Hey Sora :) Hope you still remember me. Like the story, so i am joining Name: Daniel Zane Age: 21 Apperance: View attachment 32808 (maybe later i figure how to add full size pictures) Goldy Ancestor: Hades Powers: He doesnt have any magical powers, but he is skilled with guns and swords Bio: Outcasted from his home town thanks to his lack of magical powers. He is loosely aware of his heritage and it doesnt add to his fame. He isnt very cheerful and doesnt trust strangers easily.
I dont know if it belongs here, but i guess proper reintroduction is fine. I am Chendler, i used to roleplay for about two years and now after 3 years i came back. Since then, lots of things changed, i am now at university, i write fatasy books (lame as hell, i constantly rewrite them), i didnt rp since eternity...and that is pretty much it. As for why i returned...i used characters in alphabetic order and forgot who is D...shallow reason, but good as any other. I hope i will make better impression than before and hope to find some new friends :)
oops, this is first time i put poll, so sorry. Well, as i said, this is only raw version, i will edit it later, but now i need to be sure that it has meaning. And thanks
Hey, long time no see. I made a story. It is somthing like prequel to rp i had with gexion and Mixed Blessing. Nevermind, it isn´t hard to understand story. It is bit weird on beggining, but it will get better. It is raw version, so i didn´t corrected mistakes. You may vote if you like it or not. I will write more if you like it. Also, if you will like it, i will add pictures, fun-facts and other things related to this. Idea is mine, so no stealing. It has a bit of working on making spaces between articles, but i don´t care much about it So here comes story (and one thing, if you want to be negativistic, be at least creative) ´´I am locked in Arkham Asylum. They hold here most dangerous beings. I don´t know why am i here. I have to get away from here. My roommate offered his dark powers to me in return of freedom. He thinks i work here. I am locked, trapped, but not insane. Guy from other room, told me that we can pull out a plan to escape. He is good boy, pretty smart, and has dark powers. As i noticed, everybody here has only dark powers. I don´t know if it is by accident, or for a reason. I have to find out my true self. All i know is that i am number 0000101. We don´t have names. We are supposed to be silent, we can only talk to ourselves. I have telepatic powers, and some others, so i know what is going on here. I saw some extremly dangerous people here who can help me with what i plan. I am not counting days, becouse here is still night. My eyes are made to see in darkest night without light, so it isn´t much of pain for me. But my roommate has serious problems with it. I created special mask for him. From my wings. Thats right, i am angel. Fallen angel, but even darker. I am grandson of current Lord of this land. I guess. You can´t be sure about anything here. I made a special ability. I have something inside me. Something that heals me, keeps me sane and helps me. But i know that it is evil. It wants to show its form. It is called Chaos. I think i like it, but i fear it. My roomate says he would do anything for having something like that inside. Guy from other room, i think his number is 1111010 or something like that, is feared of this thing too. He is half insane, so it won´t be a problem to manipulate him´´guest (they call prisoners ´guests´) 0000101 said looking out from window. His roommate, only guest with 2 in his number was listening to him. ´´Sir´´number 2 said. This was his nickname. ´´You talk very nice. And you even know what are you talking about. You are my best friend´´number 2 said. He wasn´t insane, but his sanity was quickly decreasing. ´´Number 2, you are my best friend aswell. And thanks for your compliments, you know how to make person happy´´0000101 said and smiled. Number 2 walked to 0000101 and hugged him friendly. There was 20 cm difference between them. 0000101 was tallest from all prisoners. ´´Okay, thats enough´´0000101 said and pushed number 2 a bit. They had to go out from ´rooms´ (holding cells) and have free time with others. Some of them could talk to others, some weren´t able to walk out from cells. ´´Mister´´1111010 called on 0000101. ´´Yes?´´0000101 replied and turned to him. ´´I heard what were you saying and i am deeply touched. I wrote every sentence on paper and i read it again and again. Thanks´´1111010 said and waved to Number 2. Number 2 waved back and they looked on tower. It was control centre. It was sending waves that were made to ´make person good´, but they were decreasing sanity. Only strongest resisted these waves, and also those close to 0000101. ´´Miss´´0000101 called on one girl. She hadn´t number, becouse she was only girl in Asylum. ´´Yes, comrade´´she said and turned to him. ´´You look nice today´´0000101 said. ´´Thanks for compliment´´she said and walked closer to him. She had small red pluses on her shoulders, revealing that she was healer. ´´When do you plan to escape?´´she whispered to him. ´´Tommorow, i need one more day´´0000101 whispered and they walked back to rooms. *´´Grandpa, i handled it, i can control Evil now´´little kid said to ´young´ person. -Time is flowing differently there. This older person was 100 centuries old, but 100 earth centuries were same as 50 years on earth. So if you live 1 earth century here, it is like you lived 0,5 year on earth. Which isn´t long time. For better explanation: You live 2 centuries. On earth you would be only corpse. Here if you live 2 centuries, your body ages only 1 year. Got it?- ´´That is very good, you will be perfect warrior if you go like this´´grandpa said and patted younger ones head. ´´Look´´kid said and transformed (with lot of nosebleeds, trying and concentration) into small version of Evil. It lasted for second, but it was enough. For 8 years old kid it was marvelous. ´´You are genoius´´other kid, brother of this one said. His name was Gregory.* ´´Mister, you had flashback?´´number 2 asked. ´´Yeah, i was kid again. This being in me, it is called Evil. My memory...why can´t i think of anything? Even flashbacks are foggy´´0000101 said. ´´You had amnesia´´number 2 said. ´´Thanks´´0000101 replied and smiled on him. ´´Good night, V´´number 2 said. V was nickname of 0000101. He had red V tatoo on his back. It was only thing that remained from his memories. ´´Next day. Another day. More day. Less day. Much day. Many day. None day.´´was heard from room next to V and Number 2. Not from 1111010s, but from left one. Guy there was unable to move, he was only mumbling these words. He had number 0101011. V and Number 2 felt asleep and woke up next morning. They walked on court with others ´´Make a circle´´Number 2 said. Even those who couldn´t move were brought here to see this. V was going to destroy tower. Guards were prepared for this, they aimed many weapons on V, prepared to shoot him. ´´Divide and conquer´´Number 2 said and others repeated it. ´´Moon heal me´´V said and his body turned dark. Guards shot bullets on him, but they had no effect. ´´Moon, kill me´´V whispered and his body turned into Evil. Evil summoned his sword and others ran to shelters. ´´Planet Buster´´guards said in fear. This sword was created for only one reason. Destruction. It was irresistable force. ´´Crescent moon´´Evil said with demonic voice and destroyed tower with guards and felt on ground, bleeding from his head. ´´Oh my god´´1111010 said and as first run to V. ´´V are you okay?´´others asked when they gathered around. V moved his hand as sign that he survived this suicide. ´´Hero, hero, hero´´they shouted and turned him on his back. They saw most horrifing face. His face was burned and destroyed by power he used. She walked to V and made green line on his face ´´I reject´´ she said and his body turned into normal state, healed one. ´´Hey, i found who we are´´0101011 shouted and showed them papers with photos. They all took theirs and threw them in air. Only V didn´t had his paper. ´´Mister, we are sorry, but your paper was destroyed´´0101011 said. V opened his eyes and smiled ´´I don´t care. I know who i am. Victor Cedo´´Victor said and stood up. ´´Well, it would be nice to introduce ourselves. My name is Bleys´´1111010 said and they shook hands. ´´My name is Hector´´Number 2 said and they shook hands aswell. ´´Mio´´she said and waved. And this continued until everybody had his name. ´´All hail to Victor´´Hector said. They looked around, but couldn´t find him. ´´Victor´´Mio said, putting him on ground with his back to wall. ´´Re-le-ase´´Victor said and some weird metalic objects felt from everybodies neck. ´´I have an idea. We will follow Victor in whatever he is going to do´´Hector said and they all agreed. It was huge nation, about 100002 people. ´´We will build an empire. Here´´Victor said and coughed blood. They all looked scared, becouse their new leader was about to die. This blood went back into his body through clothes. ´´Wow´´Bleys said and helped Victor to stand up. ´´New dawn´´Victor said and they all shouted happily. ´´New dawn means there was night all this time´´Leviathan said. Levi was immortal drunkie. He wasn´t much of help, because he was agent of Hell. He was 5th in charge of Hell. ´´Go away´´Victor said next day. Levi dissapeared. ´´Where will we sleep? What will we eat?´´Bleys asked. Victor put two figers of right hand (second and third) on his forehead. ´´Re´´he said and stopped. All building felt on ground and bricks made one building. Victor felt on Bleys´s shoulder, and ´nation´ looked on building. It was about to be main hall. ´´Now you know all answers´´Hector said and took Victor on his shoulders. Building looked like Asylum, but without danger ´´This is our building´´Hector said and smiled. ´´So, we need to divide into groups. I doubt you know each other, so pick those who looks good with you´´Hector said, scratching his head with third hand. Hector had third ´spiritual´ hand. Everybody gathered around them in groups, only Hector, Vic, Mio and Bleys remained alone. ´´So we are one group´´Mio said and smiled. ´´And now what will everybody do. There are two main things to do: First, for strong groups, bring some material for buildings. Second, for weaker groups, bring some food and some more people´´Victor said, half unconscious. ´´Well, it seems we will have to stay here and look after Victor and work´´Hector said. Groups looked on him and agreed. Their leader had to be fit in order to lead them. There were 50 groups of people. Every group had 4 members. Others were too old or too weak to do anything. So they walked around, picking random light stuff, like steel poles, wires, wood and papers. ´´Victor, you are best leader´´Mio said, putting him into half-destroyed chair. ´´Thanks´´Victor said and slowly regained his strenght °°Don´t worry°°Chaos said in his mind. -Okay, it seems i showed you all signs i will use. -- = i am explaining something ** = flashback ´´´´ = talking °°°°= mind dialogue- After several hours, court in front of main hall started to fill with junk and people in light clothes. ´´Nice job´´Victor said and clapped lightly. He had bandaged head, becouse of his previous injury. He walked around this place with groups resting together. ´´They are smart. They live together. Like one family´´Victor said and looked on part of people that were clothed differently. ´´So, you are new people´´Victor said and they nodded. ´´Who wants to join me?´´Victor asked. Some people raised their hands. ´´Okay, good´´Victor said and pointed on others ide of field ´´Go there´´Victor explained and people slowly walked there. ´´Who knows how to handle weapon? Shooting on left, swords, pipes and similar on right´´Another bunch of people went on those sides. Small group remained unassigned. ´´Umn, ...´´Victor said and something in his head broke and he felt on ground. ´´His memory is coming back, no need to worry´´Bleys said and picked him from ground. ´´You people can clean this place´´Victor said after he woke up. ´´Clean?´´one woman asked and noticed building ´´I see´´she said, and with rest of people that were there walked inside this building.
°°Why is every attempt to gain somebody´s attention is futile?°°Victor thought and then got idea. He completly froze ship ´´I will make your life a living hell if you will ignore me´´he said
´´I don´t mind being shot into head, stabbed, impaled, but only thing that makes me angry is when i am ignored´´Victor said and sliced solgers with quite exciting speed ´´Do i have your attention now?´´
Victor woke up becouse of light and vibrations and he walked to source of them and took his scythe from back and summoned Hs ´´I don´t know what are you doing here, and i don´t care, but you woke me up and that really maked me angry´´he said to Xert
´´Well, if it isn´t going by strenght, it will go by bigger strenght´´Victor said and slashed barrier, but he only went throught air. He looked confused and he walked behind ´barrier´. ´´Well, i hope they won´t mind my presence here´´he said and put his scythe on his back and summoned several Hs and let them run around a bit, while he was resting. During rest, he felt asleep
´´How.long.will.it.take´´Victor was saying while trying to break through barrier using almost every attack possible ´´Damn´´he said and walked around barrier ´´It can´t be everywhere´´
Victor walked around, until he walked into barrier which didn´t let him go further. He saw some city in distance ´´This is bizzare. It seems evil can´t go there. Well, lets see´´he said and put down chain from his scythe and slashed on barrier, but nothing happened ´´Too many troubles today´´
Victor created several Hs and sent them all around to find somebody ´´Life of evil sure is boring´´
damn, i am again late. Evil time-zones ´´Okay, now this is pissing me off´´Victor said ´´Ignored twice´´he said and chains became stronger ´´But where did they left?´´he asked and looked around. Every way looked same
°°This wasn´t what i expected. Damn°°Victor thought and his scythe went into original size and several dark ice chains appeared on it and Heartlesses apeared around him ´´Is this better show?´´he asked too lazy to type heartless ever time, it will be H from now
´´How did you knew? Nah, i am not human. I won´t tell you what i am, or who i am. For now, you are weak in my eyes´´Victor said and took his scythe from his back
wow, nobody told me that you started. You write waay too long ´´As i expected, you beated them´´Victor said, clapping his hands ´´And you even showed some skills´´he said and his scythe was on his back in smaller version
are you sure you want to start now? i think two people is, well, not enough
it seems you don´t have much people Name: Victor Age: 17 Gender: Male Weapon: black scythe World: some world in darkness Race: Vampire Good or evil: here comes the problem, he isn´t on any side, but shows more evil that good Apperrence:
Dante from Devil may cry
lets see what this rp is Name: Vincent Age: 17 Grade: 12 Gender: Male IQ: 114 Appearence: Favourite colours: Black and red Bio: Loves fun, sometimes gets carried away, like most guys is very interested in girls. He failed to get to higher grade, so he is annoyed very much. He is from wealthy family, so he has money. Much money, but no friends to share money with Vehicle: rides black/red motorbike in summer, fall and spring and black Peugeot with red dragon in winter (Yes, it is Dante, i couldn´t find better picture)
´´If you say so. It seems Evo visited you aswell. What did he told to you?´´Victor asked her ´´He told me that we will meet again on same place where before´´