that's true. some of the only reasons why I like school is because of my friends. =3
i have summer work I have to get done before school starts. XD
but, I don't go back to school until a week from now. O.o Aug 13th. I just have summer work to do. D=
I'm still gonna switch out of AP English, close to 5 hours of homework a night is just too much for me. D=
I still need to do some AP History work. O.o and get a bit more further in my reading...or at least watch the movies of the things I'm reading (although iI'm planning on switching out of AP English)
my summer was too short. DX
with out my pink slip, I can't take driver training. D= yep, still on vacation, but have to go back in a week. D=
I just realized, I need to find my pink slip. O.O *edit* yay, found it! XD DX
I've already completed Driver Ed, I just need Driver training and if I pass that and a few other things then I get my license. =3
I've been pretty good. =3 you? O.o
Cool. ^^ =D
Hi! =D yeah, but this person really went out of their way on this thing. O.o
I used to be when I was like 5, but I still occasionally watch it. =3 I don't like diamond and pearl. D=<
pretty good. =3 I have soda and a cheeseburger and I'm reading this really weird theory on why Ash seems to never age on Pokemon. O.o
oh okay. =3 so, how are you? O.o
okay. =3 gah, sorry I haven't been replying. DX I went with my mom to go and drop off my brother at a friends house and then I went to wal-mart and stuffs.
okies. ^^ I was gonna post my story up on there and then when I saw that I was all like "...I don't have it saved to my computer O.O" So as soon as I re-install WordPerfect, I'm putting one of my stories up. =3 (I'm thinking one that isn't on the internet) I was thinking that there might be an option like typing it on there and then publishing, like on quizilla, besides just uploading it from my computer. order to put a story up on do I have to upload it from my computer? O.o
no, not really. =3 every thing seemed good. =3 am I the only one that's not dying of boredom? O.o
I read your story last night Purebeats! I liked it. =3