Victor walked to her ´´What is wrong with you´´he asked her again, firmly °°I hope it isn´t same thing that happened to me°°he thought
´´Well, you looked better, but that is girl stuff´´Victor said and looked out ´´Today is lucky day. Friday 13. I wonder what will happen´´he said and looked back on Rori
well, yes it is. And what is the question? ´´How to tell? You are in my house´´Victor said and walked into room with half-eaten sandwich ´´Are you okay? You look like you saw ghost´´he asked and sat on chair
well, she took it right, but i plan it differently ´´Great, first i broke my ankle and now she is in front of my house. God, what bad i did for this punishment´´Victor said and took Rori from ground and somehow managed to get into house and put Rori into bed. ´´*curses about broken ankle and some foul words which are clearly against rules* Now to take care of ankle´´he said and looked on it. (not expert in medicine, i had never anything broken, so just call it magic :)) After several hours his ankle was fine ´´Hey, sleeping beauty, wake up´´he shouted
okay ´´You have courage, which you don´t know about now´´Evo said and jumped on ground, with his back to her back ´´But that isn´t enough to beat me´´he said and smiled a bit, but coldly. ´´We will meet in next secret hour. One of us will die for sure´´he said and put his dead (waaay too cold) hand on her shoulder ´´And i won´t sell my life easily´´he said and dissapeared, only small pile of ashes remained
´´Running from your fate? I thought you can do something effective. Stick with them, following alone prey isn´t fun´´Evo said to Rori. He was in rather uncomfortable position. He was holding lamp top with his legs and he was upside down hey, can you turn on MSN?
´´So she is okay´´Vic said and looked on his ankle ´´Not good´´he said and tried to stand up, half succesfull
well, most weirdest thing i ever heard, but nevermind Victor created small platform and jumped on it. For his surprise, it was strong enough to hold him, but it started to crack so he jumped to Rori and grabbed her. They jumped on ground and unfortunately, Victor felt on his ankle and broke it ´´Are you okay?´´
well, no deal, see ya
´´It will never stop´´Victor said and walked to her and kneeled to her ´´This is neverending fight. Can you stand up and fight with it?´´he asked her and gave her his hand ´´This isn´t neverending. Everything has its end, even most biggest evil´´he whispered to her
´´Rori, go home and forget about everything that happened here and days before´´Victor said and hid his dark blade g2g
yeah right ´´I brought you some fun´´Evo said and dissapeared and only thing remaining was bunch of hybrids ´´Well, hell no´´Victor said and sliced hybrids ´´He is human, but a little bit stronger than us´´
´´Nicely said´´Evo said. His face was covered by blood after DDT ´´But i don´t think you can do anything with it´´ ´´This is our enemy for next month´´Victor said
And do you know somebody skilled enough to work with those colors? And you don´t need to put whole sig here, just PM me link
Victor walked behind Fayte and softly punched him into head ´´We have new enemy who really packs some punch and he means business. I don´t know how is it possible that we still live, but he can create his own secret hour´´he reported
´´But in group we will be more powerfull. So lets go´´Victor said and opened door for her
´´Well, i don´t want to meet Evo now. He is somehow more powerfull than all us together´´Victor said
´´It isn´t from this world. Ah here it is´´Victor said and took bottle from under couch ´´Want it?´´he asked her, offering her the pill got to go, be back in matter of hours
´´In the bottle is pill that grants me to find everything i want. Paradox is that i am constantly loosing the pill´´Victor said and looked under bed
Type: Avi Color scheme: Green, red and black (green for bg, red for bg aswell and black for letters. You can freely use any other colors to make it cool) Render: Well, it isn´t needed becouse i want only text there Text: Master_X. Earths greatest power Other: Size- less than 25kb, height and width less than 100 pixels Tipe: Signature Color scheme: Red for bg, blue for net (yes, i want red bg with blue net which it totally uncool, but i like it) and green for letters Render: none Text: Pie-eating, earth-shaking, a**-kicking (use it normal, without stars), jabroni-beating Master_X. Earths greatest power Other: I don´t know what size is required sooner the better