rexejon turned back to rikka ''allright that's good, what has happened anyway''
rexejon smiled ''allright then not, oh and kid i would not attack me if i where you'' said rexejon and turned his head to Brexen
''shall i help then, cause with the more people....the chance will be higher to succeed the rescue'' said rexejon
OOC: lol why did i saw that answer coming :P, but allright bic: Rexejon was just running around and noticed that something was wrong and saw Zexion, Colexin, Berxen, Kayleigh and Rikka around so he runned to them when he stopped before them ad watched around, '' allright is there something wrong, and do you guys need help'' said and asked rexejon to the 5
OOC: i think the second one, where are Zexion, Colexin, Berxen, Kayleigh and Rikka now then i can lett rex or axel appear there
OOC: well allright, where somewhere are they then one of the 2 will appear
OOC: ah allright, damn i got nothing to do now with both my chars lol
''allright and train good'' said axel and turned away from xeol OOC: can i have a recap please
''really kid, you need to practice more to make a more dangerous attack'' aid axel and trowed his chakrams to the 50 daggers, and made 48 fire clones of the chakrams and destroyed the daggers
uh nothing much
axel created a fire tornado to destroy the 5 clones in the meanwhile rexejon is walking around ''damn i don't know something to do'' said rexejon
axel just doged one and burned the other and then waited for the next move
while watching the air some people surrounded him and stared to him ''hey kid you are sitting on my spot'' said the man who was looking like he was the leader, rex just watched to him and did nothing ''hey don't screw with us'' said another one rex opened his mouth but then closed it again ''what don't you have a voice or something'' said a third one ''i'm waisting my time with you gang people'' said rex and stood up but the leader stopped him and wanted to punch him but rex stopped his fist and trowed him away ''like i said i waste my time here'' said rex and started to walk, but the gang started to follow him
axel just took out his chakrams and waited
''the last person who said that to me also asked why, but oh well, but why could i controll it right now'' said rex to himself and sat down on the ground sighed and stared to the air
''let me think about that'' said axel and stared around like he feld that someone was watching him ''yeah allright it's better then doing nothing'' said axel
''don't worry kid i will leave this place soon enough'' said rex and sighed
thinks for a bit ''well i don't know about later, but qeustion can you let go of my clothing'' said rex
''well that's really interesting, you're lucky that my little brother is around he got a ego from here till halloween town'' said axel OOC: i've got a little qeustion, how many characters can you have in totall??
rex turned around and noticed reika and felt that he could controll himself for a while ''uhm......yes right now i'm ok'' said rex