yup I did. X3 I thought I sent you a pm back saying I did. O.o I'm thinking about using it in my signature. =3
yup and thank you again. ^^ thank you. and gah, I know he was. DX I haven't played KH in awhile and I'm still on that part. DX
Thank you. ^^ wait, which Hallow Bastion? O.o
um, does anybody know what part in Kh2 Sora fights Demyx? I need it for my video. D=
I'm a bit unhappy about who they chose for a few of the characters, but I'll get over it. =3 if I don't reply for a long time, I'm making a video. =3
I love it! X3
don't know if I've seen the add but maybe. =3 about the size of the one in your sig. =3 please.
thank you. =3
Cloud please. =3
I love that song! =D I like the Cloud one. =3 and the one of Britt Nicole is pretty too. =3
yay. X3 Thank you! =3 he's my favorite Anime character. =3
can it be one of Byakuya Kuchiki but still say Little Sis of the Kadaj family? O.o i love the song. X3
You can still make me one. =3 who knows, I might decide to use it. =3 I wanna make a video with this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy7tiCwDHQQ
that's okay. I'm a little sister in real life, so it kinda still suits me. =3
wow, even though I 'm one of the oldest, my picture says "Little Sis" O.O that's good. =3
how old are the people there? O.o Going to be 16 in October. =3
nope, I'm a junior too PB. X3
highschool isn't that bad. =3
I really hate washing dishes. DX I kinda miss hanging out with my friends at senior square. DX
I hate cleaning! D= tis why my room is so messy. XD