´´If you see anything dark and without shape, tell me about it´´Vincent said
well, nevermind, what are you doing here? ´´Haven´t you seens something weird around?´´Vincent asked
thaaaaanks ´´Nevermind, what are you doing here?´´Vincent asked her and jumped on ground
´´Why do i always find you when i am looking for somebody else?´´Vincent asked Ayumi. He was standing on pole nearby
yes i am, just my internet got problems with this site ´´Nevermind, i just hope i will find her´´Vincent said and dark beast he stole from Hybrid was wandering around, looking for her
´´I know this place. This is where i saved that girl´´Vincent said (he is talking about Hybrid). ´´But where is she?´´
School ended sooner for Victor, so he waited in front of school for Rori
Vincent had absolutly no idea where he was going ´´Well, now i am 100% lost´´he said and jumped. He normally jumped 5-6 metres, now he jumped something like 30 metres ´´Well, this is welcomed change´´he said and landed on building
´´Now what? I should test my new old powers. I could drain blood on very far distances. I don´t feel like that now´´Vincent said and saw some young girl, so he did what vampires are doing best. Sucked her dry ´´Well, this is refreshing, but i still don´t feel difference´´
calm down, everything has its time, lol After lesson ended Victor walked to Rori ´´Tonight, central park´´he said and moved to other classroom
´´Did somebody came?´´Vincent asked and his dog pointed on some pile of something. ´´Well, this was unexpected´´he said and his dog went into him and gave him some of energy he lost during his greatest battle. He was heavilly wounded and only his vampiric powers held him in life. From all darkness that came out from him was created many creatures, so he was hunting them and consuming them to regain his power. ´´I feel a lot better now´´ additional bio
Vincent was paying absolutly no attention to what teacher was talking, he was playing with pen and small ice cube he created. He had small control of ice anytime
that isn´t bad idea, but i have my own idea for now *writing your idea on list of ideas* Vincent was walking arond in his house and saw blood all around, some was even fresh. He looked a bit scared and when he opened door, he saw some weird creature created from darkness ´´Owww, i forgot about you. Come here´´he said and creature runned to him and ´licked´ his face ´´Good boy´´he said if nobody noticed, it is a dog
that is nice from you, acting like predicted xD Victor looked out from window °°Those two are at homes, dating and all that stuff and i am stuck here°°he thought