Morning, how are you?
Clean your inbox, silly, i cant send you messages :D
Jayn told me you need to post in sections where posts matter and rack up 13 or so. Read the story?
You also need to get 12 actual posts to be able to post as you wish
Awesome, you? Also, the rp is up are running. The one i mentioned before. And i wrote a story, go read it xD
ooc - This wont be divided into any chapters, because it is relatively short. I hope at least one person will like it. It is based on a dream i had last night. While i am using Greek gods as code-names for characters, it doesnt bear any connection to actual Greek mythology "So, lets go through the plan once more" guy said to people sitting around table. Few candles were throwing enough light for each of them to see each other. "Apollo, my job is to get all clothes necessary, get Zeus and Artemis inside and make sure there is enough wine for guests" Apollo said, for about tenth time that night. He was lean, short and considered midget heighted by rest of the team. While unable to reach heights, he was remarkable as clothier and had some connection. "Artemis, my job is to accompany Zeus into the party, help him with the mission and ensure guards will look the other way". She was quite pretty for where she came from and she knew how to use her body as a distraction for leader to help him in missions. "Hades, supposed to get the king out of the pallace in one piece undetected and accompany Apollo on his mission in the pallace as a chef". Hades was well-built man with numerous scars on his face. His previous occupation was to get rid of bodies the team produced and to serve as a guard for the tavern they owned. "Hermes, i am allowed to take Zeus, Apollo, Artemis and Hades back into the tavern through severs and tight alleys". He used to be most skilled thief in whole team, but he lost half of his hand as a punishment for his crimes and had to find another occupation withing team. "Zeus, during commotion caused by Apollo, i and Artemis will get the king to Hades and get away without being detected. That would be it, change to your clothes upstairs. Hermes, get the carriage and invitations" Zeus said and sat on his chair. Every single member of the team respected him as a leader, his well-known crimes never resulted in him being captured. Out of the team, he would fit into both noble and beggar roles, so he served as a main figure in most of the plans. After they got changed, few hours before the ball, Zeus, dressed in black coat, white tuxedo, brown vest, white shirt, white pants, white gloves on his hands, cane in one hand, umbrella in other, and Artemis, in green robe with green gloves going up to her forearm, went out of the tavern into the rainy afternoon. Zeus held umbrella above both of them and Artemis locked her arm into his. They never felt anything towards each other and all of this was just an act. Hermes parked in front of tavern and helped both of them into carriage. Sometimes it was uncomfortable to hold his hand, because lost part of his hand was replaced my metalic parts that didnt move, but he was wearing leather gloves on his hands now, so it wouldnt be possible to notice his hand. After they were comfortably seated, Hermes checked on them and went to front of carriage. "Do you think we will be successful?" Artemis asked with a little of hesitation in her voice. "Are you scared?" Zeus asked, confident in his actions. "A little bit. Apollo said they hired some mean cut-throats who will mercilessly kill anybody who enters certain places". "I know about them fairly well, but it isnt first time we meet them. We know their habits, what they like, what they hate, and most important, what they fear". "They fear nothing, such a shame. Also, they look nothing like you. Put that top hat on" Artemis said and pointed on white top hat. He did as she asked and she laughed a little "You look almost exactly same as ten years ago". He put his top hat off and smirked "It is nice to see you laugh". "Put your masks on, we are almost there and it would be very bad if guards recognized you. Hermes was wearing full leather clothes that riders use in case somebody would sabotage the carriage. Four horses were enough to get king, Artemis, Zeus and Hermes away as fast as possible. Hermes stopped in front of gate and waited for gatekeeper to come out. He lazily walked to carriage and walked to Hermes "Do you have invitation?". Hermes gave him fake invitations and gatekeeper looked on them "There seems something suspicious about these". Hermes knew fairly well how to fix his hesitation and shook pouch full of coins on his belt. Gatekeeper looked left and right to see if anybody watches and nodded. Hermes threw him pouch and gatekeeper smiled and nodded. "Would you mind if i checked how many people are in the carriage?" he asked because some people arrived and if they saw the bribe, it wouldnt be good neither for him and especially not good for team. "Go ahead" Hermes said, getting his feet wet from rain. Gatekeeper walked to window of carriage "Apollo paid me quite nicely for such act" he said. "Ares, you shouldnt go around and take bribes from your own". "I am sorry Zeus, but i simply couldnt resist. Also, king is quite nervous about this and asked Alaska and some brute to guard him". While not essentially part of the team, Ares was inside man of all operations. Serving as a waiter, being a guardkeeper, banker, he was man of many faces. "Is it time yet?" Zeus asked. "My apologies sire, madam, i must have mistook you for somebody else, please proceed through main gate and have fun" Ares said when guards came closer to inspect why is there such delay. Hermes waited until gate opens and Ares walked pass the carriage inside "Both of you look lovely today. A fine day for greatest heist ever commited" he said in low-voice and walked to his post. "What a cheap guy" Artemis said while they were circling around mini garden in front of pallace. "He is sly, i cant say anything bad about him" Zeus replied and waited until carriage stops. Hermes jumped into puddle of water, cursed at his misfortune and opened doors of carriage. The puddle was going under whole carriage and it was quite unfitting if such fine dressed people as Artemis and Zeus had to become dirty by stepping into it. Carriage had small ramp going to ground to fix such problems and Zeus walked out on his own, then helped Artemis to get to stairs. Couple ladies aside were watching, amazed by such view "What a fine gentleman". Zeus smirked under the mask and waited until Artemis locks hands with his and they walked inside. Zeus left his umbrella with Hermes, who moved the carriage away. "Welcome, dear guests" receptionist said and too coat from Zeus. "Thank you" Zeus replied and placed gold coin on the counter. Receptionist replied with bow and took care of the coat as best as he could. Zeus and Artemis split and walked to some other people to exchange greetings and couple of words. They always pretended they met other guests on some other occassion and very quickly merged into the groups. Apollo noticed both of them and brought wine on plate. His waiter disguise was simply remarkable. Zeus took two glasses and offered one to lady he was talking to. Apollo understood the sign and with some hasty moves moved to Artemis. Zeus had couple of plans on how to get to the king, who would only open the ceremony and then go to his chambers to change into proper attire. After couple minutes, royal advisor stepped on stage and gazed on all of the people. He clapped his hands and people started to stop talking. Two brutes were looking on guests and occassionally made some remarks to each other. "Ladies and gentleman. His Highness will come in shortly, so please, get seated and have a dinner" he said and people moved where they were told to go. Zeus and his tipsy companion moved to table and sat close to each other. Artemis was sitting on the opposite side with some guy who gave her a rose. Waiters started bringing food and main chef came on stage aswell. Hades was very confident in his cooking skills and royal advisor stepped aside for chef to talk "This food was made from His Highness finest ingredients and i hope it will be as good as it can be. It might even feel like heaven made a stop in your mouth..." and he continued his speach on and on. Royal advisor looked hungry after hearing it and sat on his place. Nobody dared to touch the food before king arrives, which wasnt very long after. King arrived in more leisurely attire, because his clothes were little late, but still looked grandiose. He raised his golden chalice and took a sip from it. Apollo walked to king and asked him something in low voice. King looked on him, laughed a bit, pat him on back and nodded in agreement. King was man of very few words, so he started to eat his food. Guests followed his example. "And then i told him to either surrender or get killed" Zeus said to his now fairly drunk companion after feast. They went off to one of many halls and not only she was completly locked on his hand, but she also had her head very close to his, which made walking little difficult. Artemis opened one door and silently whistled. Zeus understood this sign and took his companion to the room. He put her on bed and she almost instantly felt asleep. "So, who is she?" Artemis asked after she checked if she is sleeping comfortably. "Some princess of distant land. Who did you manage to seduce?". "Some nobody who has enough wealth to get to this ball. He was nice, gave me some rose, but it withered and i threw it out of the window. It was hard to get rid of him, but i told him i need to use the ladies room. So, are you ready for the real mission?" she asked, smiling through mask. "Sure, sure, lets wait until Apollo makes enough commotion". Apollo was waiting until he was unable to see anybody from his team and walked to fairly drunk noble and "accidently" spilled wine on him. "Hey, what are you doing, you stupid servant?" noble yelled and quickly punched Apollo into face. Apollo was used to such treatment and put up his guard to cover any other attacks. Royal advisor sent guards to calm the situation and then sent two brutes to the king. Zeus heard yelling from ballroom and with Artemis walked towards kings bedroom. It was guarded by well built woman and large guy in massive armor. Two brutes from before arrived and started talking to them. Zeus and Artemis pretended to be drunk and Zeus pushed her to the wall and kissed her. Woman noticed them as first and told the brutes to go back to their positions. They nodded and ran through other end of hall. "Hey, what are you two doing?" she yelled at Zeus and Artemis. "Sorry, is this off-limit place? We got lost a bit" Zeus said in drunken voice. "Yes, now move it" she said in ordering voice. Zeus walked few steps and felt on ground. "Are you alright?" Artemis asked. Woman sighed and walked to them "And dont say Alaska never did anything nice to you" she said and picked Zeus up. They walked to nearest room and she put him on bed. Then she went back to her post, only to see the large guard missing. "Where could he go to?" she asked and stood her guard. "Damn it, i thought she would go look for him" Zeus said and Artemis pulled out blow pipe from under her dress. It was strapped at her thigh, little above the knee. Zeus was more precise, so he quickly blew the dart to the neck of Artemis. She fell on ground, out cold. "Should we dispose of her?" Zeus whispered and Artemis nodded. They opened the door in slow motion and saw king with his back to them. "Alaska, is something wrong?" he asked and was quickly hit into side of neck by Zeus. He took Alaska inside and pulled two ropes from his cane. Artemis quickly tied both of them and Zeus looked on Alaska "We could be such a good friends, only if we met somewhere else" he said and locked her in cabinet. King was another thing, they both had enough troubles to bring him to destined window and push him through it. Few guards passed them, but they were mostly drunk and didnt pay any attention to them. "Apollo did amazing job" Artemis remarked "That wine would put horse to sleep". They heard clap from outside, which was sign that Hades secured the king and they should get out. "Now is time to get out" Zeus said and they went to ballroom. Alaska awoke and looked on her curcumstances. Tied and locked in closet, she slammed door open with weight of her body, which took a while and looked around "ZEUS!!" she yelled when she noticed her whole body is tied and king is missing. She was unable to move because of the ropes and she landed on her side, which made moving impossible. When Zeus and Artemis passed most of the guests, they gently bumped into Apollo, who dropped plate on ground and spilled all of the wine. "My apologies, sire, i will go and clean it immediately" Apollo said and walked to royal advisor to ask where are the cleaning supplies. "You are quite a clumsy one" advisor said, sighed and told him to go to closet in the kitchen. Zeus and Artemis walked further outside and receptionist handed Zeus his coat. He smiled at him and walked outside. Hermes was parking nearby and waiting for them to appear. His horses were well trained and they went right in front of both of the criminals without any instruction from Hermes. They went inside and went to pick up others. Apollo was waiting with Ares at the gate, guards around sleeping "Apollo started serving his special brew, it would kill me if i drunk it" Ares said and Apollo went inside of the carriage. "Thank you for your services, Ares". "Always a pleasure". Hades was waiting in bushes a little beyond the gate with king still out cold. Hades, Apollo and Zeus had to lift heavy king and put him inside of carriage. Hades was little annoyed by kings half-naked body, so he dressed him in some old rags and dirtied his face while dragging him. After the king was inside, he sat next to Hermes and they went back to the tavern. Next morning, there was full town search for the king with reward to anybody who finds him and cruel death to kidnappers. Alaska was quite vigorous in trying to find Zeus and rest of the team, but even tho they found the tavern and searched it from top to bottom, all they found was letter with all team members signed and large crown was drawn on top of the paper. "I will get them even if it had to cost my life" she said and split table in half with her fist. Nobody from the team remained in the town, Ares joined the group after they ditched heavy king to people they were working for with large leather bad filled with golden things. Zeus emptied it and put kings crown on his head. "Top hat fits you a little better" Artemis said and they laughed and packed stuff back. Their carriage had another two bags filled with gold coins, lots of jewels and barrel full of finest wine. And that is the end of the story. Hope you like it at least a little bit and if somebody will tell me what kind of thing the team should do next, i will gladly write about it as i found out it is quite fun. If you didnt like it and managed to get to this, i apologize for stealing part of your life and tell me why didnt you like it. Dont leave just "It sucks" or "It is stupid", but tell me what should i improve. Take care :)
No thanks, ill rathe patiently wait and hope somebody goes in
I doubt i can get people to join just from talking about rp
Thanks, so far nobody joined...yet xD
Hope it will turn out awesome :)
Awww, such a shame, but real life is more important than rps :)
I forgot to tell you what is it called, while it would be simple to find, the name is Bad choice of words
And we are going li-i-i-ve people xD My post count was too low, what a world. Rp is named Bad choice of words and is well hidden in Original RP....
So the problem was my post count was too low and anti spam filter caught me. Everything is okay now and my rp is up and not-running as i have...
So, rp is up and running. I simply had too low post count, so you can go and check it. It is called Bad choice of words. It is inside Original RP...
I added you as friend so i can finally chat with you here...i have to get used to this somehow. I couldnt click on See Conversation button and get...
Awesome, you are quite an active person :) I am and always was active only in Writers Nook and RP Arena. Going to check your stories :)
It just said that i should wait until a mod (not specified) takes a look at it and approves it because it was quite large post that would...
I posted there and it showed that mod must approve of it, but when i asked SORA! (my old rp partner) about this, she said she doesnt have anything...
Original RP. I also asked section mod about it, but i will have to wait until tommorow to see it happening. Also, i write a story in Writers Nook...