I'm doing pretty good. =3 you?
Hi guys. =3
haha, wow. XD okay, talk to you soon. =3
lolz XD they probably have them at conventions. =3 here's one of my favorite vids. XD Axel at Walmart
oh. O.o I know! So cute. X3
somebody from Breaking Dawn? I think you'll like this. XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DCfPITqdsk
Well, she is doing Midnight Sun which is in Edward's point of view of the first book. =3
I thought you might like it. XD once I get done editing, I have a few more I should show you. =3
while editing my favorites on youtube, I found this video you might like. =3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc0AhyZUSWI
nope, never heard of them. O.o Goodnight. ^-^
I'm starting to fix the paragraph problem right now. i've never heard of them. O.o
sorry! I thought I fixed all that. DX TT~TT I saw that, and I've been putting it off. D= everything past that should be all separated though.
if you did it like your other two chapters, then It'll be good. =3 have you read my story yet? O.o
thank you. =3 I'm doing too many things right now. D= (for some reason, I'm almost always busy on the internet. D=) I'm sure it's awesome though!
it's really good. =3 here you go. =3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAUUvxP0g98
I love it Aerith! =D You did an awesome job on it. =3 um, would you like to see my Yuna/Tidus video? O.o I have a page open to it, so yeah, i'll probably read it. =3
no. D= *is behind in so many things*
I still have yet to finish Eldest. DX
...I have the book Little Women. XD haven't read it yet though. O.o
you need to smile more Zexy!