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  1. Chendler
  2. Chendler
    So in our RP, we have only us?
    Status Update by Chendler, Aug 3, 2012
  3. Chendler
    Profile Post

    It seems awesome :)

    It seems awesome :)
    Status Update by Chendler, Aug 3, 2012
  4. Chendler
    Will it be erotic fanfic? :)
    Status Update by Chendler, Aug 3, 2012
  5. Chendler
  6. Chendler
  7. Chendler
  8. Chendler
    Chapter 2

    Gabriel walked to barkeep and bought one room for the night. Barkeep wasnt happy about this, but enough coin persuaded him. Actual room look very bad, rotten wood and rats running around was sign that this room wasnt used for very long time. Gabriel ignored squeeks from surprised rats and threw his ripped shirt and dirty coat on bed. He was slim guy with numerous scars all over his back from constant attempts to take his life. While he wasnt skilled with swords, his speed was far beyond what human or even demon eyes could see. He casted simple locking spell on doors and from his pocket pulled out little crystal ball. He put it on table previously inhabited by cockroaches and with another spell turned it on. "Who would you like to speak to?" voice asked from ball. "Lord Bleys". Ball was violently shaking and when it stopped, another voice, of a fairly drunk person, could be heard. "Hey, how are you doing in that rats hole?" voice asked. "You are quite annoying when you are drunk". "And who do you think you are talking to? You might be Lord, but if you mess things up, i will personally cut you into pieces". "You would have to be sober first. Why did you send me there anyway?". "There? You are not there yet? I knew i should ask somebody more competent to do it. Eh, whatever, you are supposed to beat the bad guys, stop the revolt and get some reward, not that i care much about it". "And you sent there with such ridiculous information because you like to torture me?". "Come on, you will get fairly nice piece of land as a compensation, so quit yapping and go to work, things wont solve themselves". "You are quite annoyed today". "I have numerous reasons". "Can i hear them?" Gabriel asked and heared loud click sound signalizing end of call. Gabriel cursed and looked out from window.

    Few hours later his lackeys knocked on door. Gabriel disabled his spell and opened door. "Sire, there seems to be problem with lair of a witch on top of that mountain?" Azariel said and looked on room "Are we really spending night here?". "Of course not, it is just that i needed little place for little call. Less about that, is there some compensation for dealing with her?". "Locals werent too excited about us trying to mess with their things, but they said this whole town would be a reward". Gabriel scratched his face and nodded. Azariel bowed down and made way for Zimn, who was large enough to fill quite a space of the room thanks to his new armor "Blacksmith was rather reluctant to help us, but after few rounds of my persuasive tactics, he quickly changed his mind". He took out his freshly reforged sword and it reflected even tiniest speck of light as he held it. "Quite a good piece of work, we should persuade him to work at castle" Gabriel said. "Anything else you wish to listen to?" Azariel asked. "Is there anything else?". "While locals werent happy about the witch, they were eager to exterminating bandits from forest". Gabriel smirked in special way, showing off both his status and Amarkadian pride in one smile "You two will go out there and maul those bandits. I will go out to that mountain, take care of witch so we can claim this town and move to our next destination". "We rested a little so we can follow orders from Lord" both Zimn and Azariel said, marching off from room. Gabriel put on coat which wasnt destroyed too much and summoned little sword into his hand. It was so little that his index finger was longer. He held it casually like normal sword and swung it. Sword grew to normal lenght, which was from his feet to his hips "This better be good enough to call out this sword" he said and slammen door behind himself.

    End of Chapter 2
    Post by: Chendler, Aug 3, 2012 in forum: Archives
  9. Chendler
  10. Chendler
  11. Chendler
  12. Chendler

    Dark Days

    Daniel was sitting in town square, gazing at crystal clear sky. His thin sword was near his legs in case somebody would like to do something bad to him. He felt the morning wind blowing at his body and he looked around to see anything interesting.

    ooc - not best beggining ever, but better than nothing i guess
    Post by: Chendler, Aug 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Chendler


    Sure, lets you want to follow some of the game updates or you want to create entirely new story?
    Post by: Chendler, Aug 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Chendler

    My own story

    Chapter 1

    "Could you please explain to me why did we had to come to this place?" shorter guy asked. He was wearing torn and dirty clothes clothes, which would reveal he is a noble. "Because there is no town on our road, so we had to do a turn to nearest town". The other guy was in same condition as noble, but his clothes were far more fitting of a proud warrior. Large sword on his back was covered in rust, blood and it was chipped on many points. "You should drop that sword, it is only weight" third guy said. He was in far better condition, dagger attached to his forearm, cloak covering most of body. "Silence Zimn, or i will show you that this sword is in better shape than your body". Some town-folks looked their way and whispered to each other. "Lord Gabriel, we really should siege this town" Zimn said to noble. Gabriel looked at him "I do the thinking, you two do the fighting, that is why i have you here". Both fighters, Zimn and Azariel gazed on Gabriel and frowned, but followed him into inn.

    Doors of inn opened with loud noise and our trio was instantly pierced by numerous stares from locals. "Zimn, find us a table, if you dont find an empty table, create one" Gabriel said and walked to barkeep. "What should i do?" Azariel asked. "You can ask some locals if they dont have some work for us. Extra coin, favor of a city, everything is good for us". "As you command" Azariel said and silently moved out from inn. "What would you like to order?". "Could you give me something to drink for soar throat?". Barkeep smirked "You can drink water with horses". Gabriel picked a coin from his pocket and put it in front of barkeep. He looked at coin and gave Gabriel couple bottles of lemonade "Dont get used to this treatment". I will put this town to ground one day, Gabriel cursed and walked to Zimn. "Lord Gabriel, why do you get treated like this?". "Because locals arent in good mood it would seem. Something is wrong here and i guess our trip will get longer". "Shouldnt we bail out while we still have a chance?". "I told you before, you are only hired sword, nothing more, nothing less". "I dont understand why such capable noble as yourself hired two thugs from dirtiest, smelliest alleys of Amarkadia to accompany him on journey". "The guy who told me about you was very persuasive about your abilities. Go to local blacksmith and persuade him to repair your sword or give you new one. Pay him any coin he will ask. I am going to sleep, walking all day long is tiring, even for me". "As you command" Zimn said and walked outside.

    End of Chapter 1
    Bit of a ramble: I know this might look confusing and most probably the dialogue part, but i got used to writing my books this way, sorry. Also, this isnt my book, it is just a story i came up with to get inspired somehow and want to share it with comunity. It is fantasy story to be precise, i hope it wont bore you to death after first few chapters
    Thread by: Chendler, Aug 2, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Chendler


    It seems like an awesome idea, i had Level 40 Hunter until i got banished from Global (because i am from Europe)

    If you ever make such rp, i will gladly join it
    Post by: Chendler, Aug 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Chendler
  17. Chendler
  18. Chendler
  19. Chendler
  20. Chendler