can someone port this Reg Kh2 Code to Kh2FM+? please, i need this code Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] 01CB9A4F 00000001 11CB9A54 00003031 11CB9A74 00003031 21CB9A94 00010003 2037B898 61726F73 2037B89C 00000000 103400A8 00000029 i know, wrong thread, but nobody answer me at KH2FM+ Thread :(
please, can someone port this Reg Kh2 Code to Kh2FM+? please, i need this code Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] 01CB9A4F 00000001 11CB9A54 00003031 11CB9A74 00003031 21CB9A94 00010003 2037B898 61726F73 2037B89C 00000000 103400A8 00000029 and, can someone explain me how to change, for example, Ally sora is replaces Donald instead of goofy, please, i know Erkz use NeoMoveset mod, but NeoMoveset's Attachments doesn't enough, like Roxas, DW Roxas, etc. and how about the other lines?
you should joker the code
yeah, you should put all of them, and put Shortcut mod, Sora Ally, and u get em!
thanks! u R great! :D
hey, thanks, so, i must Swap Goofy's Status to Riku's or Swap his Abilities?
hey, thanks! that was VERY INTERESTING! ..... What! Can use Session without Riku! and Use Session with a Form! why it didn't Freeze? when i use avaibility mod it freeze, when i use Session in a form it BSOD instantly, how it works?
hey! i havn't been here a while, and finally my father and mother give me a chance to play internet until sunday afterthat, i must study again! btw, is there anythings new? oh! can someone port this Reg Kh2 Code to Kh2FM+? please, i need this code T_T Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] 01CB9A4F 00000001 11CB9A54 00003031 11CB9A74 00003031 21CB9A94 00010003 2037B898 61726F73 2037B89C 00000000 103400A8 00000029 and, can someone explain me how to change, for example, Ally sora is replaces Donald instead of goofy, please, i know Erkz use NeoMoveset mod, but NeoMoveset's Attachments doesn't enough, like Roxas, DW Roxas, etc. and how about the other lines?
hey! i havn't been here a while, and finally my father and mother give me a chance to play internet until sunday :D afterthat, i must study again! btw, is there anythings new?
Sorry, i must study for Face National Test at my country, im off until June, bye! Cya! :bored: :crybaby: :cryinganime: i'll be back after the test :D
Roxas in Donald Slot 11C6CC22 0000005A Roxas in Donald Slot ATNY-NXW9-28Z0D CACA-YFEC-MDHAA Wait! do u want real Roxas Party member? he following sora like the other party member, with Hp and Mp bar, if he get hit sora doesn't get any damage? he replaces donald, but he only share donald's Voice :nono: and equip Magic staff to get Kingdom Key for roxas (Before using Codes! or the game will crash) he can use comet, duckflare, trinity, and Wisdom Requirement too :D but he T stance if u use donald's limits Real Roxas As Ally Replaces Donald 01C957EF 0000000E 11C957F4 00003131 11C95814 00003131 21C95834 00010002 2036D8C8 61786F72 2036D8CC 00000073 1032D21C 0000002A 4032F064 00130001 11110100 00000000 Real Roxas As Ally Replaces Donald 6W86-QHG7-RQABP 0T7Y-KNXZ-F3ERH EUK0-TR9D-1DXHB UB3Y-0KZD-W6ZDX ED8U-69Z9-G3XN8 KVU7-KPMK-4PVUN G87M-CRVQ-Q2T76 0AB9-12RT-48MZN R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK CJ7M-RD1V-YDVR6 :offtopic:Sorry, i must study for Face National Test at my country, im off until June, bye! Cya! :bored: :crybaby: :cryinganime: sorry Spam :spam2:
hmm, i hope it come out at another country, like KH2, KH2 game is come to French, Europe, etc. :D
wow! i can't wait for it! Zack is soooo Cool! he is like Terra from Birth by Sleep too :D