collapsed against the wall ''damnit not now, not here'' said rex trying to controll that power
rexejon heard that and stopped ''uhm thanks....i think'' said rexejon and putted his katana's away and walked to them ''it's not hard to learn'' said rexejon and smiled ''look who is talking, little bro, oh well i can't stop you'' said axel
rex was waking calmly trough a city, finaly i have it under controll right now thought rex while watching around the city, but felt that it will not take long before he loses controll again
i hope i can still join in Name: rex 'codename: predator' Age: 16 Appearance: Type: half human half predator Element: blood,lava Bio: his father left him by his mother and left them to die, 6 years ago he lost controll over the force and killed almost the whole family (only the father lives cause he wasn't there) he went to jail but escaped he left everyone dead and had left a message on the wall, the message was written in blood and said: ruled by insanity, he won't survive this even if i need to destroy this whole world Other: he has sometimes that he gains controll again, and then everything is safe, and when he wanders around he has controll
''well you could say that, let us see if he can dodge this while his training'' said axel and summoned one chakram and trowed it with fire speed to rexejon rexejon let one katana fall on the ground and grabbed the chakram and trowed it with a summersault back to axel, then landed on his 2 hands and grabbed his katana again and goes further with training axel grabbed his chakram and it disapeared ''damn that one i didn't saw coming'' said axel
''well rexejon isn't always like that only when i'm around he thinks to serious then, hé without me he is almost just like me'' said axel and stood up rexejon drawed his katana's again and stared to train again
''well some stuff are going well but i still make many mistakes'' said rexejon ''many........you just make one mistake'' said axel to rexejon ''a mistake is a mistake'' said rexejon and stands up walking back to the place he trained ''don't mind him he is always like ths, he got his own style'' said axel and smiled