Thank you. ^^ Wow. O.o OoO
It's really fun. ^^ I think you'll like it. =3 @PB: what do you think of it? O.o
This one? and it's a fun game. =3 too bad i can't keep it though. DX *rented it*
lolz XD oh, did you see my new AMV? O.o Anybody here play the game "The World Ends With You?" I'm having trouble. DX
oh, okay. =3 and I feel like I've heard that song before. O.o
What's that song about? O.o @PB: I Jaz!!! oh, MewIchigo says Hi back!!! =D
ooohhh =3 that reminds me, I should update one of my stories. O.o do you know what your AMV is gonna be about? O.o
yay! su, what are you doing? O.o I'm playing a game on my DS. =3
How are you? O.o
hi Aerith!!!!!!!! =D
yay!!!! cuz I think I was on the 4th floor and it would suck if I had to start all over again. >.>
yeah, I remember saving it a few times. =3
oh O.o cuz I took my Kingdom Hearts: COM game out of it to play a different game and I'm afraid it won't remember where I was at in my game. DX
@PB: lolz XD Hi!!! @RS: don't you still have your old msn email account? you guys know if the Nintendo DS needs a memory card? O.o
Is it blocked on yours? O.o
Why can't you? O.o
he has a youtube, I can give you his username if you want. =3
Hey guys! Ian just wanted me to tell you all that he miss you all! =D
it's not on? O.o @Aerith: if I get it up tonight I will. ^-^ g'night!
I love Home Improvement. =D