what did you have to do? O.o
i have too many. XD Right now I'm addicted to a few. XD
Oh, i've heard of that song, not sure if I've listened to it though. O.o
What song was that one, Aerith? O.o
what song are those lyrics from? O.o
I kinda thought that scene was funny. XD D=
lolz XD =D I'm talking to like a bunch of people. O.o
haha, I know! X3 and I love the video! XD
Chibiroth! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DCfPITqdsk
chibiroth is so cute! X3
ChibiRoth! =D sorry, just felt like saying that. XD but seriously, me neither. D=
oh so that's what you look like. =D you look pretty. =3
okay, if she replies back, I'll tell her you said hi. =3 other than that, I'll pm her it. =3 I haven't talked to Ian in a few days. D= I found out he had a Deviantart a few days ago though. =3 *by reading your journal post*
she said she's doing good. =3
awww. D= I've contacted her on her youtube and her deviantart and sent her a friend invite on youtube and she still hasn't replied. DX Just about everyone else I'm in contact with, except her. (I contacted MewIchigo a few days ago =3)
d'awww. D= okay, talk to you soon! =D
has anybody talked to Eastercat recently? I keep trying to contact her but she hasn't replied. D=
maybe I should feel lucky cuz most of my teachers like me. O.O I'm a likeable person and almost everyone I meet likes me. O.O
I don't wanna know how much drama is gonna happen this year with my friends. O.O lolz XD
not a lot of drama happens in my closest group of friends, but with other friends I have, yeah, lot's of drama. O.O ohhhh, that drama. XD I've been to my Drama Club's plays. =3