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  1. overload
    rexejon stood before his last mech he trowed one chain trough the mech's head then rex pulled the mech to him with full speed his claws came out and slashed trough the whole body he saw that the mech wanted te regenerate but rexejon punched into the head computer of the mech and was defeated
    ''finishing with style'' said rexejon and sat down waiting for the next match

    other jerry stood before his last mech and and regenerated his energy
    ''bye bye, DARKNESS REVOLUTION SLASH'' other jerry said and launched a giant dark slash wave to the last mech, the mech got hit and exploded and jerry putted his cyber katana away

    fernando needed only 10 more and the mechs surrounded him
    ''cyber explosion'' said fernando and a shield came around hi and it became bigger and bigger, then fernando punched the ground and the whole shield exploded, when the smoke was gone all the mechs where dissapeared
    Post by: overload, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. overload
    ''oh jerry you forgot something'' said fernando and gave him his cyber katana and jerry changed into insane mode and saw the mechs ''are those are enemies, how foolish'' said the changed jerry and his voice was different to
    10 mechs runned to him and jerry drawed his cyber katana and runned to one mech jumped on his head and did a cirkle slash the 9 other were sliced into 100 pieces and then he stabbed the last in in the main computer of the mech
    ''why doing hard if i can do it easy'' said jerry and laughed insane

    ''well jerry is not going all out today'' said rexejon and slashed 5 mechs with his chains ''chain of flames'' rexejon said and the chains where set on fire and slashed with a combo of 500 rapid speed slashes

    ''you aren't going out either'' said fernando to rexejon while launching rockets to different mechs
    Post by: overload, Sep 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. overload
    ''what do i look like a pokemon center........of course i have those things'' said rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. overload
    ''how many drones will we face'' asked rexejon
    ''i don't know, let's fight these stupid things'' said jerry
    ''we know what to do right'' said fernando and the three nodded waiting for the drones to attack

    venus was watching ''well let's see how your style is jerry, i hope it's just like mine'' said venus
    Post by: overload, Sep 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. overload
    ''if you want your pokemon in their pokeballs, you can put them in a private storage room, if you want your pokemon out of the pokeballs then send them to the backyard'' sad rex from out the basement
    Post by: overload, Sep 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. overload
    ''so what are those demons if i can ask you'' said rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. overload
    ''well i think so, cause the captain wouldn't fight weak hollows if didn't had to'' said rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. overload
    rex appeared next to captain hitsugaya and saw kenpachi '' captain kenpachi, what are you doing here in the human world'' asked rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. overload
    ''wait a second, some one needs help with the signing up'' said venus and walked to fernando who was still watching to the sign up paper
    ''hey fernando, i guess you need to dicide fast'' said venus to fernando
    ''oh hello gaurd venus, oh sorry i was thinking about something'' said fernando and wrote on the paper: fernando, weapons: everything that's installed in my programm
    Post by: overload, Sep 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. overload
    OOC: woohoo new enemy, or not
    and doesn't matter

    bic: kidly appeared before rex and geist ''who is that'' asked geist
    ''he a normall kid'' said rex with a smile
    ''normall i'm just like the prince you fool'' said kidly
    ''found u'' said rex with still that smile
    ''what is he the assistent'' said geist
    ''damn you found me, and good noticing fool'' said kidly walking to rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. overload
    OOC: oh didn't know
    Post by: overload, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. overload
    OOC: don't matter the only thing rex does is only sitting and waiting lol
    Post by: overload, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. overload
    OOC: uh.......who?

    bic: ''well what's the job then'' said rex
    ''well we must find the assistent of the predator king'' said geist
    ''again..........'' said rex
    ''what do you mean again'' asked geist
    ''that's none of your business'' said rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. overload
    OOC: Name: kidly 'killer'
    Age: 14
    Gender: male
    Power/Ability: fire/water
    Species: infected humen
    Job : one of the predator king's assisstent
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: his father was a great master and learned great stuff from him, when their family was attacked by predators, he and his father stayed alive and kidly became one of them
    Anything else: likes to play around
    Played By: overload

    bic: geist found rex by the river ''hey rex we've got a job'' said geist and the 2 of them just watched to eachother
    Post by: overload, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. overload
    rexejon was just sitting and didn't do anything
    ''oh please someone give me something to do please'' said rexejon
    Post by: overload, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. overload
    jerry was almost at the other side of the lake so he took 2 handgrenades and stopped the boat and sat down waiting for the 2 german boats to come by
    ''they don't know what will happen'' said jerry with a evil smile and the 2 german boats came by, jerry took out the pin and trowed both hand grenades in the boat, a couple of seconds later the 2 german boats exploded and jerry started the boat again
    Post by: overload, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. overload
    rex was first and signed in he wrote: rex AKA bloody r, weapons: claws chains and swords
    ''now you slow man'' rex said against jerry
    ''you just want to see elizabet fight'' said jerry and wrote: jerry AKA insane J, weapons: cyber katana
    and jerry runned to rex
    then fernando came but he didn't wrote anything but watched the paper

    venus and elizabet where watching to the prissoners from a distant
    ''tonight you will fight right'' said venus
    ''you noticed'' said elizebet
    ''now you can see if your style is like bloody r'' said venus
    ''very funny'' said elizabet
    Post by: overload, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. overload
    rex and jerry watched to eachother when they heared about the night ''you go first'' said rex while looking to jerry ''no you go first'' said jerry while watching rex, their stare compition became was really heavy and fernando sighed and stood up, when fernando stood straight rex and jerry started to run as fast as they could to the sign up sheet, they didn't care what object stood in the way they just jumped over it or punched it away
    ''i knew it i knew this would happen'' said fernando walking to the sign up sheet
    Post by: overload, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. overload
    rex felled kenpachi's spiritual energy ''what the captain is here, i don't think for long with all those weak hollows here'' said rex and left the shop
    Post by: overload, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. overload
    ''if you need some help with something, then i'm glad to help'' said rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home