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  1. Chendler
    well, that is one hell of a kick-a** siggy you have there

    Victor looked around ´´May i ask you for something? Can you find a bottle? It has one pill in it and i can´t find bottle. So if you didn´t mind, would you help me?´´he asked her and looked around again
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Chendler
    ´´Becouse now is real secret hour. 25th hour in day. You don´t need to thank me´´Victor said and walked to his room and fastly changed his torned clothes for exactly same new ones

    i need siggy too, is she skilled?
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Chendler
    it is okay

    Victor opened door to his house and took medicine box. He was walking like he had both knees broken, so he was almost falling on ground every step ´´It will hurt you´´he said and took bottle of alcohol and emptied it on her hand and gave her a pill ´´You will regenerate 100 times faster with this´´he said and in matter of minutes wounds was mere scar ´´You are lucky. When i faced Hybrid for first time, i was cut like my clothes are now´´
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Chendler
    DDT is two edged sword, but he will notice it later. He has much adrenaline in his body

    ´´Let the scythe go and run´´Victor said and took her not cut hand and runned
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Chendler
    wretling? so this move will be familiar to you

    Evo stood up ´´I was surprised´´he said and looked for his scythe and when he faced Victor he made DDT on him

    ´´Now he won´t stand up for little longer. Lets go before he gets up. We need to take care of that cut on your hand´´Victor said
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Chendler
    Evo looked on Rori ´´Talented´´he said and grabbed her head ´´But not strong´´he said and started to push her down

    Victor ´hugged´ Evo from behind and threw suplex to him (if you don´t know what it is, it looks like you hug your oponent from behind and throw him behind your shoulder, still hugging him) ´´I hope he won´t stand up´´Vic said
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Chendler
    Evo slashed Victor again and again and Victor was only dodging, and when it looked that Rori is in danger he took some part of hit to save her. ´´You little worm´´Evo said and torned Roris skin with one attack

    ´´I told you to run´´Victor said. He had some small cuts on his body, but his coat, shirt and jeans were torned on many places
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Chendler
    ´´The name is Evo, Lord of Darkness. And it isn´t title´´Evo said and summoned black scythe and attacked Rori with abnormal strenght

    Victor half blocked Evos attack with his dark blade, but took half hit which torned his shirt ´´Rori, run away and don´t look behind´´
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Chendler
    ´´Well well, i am not going to investigate this situation´´Victor said and his blade dissapeared

    ´´It seems they are more powerfull. Time to show myself´´some guy in shadow said and small blink of light showed his black glove and after several seconds he walked out from shadow and walked towards Victor and Rori

    ooc - I am adding new character

    Played by: Chendler
    Name: Evo
    Age: Probably 20, maybe more
    Gender: Male
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Bio: He controls hybrids (edit if necessary) and he hates everything, even himself. He has no shadow and no reflection in mirror, becouse he is cursed to live most evil life
    Personality: Cold-hearted
    Power: Darkness in worst possibility and he can create Hybrids from nothing
    Other: His weapon of choice is black scythe
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Chendler
    ´´Now this is what i call ´serious power´´´Victor said and sliced hybrid into pieces ´´It seems those were only´´
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Chendler
    Victor created dark blade and sliced hybrid that was going to attack Rori ´´Want to help me? If not, get somewhere safe´´
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Chendler
    Morning people. I have an idea. Why don´t we make another rp? If possible
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Chendler
    ´´I hope it is only this´´Victor said and shot down one hybrid (sorry, i like this more than original) ´´Well, it seems this will be longer hour´´
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Chendler
    ´´It is my job to inform, and nobody told me when i shouldn´t do it´´Victor said and smiled a bit ´´If you have problem with that, talk to boss or to somebody who will listen´´
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Chendler
    well, i missed a lot

    ´´Well well, it seems you always find me, like it or not´´Victor said ´´During your chit-chat, somehow world stopped, but it isn´t secret hour. This can´t be good´´
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Chendler


    i like to make unexpected things

    ´´It is part of me, but i didn´t created it´´Vincent said
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Chendler


    ´´Okay, now little history about me. I am last vampire. Well, i was vampire, now i am less than human. I had several very brutal fights and during one, i was heavilly wounded. Only my vampiric powers helped me survive. But i had to use all darkness i had to win the fight and becouse world couldn´t hold it, darkness was shaped into weird creatures as you saw now. They have similar shapes as normal things, but they are created only from darkness. More creatures i find will give me more power, until i reach my full power as i did before´´Vincent said ´´I sure love to talk´´he said and smiled a bit
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Chendler
    ´´Well, time is flowing really fast. One more hour. Now i can use those eyes´´Victor said and took some weird pill ´´Last one? Awww, that is evil, i don´t need it now´´he said and put pill back and walked out of his house and walked into downtown ´´Fayte, where is your girlfriend?´´he asked him when he saw him
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Chendler
    °°Where are those lovers now? Too bad i can´t use those eyes in this time of day°°Vincent thought and walked to downtown
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Chendler


    i am too patient for this

    ´´Well, how to explain it to you. Some creatures in this world are created from darkness, so their shapes are little abnormal in compare with normal things´´Vincent said and beast he stole from Hybrid went into him ´´Something like this´´
    Post by: Chendler, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home