Yeah, i used to be here since 2007 until 2009. After i finally managed to find the style that was used back then and removing the annoying black...
Sorry, getting used to this, back then there were no VMs iirc
This is getting on my nerves slowly...
*goes into impatient mode* xD
It is probably because i use VERY many letters it would seem
It says mod must approve of it...:(
Great, just made my own RP...might be a little confusing tho. Why isnt the post showing right away? :(
This is my first RP after i came back, so i hope it will be good one... Story 1: Since ancient times, people wanted to become immortal, quite unsuccessfuly. Unknown to them, some mad necromancer actually managed to revive the dead zombies. Surprisingly enough, these pests had their memories intact and were able to do many normal things. Except, they were unable to feel any emotions. The necromancer died few weeks later from going too insane. It was quite unknown why did he go insane in the first place, but his last words were: "They laughed at me, called me insane, but they might have been correct." His summons remained alive and took care of his the house, trying to find out how to feel something. Story 2: Unknowing of the madman, few archeologists ventured into generic cave to fight generic monsters and get generic loot. The vampire in one of the crypts wasnt so generic and bit them. Obviously, some of them died, but the rest got turned into bloodthirsty, vampires with low resistance to silver, sun and holy objects. Generic vampires. The main vampire wasnt so pleased with this outcome and ventured to look for come kind of cure for this weakness with some of his most potent vampires, leaving other to take care of the place they stayed in. Story 3: True main hero of our story died, such a shame. Devil proposed to him that if he will be able to turn certain number of higher beings into demons, he will be able to regain his life in immortal body. He quickly grabbed the chance to live and was put into body of normal soldier. He quickly raised to general rank, got piece of land, got married and forgot about his promise. The Devil, while usually being patient, called up to him asking why isnt he fullfilling his promise. He answered that he would rather live in human body with his wife and be happy. Of course, Devil got enraged and burned down whole land, his house and took his wife into Underworld. Our main hero was quite angry at Devil, but it was his own fault, so he set on adventure to fulfill his promise, and maybe get revenge on The Devil himself. And lastly, Story 4: Holy guilds are quite normal in this land, as they punish evil-doers and banish unholy monsters. Or so they would want to be seen like that. They are actually clumsy and when they finally get to do some business, they mess it up completly. Fed up with their imcompetence, they were banished from most cities and got pretty beat up by powerful monsters. Only a handful survived, thanks to blind luck and bravery of others. They decided to go and try to regain their numbers and maybe even get some fame. ooc - okay, the story might be a little confusing, but all four groups wish for something they dont have. It doesnt have to be filled with people, but i hope that at least 7 people will get onboard, 4 is absolute minimum (me included) Okay, now that the story is solved, lets get to rules and things: 1. No godmodding 2. No OP characters. While certain characters can be strong in one way, they must be very weak in other 3. You can kill anything moving that isnt owned by anybody else. If you want to murder whole town as a revenge for being robbed, feel so, but if there is user-owned character, you must not kill him/her. Unless it is some minor character which user can kill (look at form) 4. While it is fun to see epic sword fights, bullets and spells flying all around, please refrain from getting into too many fights. 5. This might be obvious but here are some things you shall not do: Be offensive in any way, racist, sexistic, too detailed in brutal scenes, do anything beyond kissing/hugging (while if you want to have sex with some other person and he/she agrees, you can just say They spent a night together), dont be a jerk, dont post too short posts (sometimes they are called for, but you can absolutly sure MAKE them longer). 6. Having fun is allowed, sarcasm and black humor is allowed, but if somebody is offended, apologize. 7. You dont have to be expert in biology to know that humans heal slower than vampires or zombies if not healed by a spell. Limbs dont grow instantly for either of them, so be at least remotely realistic. While day/night cycle is adjustable to needs of the plot, humans/vampire must eat and sleep. Lets just say human have perfect metabolism and dont have to use toilets, unless plot calls for it. You are allowed to have 2 characters, which !!MUST!! be original characters (anime characters are OP, so unless you de-OP them, not going to fit in) Form of characters Name: Age: Appearance: Faction he belongs to: Bio: Killable or not: this is very strange, but sometimes, people simply want to make killable characters so they can have more than 2. If character is killable, there must be a plot involved, either for greater good, sacrifice and user must put him in harms way. ooc - i apologize for any mistakes made in my post. Chendler: Name: Daniel Age: 21 Appearance: View attachment 32877 Faction he belongs to: Main hero Bio: Read story 3 Killable or not: Not Name: Zimn Age: 40 Appearance: View attachment 32878 Faction he belongs to: Vampire Bio: Before becoming a vampire, he was a soldier who was bodyguard to the group that ventured into cave. He fought bravely, but bravery alone was not enough against ancient vampire who mauled him to near-death with hands. Killable or not: Yes
Glad to hear that :)
Aww, i hope you will get better
Take care :)
I will put on my trusty thinking-hat, summon infinite ammount of demons and we will think about new RP to do :)
Quite strange i must say
why is that?
This month? It is August...i guess it is different for me, university person wo start at the end of Septembre :D
I think we should think about something else than generic kh RPs tho
It seems the one we are in is dud aswell :(
You are quite active in RP section, so many RPs :D
what kind of rp?
And i am back sooner than i expected :)